Information in the Degree Programme Tables may still be subject to change in response to Covid-19

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These Regulations are subject to approval.

Throughout these regulations, the Head of College is referred to as having the authority to grant permissions, concessions and exemptions. This authority is in practice often delegated by the Head of College to appropriate nominees in the College or Schools. It is vital that students consult their Personal Tutor or Student Adviser (for undergraduate and taught postgraduate students) or Supervisor/Programme Director (for postgraduate students) as to the appropriate point of contact, and do not approach the Head of College in the first instance.

The Degree Programme Table (DPT) sets out the normal regulated path for a degree. Students follow the curriculum for their chosen degree programme as set out in the DPT, where compulsory courses are indicated. In selecting further courses, students must comply with the pre-requisites, co-requisites and prohibited combinations (see Glossary) shown in the School Schedules of Courses. Students should also comply with any additional programme requirements set out in the appropriate School Programme Guide. In a limited number of cases an alternative approved course equivalent in credit value, level and appropriateness of content may be acceptable within degree programmes or as pre-requisites for other courses. These courses may be substituted only with the permission of the Head of College* owning the degree programme or his/her nominee. Student Advisers (for undergraduate and taught postgraduate students) or Supervisors/Programme Directors (for postgraduate students) will give advice on how to proceed in such cases.

Transitional arrangements

Transitional arrangements are in place for certain degree programmes or parts of degree programmes, in particular where students have already undertaken courses within structures which are due to change.  Students commencing or continuing study on these programmes may be required to refer to previous versions of the DRPS for relevant programme information and regulations.  Full details regarding transitional arrangements will be found in the appropriate School Programme Guides.

Alternative choices for Honours degree (applies only to the College of Humanities & Social Science)

Students registered for Single Honours programmes should normally construct their curriculum over the first two years of their degree programme to provide at least two alternative choices of honours degree. This is achieved by taking in the second year of study, in addition to prescribed courses in the main subject, a course or courses following on from a course or courses previously passed, and completing the prerequisites for an alternative Honours programme. These courses will normally (a) not be taken before the second year of study; (b) be from the same subject area as the courses previously passed (as listed in the relevant Schedule); and/or (c) may have the course(s) previously passed as prerequisite(s). Some degree programmes prescribe such a sequence of courses in support of the main subject of the degree.

The DPTs are grouped by School: with DPTs for undergraduate programmes first, alphabetically, followed by those for taught postgraduate programmes.


See the Glossary for full definitions used in the DRPS

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