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Earth Science

SCQF Level 08 (15 courses)

Code Availability Course Name Period Credits
EASC08001 SV1 Earth Dynamics Semester 1 20
GESC08002 SV1 Earth Modelling and Prediction Semester 1 20
EASC08026 SS1 Earth Modelling and Prediction 2 Semester 1 20
EASC08022 SS1 Earth Science Fundamentals for Geophysicists Semester 1 10
EASC08024 SV1 Environmental Geochemistry of the Earth's Surface Semester 1 20
EASC08023 SV1 Evolution of the Living Earth Semester 1 20
EASC08021 SV1 Geomaterials Semester 1 20
EASC08025 SS1 Geophysical Data Science Semester 1 10
EASC08020 SV1 Global Tectonics and the Rock Cycle Semester 2 20
EASC08008 SV1 Introduction to Geophysics Semester 2 20
EASC08017 Introduction to the Geological Record Not delivered this year 20
EASC08027 SV1 Introduction to the Geological Record Semester 2 20
EASC08011 SV1 Natural Hazards Semester 1 20
EASC08004 SV1 Oceanography Semester 2 20
EASC08016 SV1 Physics of the Earth Semester 2 20

SCQF Level 09 (9 courses)

Code Availability Course Name Period Credits
EASC09036 SS1 Field Course in Tropical Marine and Terrestrial Geoscience Semester 2 20
EASC09051 SS1 Field Skills for Geology and Physical Geography Full Year 20
EASC09056 SV1 Global Environmental Change- Foundations Semester 1 20
EASC09054 SV1 Mathematical and computational methods in Geophysics Semester 1 20
EASC09057 Mountain Building and Destruction: Spain virtual field trip Not delivered this year 0
EASC09058 SS1 Replacement 4th-year Environmental Geoscience field course Semester 2 10
EASC09053 Research Methods in Physical Geography (RMPG) Not delivered this year 20
EASC09055 SS1 Research Training for Geophysics Full Year 20
EASC09052 SV1 Structural Analysis of Rocks and Regions (SARR) Semester 2 20

SCQF Level 10 (48 courses)

Code Availability Course Name Period Credits
EASC10073 Advances in Metamorphism Not delivered this year 10
EASC10048 SV1 Applied Environmental Geochemistry Semester 1 10
EASC10101 SV1 Applied Hydrogeology and Near Surface Geophysics Semester 1 20
EASC10123 SV1 Changing Marine Biogeochemical Cycles Semester 2 20
EASC10043 SS1 Dissertation in Geology and Physical Geography Full Year 40
EASC10084 Earth Surface Processes Not delivered this year 10
EASC10102 Earth's Atmospheric Composition Not delivered this year 20
EASC10127 SV1 Earth's Atmospheric Composition Semester 2 20
EASC10086 SS1 Environmental Geoscience 4th Year Field Course Semester 1 10
EASC10009 SS1 Environmental Geosciences Projects Full Year 40
EASC10049 SV1 Environmental Problems and Issues Semester 1 10
EASC10121 SV1 Evolution of the Modern Earth and Cyprus Excursion for Geologists Full Year 20
EASC10120 SV1 Evolution of the Modern Earth and Cyprus Excursion for Geology and Physical Geography Full Year 20
EASC10105 SS1 Field Skills for Geology Full Year 20
EASC10080 SV1 Formation and Evolution of Continents Semester 1 10
EASC10089 SS1 Frontiers in Research Full Year 10
EASC10124 SV1 Geological Evolution of the British Isles Semester 1 10
EASC10011 SV1 Geology Dissertation Full Year 40
EASC10036 SV1 Geomagnetism Semester 2 10
EASC10109 SV1 Geophysical Imaging and Inversion Semester 2 20
EASC10116 SV1 Geophysical Investigation of Earth Resources Full Year 20
EASC10110 SV1 Geophysical Measurement and Modelling Full Year 20
EASC10111 SS1 Geophysics International Field Course Full Year 10
EASC10122 Geophysics Professional Placement Not delivered this year 60
EASC10065 SV1 Geophysics Project Full Year 40
EASC10052 Geophysics Project 1 Not delivered this year 20
EASC10053 Geophysics Project 2 Not delivered this year 20
EASC10087 SV1 Geoscience Outreach and Engagement Flexible 20
EASC10015 SV1 Hydrocarbon Reservoir Quality Semester 2 10
EASC10093 Hydrocarbons and Geophysical Exploration Not delivered this year 10
EASC10082 SV1 Hydrogeology 1: Applied Hydrogeology Semester 1 10
EASC10126 SV1 Hydrogeology 2: Simulation of Groundwater Flow and Transport Semester 2 10
EASC10095 Igneous Petrogenesis Not delivered this year 10
EASC10107 SV1 Igneous, Metamorphic and Ore Processes Semester 2 20
EASC10083 Marine Systems and Policies (UG) Not delivered this year 10
EASC10119 SS1 Nuclear Waste Management: Principles, Policies and Practice Semester 2 10
EASC10094 SV1 Ore Mineralogy, Petrology and Geochemistry Semester 2 10
EASC10106 SV1 Palaeontology and Sedimentology Semester 1 20
EASC10108 SV1 Petroleum Systems Semester 1 20
EASC10112 Planetary Geochemistry Not delivered this year 10
EASC10115 SV1 Planetary Interiors Full Year 20
EASC10125 Planetary Science Not delivered this year 10
EASC10128 SV1 Planetary Science Semester 2 20
EASC10103 SS1 Practical Geochemistry and Data Analysis Full Year 20
EASC10022 Topics in Global Environmental Change Not delivered this year 10
EASC10100 SS1 Topics in Palaeobiology and Evolution Semester 2 10
METE10006 SS1 Atmospheric Science Field Skills Semester 1 10
GESC10001 SS1 Self-Designed Learning (10 credits; SCQF level 10; GeoSciences) Semester 2 10

SCQF Level 11 (6 courses)

Code Availability Course Name Period Credits
EASC11006 Geophysics Professional Placement Not delivered this year 60
EASC11002 Hydrocarbon Reservoir Quality Not delivered this year 20
EASC11004 Hydrocarbons Not delivered this year 10
EASC11008 SV1 Natural Hazards and Risk Full Year 20
EASC11005 SS1 Scientific Computing Skills Semester 1 20
PGGE11193 Lake District Field Excursion MSc Not delivered this year 10
Available to all students - SV
Not available to visiting students - SS
Part-year visiting students only - VV
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