Degree Regulations & Programmes Of Study 2017/2018

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Jump to: Year 1

Year 1 Academic year: 2017/18, Starting in: September

To attain the MSc, students gain 120 credits on taught courses and complete a dissertation worth 60 credits.

Courses can also be combined for the award of Postgraduate Certificate (60 credits) or Postgraduate Diploma (120 credits).

Before selecting your courses, please ensure you have met with your Personal Tutor.

Compulsory courses

You must take these courses

Course options

Group A

Select exactly 80 credits in this group.

Courses from School(s) D-D - Children and Young People's Mental Health and Psychological Practice (MSc) (Full-time) - Le

Select between 20 and 40 credits of the following courses

Courses from School(s) D - Children and Young People's Mental Health and Psychological Practice (MSc) (Full-time) - Leve

Select between 20 and 40 credits of the following courses

Courses from School(s) D-D - Children and Young People's Mental Health and Psychological Practice (MSc) (Full-time) - Le

Select between 0 and 40 credits of the following courses
These courses are delivered fully online.

Level 11 courses in Schedules A to Q, T and W

Select between 0 and 20 credits from Level 11 courses in Schedules A to Q, T and W