Degree Regulations & Programmes Of Study 2017/2018

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Jump to: Year 1, Year 2

Year 1 Academic year: 2017/18, Starting in: September

Before selecting your courses please consult your principal supervisor. Students may either take both 20 credit courses in year one or one 20 credit course in year one and the other 20 credit course in year two. Students may not take the same course twice. This DPT may be modified for PhD or MPhil students who by choice or requirement of 1st year review are downgraded to the equivalent MSc by Research for their subject area. As a result of this they will subsequently be enrolled on the dissertation with the equivalent number of credits they are missing (under CACE code)

There are no compulsory courses in this year of this programme.

Course options

School A - Music (MSc by Research) - Level 11

Select between 0 and 20 credits of the following courses
An alternative Research Methods course maybe prescribed depending on the specialisation of the individual student.

If a student on this programme has already exhausted all research methods options, then an alternative course may be chosen with the approval of the Principal Supervisor.
All Course Options should be discussed and agreed with Principal Supervisor before enrolling on chosen courses.

Level 11 courses in Edinburgh College of Art

Select between 0 and 20 credits from Level 11 courses in Edinburgh College of Art
Usually the selected option would be taken from Music, however, in some circumstances it may be that an option from another subject area within ECA is more appropriate. Option selection must be undertaken in negotiation with the student's supervisor. Supervisors should liaise with the subject area PG secretary once a decision has been made.

Year 2 Academic year: 2017/18, Starting in: September

Before selecting your courses please consult your principal supervisor. Students may either take both 20 credit courses in year one or one 20 credit course in year one and the other 20 credit course in year two. Students may not take the same course twice. If both 20 credit options were taken in year one then zero 20 credit courses can be taken in year two. This DPT may be modified for PhD or MPhil students who by choice or requirement of 1st year review are downgraded to the equivalent MSc by Research for their subject area. As a result of this they will subsequently be enrolled on the dissertation with the equivalent number of credits they are missing (under CACE code)

There are no compulsory courses in this year of this programme.

Course options

School A - Music (MSc by Research) - Level 11

Select between 0 and 20 credits of the following courses
An alternative Research Methods course maybe prescribed depending on the specialisation of individual student.

If a student on this programme has already exhausted all research methods options, then an alternative course may be chosen with the approval of the Principal Supervisor.
All Course Options should be discussed and agreed with Principal Supervisor before enrolling on chosen courses.

Level 11 courses in Edinburgh College of Art

Select between 0 and 20 credits from Level 11 courses in Edinburgh College of Art
Usually the selected option would be taken from Music, however, in some circumstances it may be that an option from another subject area within ECA is more appropriate. Option selection must be undertaken in negotiation with the student's supervisor. Supervisors should liaise with the subject area PG secretary once a decision has been made.

School A - Music (MSc by Research) - Level 11

Select exactly 140 credits of the following courses