Timetable information in the Course Catalogue may be subject to change.

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Jump to: Year 1, Year 2

Year 1 Academic year: 2022/23, Starting in: January

On this route of study, students should take 80 credits (four courses) in Year 1 and 40 credits (two courses) in Year 2. Students studying part-time must take at least one module per semester. 120 taught credits must be completed before embarking on the dissertation stage.

For further information see:

*You must seek advice on course selection from your Programme Director*

Please note that there are 120 credits (three taught courses and the dissertation) which are compulsory for this programme.

The three taught compulsory courses are:

LAWS11386: The Fundamentals of Law & Medical Ethics
LAWS11394: Law and Ethics at the Start and End of Life
LAWS11390: Fundamentals in Bioethics

The dissertation is also compulsory and must be taken on completion of the taught element of the programme (i.e. 120 credits/six courses).

In addition to these compulsory requirements:

A minimum of 40 credits (two courses) must be taken from the Group B courses in this programme. A maximum of 60 credits can be taken from this Group.

A maximum of 20 credits (one course) can be taken from either the Group C courses or the Group D courses in this programme.

*Please note that a course from Group D can only be taken with the approval of your Programme Director*

For more information on this programme's courses please see:

There are no compulsory courses in this year of this programme.

Course options

Group A

Select exactly 120 credits in this group.

LLM Medical Law & Ethics PTLLMMELDL1F compulsory courses - Group A

Select exactly 120 credits of the following courses
*All courses in this group are compulsory. All 120 credits must be taken*

Group B

Select between 40 and 60 credits in this group.

LLM Medical Law & Ethics PTLLMMELDL1F optional core courses

Select between 40 and 60 credits of the following courses
A minimum of 40 credits must be taken from the courses in Group B. Please note that courses LAWS11487 and LAWS11488 are co-requisites and must both be taken in the semester in which they run.

Group C

Select between 0 and 20 credits in this group.

LLM Medical Law & Ethics PTLLMMELDL1F optional courses Group C

Select between 0 and 20 credits of the following courses

Group D

Select between 0 and 20 credits in this group.

LLM Medical Law & Ethics PTLLMMELDL1F optional courses Group D

Select between 0 and 20 credits of the following courses
*Please note that a course from Group D can only be taken with the approval of your Programme Director*

Year 2 Academic year: 2022/23, Starting in: January

On this route of study, students should take 80 credits (four courses) in Year 1 and 40 credits (two courses) in Year 2. Students studying part-time must take at least one module per semester. 120 taught credits must be completed before embarking on the dissertation stage.

For further information see:

*You must seek advice on course selection from your Programme Director*

Please note that there are 120 credits (three taught courses and the dissertation) which are compulsory for this programme.

The three taught compulsory courses are:

LAWS11386: The Fundamentals of Law & Medical Ethics
LAWS11394: Law and Ethics at the Start and End of Life
LAWS11390: Fundamentals in Bioethics

The dissertation is also compulsory and must be taken on completion of the taught element of the programme (i.e. 120 credits/six courses).

In addition to these compulsory requirements:

A minimum of 40 credits (two courses) must be taken from the Group B courses in this programme. A maximum of 60 credits can be taken from this Group.

A maximum of 20 credits (one course) can be taken from either the Group C courses or the Group D courses in this programme.

*Please note that a course from Group D can only be taken with the approval of your Programme Director*

For more information on this programme's courses please see:

Compulsory courses

You must take these courses

Course options

Group A

Select exactly 120 credits in this group.

LLM Medical Law & Ethics PTLLMMELDL1F compulsory courses - Group A

Select exactly 120 credits of the following courses
*All courses in this group are compulsory. All 120 credits must be taken*

Group B

Select between 40 and 60 credits in this group.

LLM Medical Law & Ethics PTLLMMELDL1F optional core courses

Select between 40 and 60 credits of the following courses
A minimum of 40 credits must be taken from the courses in Group B. Please note that courses LAWS11487 and LAWS11488 are co-requisites and must both be taken in the semester in which they run.

Group C

Select between 0 and 20 credits in this group.

LLM Medical Law & Ethics PTLLMMELDL1F optional courses Group C

Select between 0 and 20 credits of the following courses

Group D

Select between 0 and 20 credits in this group.

LLM Medical Law & Ethics PTLLMMELDL1F optional courses Group D

Select between 0 and 20 credits of the following courses
*Please note that a course from Group D can only be taken with the approval of your Programme Director*

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