Timetable information in the Course Catalogue may be subject to change.

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Jump to: Year 1, Year 2

Year 1 Academic year: 2022/23, Starting in: January

On this route of study, students take 80 credits in Year 1 and 40 credits in Year 2. Students studying part-time must take at least one course per semester. 120 taught credits must be completed before embarking on the dissertation stage.

The dissertation is compulsory and must be taken on completion of the taught element of the programme (i.e. 120 credits/six courses).

Please note that a minimum of 80 credits (four courses) must be selected from the core course group (Group A) for this programme. These core courses can be spread over the duration of the programme. For further information on the core courses for this programme see:

A maximum of 40 credits (two courses) can be taken from the Group B courses in this programme.

A maximum of 20 credits (one course) can be taken from the Group C courses. **Please note that a course from this collection can only be taken with the approval of your Programme Director.**

For further information see:

There are no compulsory courses in this year of this programme.

Course options

Group A

Select between 80 and 120 credits in this group.

Courses from School of Law- Information Technology Law (Distance Learning) (LLM)- Level 11

Select between 80 and 120 credits of the following courses

Group B

Select between 0 and 40 credits in this group.

Courses from School of Law- Information Technology Law (Distance Learning) (LLM)- Level 11

Select between 0 and 40 credits of the following courses
Please note that courses LAWS11408 and LAWS11409 are co-requisites and must both be taken in the semester in which they run.


Group C

Select between 0 and 20 credits in this group.

Courses from School(s) F - Information Technology Law (Online Distance Learning) (LLM) (Full-time) - Level(s) 11

Select between 0 and 20 credits of the following courses
**Please note that a course from this collection can only be taken with the approval of your Programme Director.**

Year 2 Academic year: 2022/23, Starting in: January

On this route of study, students take 80 credits in Year 1 and 40 credits in Year 2. Students studying part-time must take at least one course per semester. 120 taught credits must be completed before embarking on the dissertation stage.

The dissertation is compulsory and must be taken on completion of the taught element of the programme (i.e. 120 credits/six courses).

Please note that a minimum of 80 credits (four courses) must be selected from the core course group (Group A) for this programme. These core courses can be spread over the duration of the programme. For further information on the core courses for this programme see:

A maximum of 40 credits (two courses) can be taken from the Group B courses in this programme.

A maximum of 20 credits (one course) can be taken from the Group C courses. **Please note that a course from this collection can only be taken with the approval of your Programme Director.**

For further information see:

Compulsory courses

You must take these courses

Course options

Group A

Select between 80 and 120 credits in this group.

Courses from School of Law- Information Technology Law (Distance Learning) (LLM)- Level 11

Select between 80 and 120 credits of the following courses

Group B

Select between 0 and 40 credits in this group.

Courses from School of Law- Information Technology Law (Distance Learning) (LLM)- Level 11

Select between 0 and 40 credits of the following courses
Please note that courses LAWS11408 and LAWS11409 are co-requisites and must both be taken in the semester in which they run.


Group C

Select between 0 and 20 credits in this group.

Courses from School(s) F - Information Technology Law (Online Distance Learning) (LLM) (Full-time) - Level(s) 11

Select between 0 and 20 credits of the following courses
**Please note that a course from this collection can only be taken with the approval of your Programme Director.**

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