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DRPS : Course Catalogue : School of Social and Political Science : Postgrad (School of Social and Political Studies)

Postgraduate Course: Innovation Systems: Theory and Practice II (PGSP11335)

Course Outline
SchoolSchool of Social and Political Science CollegeCollege of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences
Credit level (Normal year taken)SCQF Level 11 (Postgraduate) AvailabilityAvailable to all students
SCQF Credits10 ECTS Credits5
SummaryThis course draws on the contributors¿ knowledge in the practice of innovation systems, with a focus on recent developments in the domain of the life sciences and its biotechnological applications. From an interdisciplinary and historical perspective, the focus will be on issues surrounding knowledge dynamics (creation, accumulation and diffusion), the interdependence and non-linearity of research and development activities, the role of institutions, and the emergence of organised markets, with a view to elucidate the shortcomings of the notion of optimality and allow for useful comparisons between the trajectory and performance of selected systems in the domain of the life sciences.
Course description WEEK TOPIC
1 Attributes of life science innovation in the bioeconomy
2 Biotechnology revolution ¿ fulfilled promise or more questions?
3 Sectors and regions of bioscience and biotechnology innovation
4 Intangible assets, intellectual property and knowledge management
5 Systems interactions in life science innovation
Entry Requirements (not applicable to Visiting Students)
Pre-requisites Co-requisites
Prohibited Combinations Other requirements None
Information for Visiting Students
High Demand Course? Yes
Course Delivery Information
Not being delivered
Learning Outcomes
On completion of this course, the student will be able to:
  1. Knowledge of the theories and concepts used to evaluate the impact of life science-based innovations and technologies in the pharmaceutical, bio-energy and agro-biotechnology sectors, as well as the ability to critically evaluate associated value chains.
  2. Acquired, combined and translated knowledge about innovative technology in different industry sectors and national contexts.
  3. - The analytical frameworks to evaluate governance and policy structures that have been used to frame biotechnology at different geographical levels, and to assess and communicate the likely impact of these on future innovation potential.
Reading List
Coombs, R., and Metcalfe, S. (2002) Innovation in pharmaceuticals: perspectives on the co-ordination, combination and creation of capabilities, Technology Analysis and Strategic Management, 14 (3), 261-271
Cooke P (2007), The Microbiology Revolution and the Crisis of Pharmaceuticals¿, in P. Cooke (Ed.) Growth Cultures: The Global Bioeconomy and its Bioregions, 62-82, Routledge, Oxon, UK
Cooke, P. (2007) European Asymmetries: A Comparative Analysis of German and UK Biotechnology Clusters, Science and Public Policy, 34(7), 454-474.
Feldman and Francis (2003), Fortune Favours the Prepared Region: The Case of Entrepreneurship and the Capitol Region Biotechnology Cluster, European Planning Studies, (11)7, 765 ¿ 788
Moodysoon L, Coenen L, Asheim B. (2008), ¿Explaining spatial patterns of innovation: analytical and synthetic modes of knowledge creation in the Medicon Valley life-science cluster¿, Environment and Planning A, 40, 1040-1056.
DC Mowery, RR Nelson, AA Sampat, BN Ziedonis (2001), The Growth of Patenting and Licensing by U.S. Universities: An Assessment of the Effects of the Bayh-Dole Act of 1980, Research Policy, Vol. 30, 99-119.
Nightingale, P. & P. Martin (2004) ¿The Myth of the Biotech Revolution¿, Trends in Biotechnology, vol. 22, 564-569
Orsenigo L, 2006, Clusters and Clustering in Biotechnology: Stylised Facts, Issues and Theories. From Clusters to network structures and their dynamics, in (eds) Braunehjelm P and Feldman M, Cluster Genesis: Technology Bases Cluster Development, Oxford University Press.
Owen Smith J, Powell W W. (2006), Accounting for emergence and novelty in Boston and Bay Area biotechnology, in (eds) Braunehjelm P and Feldman M, Cluster Genesis: Technology Bases Cluster Development, Oxford University Press.
Pisano G. P., 2006, The Science Business: The Promise, the Reality, and the Future of Biotech, Boston, MA: Harvard Business School Press - Part 1_Chapter 2, Part 2_Chapter 6
Powell W W., K. W. Koput, J.I. Bowie, L. Smith-Doerr, 2002, ¿The Spatial Clustering of Science and Capital: Accounting for Biotech Firm-Venture Capital Relationships¿, Regional Studies, - v36 36:291 - 305.
Rasmussen B (2010) Innovation and Commercialisation in the Biopharmaceutical Industry, EE Publishing Ltd - Part 2_Chapters 5-6-7
Rosiello A. and Orsenigo L. (2008), A Critical Assessment of Regional Innovation Policy in Pharmaceutical Biotechnology, European Planning Studies, 16(3), 337-358.
Rosiello A. and S. Parris (2009), The Patterns of Venture Capital Investment in the UK Bio-Healthcare Sector: the role of proximity, cumulative learning and specialisation¿, Venture Capital a Journal in Entrepreneurial Finance, 11(3), 185-212.
Tait, J. (2007) Systemic interactions in life science innovation, Technology Analysis and Strategic Management, 19 (3), 257-277
SMITH L H and BAGCHI-SEN S (2006), ¿University¿Industry Interactions: the Case of the UK Biotech Industry¿, Industry and Innovation, Vol. 13, No. 4, 371¿392.
Additional Information
Graduate Attributes and Skills Not entered
KeywordsNot entered
Course organiserDr Alessandro Rosiello
Tel: (0131 6)50 8246
Course secretaryMrs Gillian MacDonald
Tel: (0131 6)51 3244
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