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DRPS : Course Catalogue : Centre for Open Learning : Literature, Languages and Cultures

Undergraduate Course: English for Language Teacher Education Masters (ELTEM) (LLLG07142)

Course Outline
SchoolCentre for Open Learning CollegeCollege of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences
Credit level (Normal year taken)SCQF Level 7 (Year 1 Undergraduate) AvailabilityNot available to visiting students
SCQF Credits0 ECTS Credits0
SummaryThis six-week full-time course is part of the Phase 2 suite of courses for international/overseas students aiming to improve their specialist academic English skills in preparation for entry to language teaching -related postgraduate degree programmes within Moray House School of Education and Sport, University of Edinburgh.
Course description 1) Academic Description

ELTEM provides opportunities to carry out in a supported environment academic tasks typically required on the TESOL and Language Education taught masters programmes.
Classes will focus on each language skill in an integrated, cyclical, topic-based approach; a specialist topic (theme) will underpin each week of the course. Academic writing classes will focus on genres common in the discipline of language teacher education, highlighting and practising features such as synthesising sources, developing arguments, voice and criticality; using a discourse analysis approach with examples from texts from the field. In the lecture listening strand, students will listen and respond critically to lecture content; and seminar and discussion classes will raise awareness and practice skills necessary for participation. Seminar and discussion class topics will arise from the lectures, as well as from the reading skills and strategies strand of the course. In the reading strand, students read and take notes from journal articles and respond critically to their content. Presentation skills classes will highlight and practise presentation features, developing confidence and speaking skills, similarly drawing on weekly topics. These strands will prepare students for the course assessments. A formative (non-assessed) strand of the course involves students working with a partner/group to research, prepare and present a paper at a conference in the final week of the course, and respond to questions; attending colleagues' presentations and responding with questions.

2) Outline Content

Work on academic writing involves classes and materials offering advice and practice on structuring sections of the target text, synthesising and citation practices, argumentation and criticality and expressing students' own voice and stance. Classes are collaborative and formative feedback is provided by course tutors on sections and a full draft of the assignment.

The reading skills and strategies classes will run in parallel and in conjunction with the writing strand. These classes help students develop efficient reading skills through discovering and sampling a range of academic texts such as article sub-genres and book chapters in the field. There will be a focus on strategy awareness-raising and practice, as well as noticing text features also highlighted and practised in the writing strand.

Speaking skills will be practised and developed in both the seminar and discussion skills classes and the presentation skills classes. Topics explored in the reading strand will be exploited to develop a variety of relevant public speaking and collaborative skills. Students will work on practicing presentations and will both give and receive peer feedback.

Listening skills and strategies necessary for programmes will be developed in the guest lectures strand, as well as further exploring and expanding conceptualisation of topics. Lectures will also provide material to discuss, linking with the speaking strand of the course.

The final week will focus on research skills and collaborative groupwork by students preparing and presenting conference papers on a topic of their choice within the discipline of language teacher education. The conference itself simulates an academic conference with a programme of concurrent sessions (divided by topic into distinct threads) from which students select the sessions they would like to attend.

These strands combine to prepare students for their summative assessments in listening, reading, writing and speaking; and ultimately for their programmes at MHSES.

3) Student Learning Experience (approx. 100 words)

The course is delivered by academic specialists in English Language Education: the course organisers who are responsible for the operational management of the course; course tutors, who work directly with classes; and subject specialist lecturers (principally from Moray House School of Education and Sport) who provide lectures on topics related to language and language teaching of relevance and interest to students embarking on postgraduate studies in these fields

After orientation day, students have 2 x 1.5-hour sessions each day with tutor(s) over 6 weeks and there is also flipped content, which students can work on individually or in groups, drawing on peer and tutor support.
Entry Requirements (not applicable to Visiting Students)
Pre-requisites Co-requisites
Prohibited Combinations Other requirements None
Course Delivery Information
Academic year 2022/23, Not available to visiting students (SS1) Quota:  None
Course Start Flexible
Timetable Timetable
Learning and Teaching activities (Further Info) Please contact the School directly for a breakdown of Learning and Teaching Activities
Assessment (Further Info) Written Exam 0 %, Coursework 100 %, Practical Exam 0 %
Additional Information (Assessment) Reading-into-Writing

1400-word piece of source-based academic writing; choice of questions appropriate to students' disciplines. Students demonstrate their ability to combine reading and critically evaluating academic texts in their disciplines (ILO 1), with writing clearly and appropriately in genres common in their discipline, synthesizing and critically evaluating content from sources to create their argument (ILO 2). Reading and Writing aspects of this integrated task will be assessed through discrete and equally weighted elements of the criteria, and separate scores for each skill will be reported.

Formative feedback loops including both reading and writing tasks are built into the writing process. Formative stages include a draft plan and a sample paragraph, and a reading task in which students use a CRAAP analysis (Currency, Relevance, Authority, Accuracy, Purpose) of source texts to evaluate potential sources for the assignment. Individual and group tutorials are scheduled for discussion of formative feedback.


A time-limited online test based on a recorded lecture in which students demonstrate their ability to understand and respond critically to academic lectures (ILO 3). The lecture recording is released online for a limited time, together with an editable test paper which students submit by a given deadline.


Through delivery of a short (7-8 minute) individual live oral presentation to their class group, and responding to audience questions / participating in a follow-up Question-and-Answer session, students demonstrate their ability to use clear and appropriate English to deliver an effective presentation in their disciplinary field and participate effectively in academic discussion (ILO 4).

Students need to meet their degree programme English Language requirements in all four components and overall in order to progress.
Feedback Informal feedback is given on language - spoken and written - in every class.
Spoken and written feedback from tutor and peers on formative speaking and writing tasks.
Progress is discussed in regular tutorials (small group tutorials and 1:1 tutorials).
Students also receive general feed-forward comments on their performance on the summative assessment of Reading-into- Writing.
No Exam Information
Learning Outcomes
On completion of this course, the student will be able to:
  1. Read academic texts in the field of Language Teacher Education making critical use of genre knowledge and strategies appropriate to their purpose
  2. Write clearly and appropriately in genres common in the discipline of language teacher education, synthesizing and critically evaluating content from sources to create their argument
  3. Understand and respond critically to academic lectures in the discipline of Language Teacher Education
  4. Use clear and appropriate English to respond critically and contribute meaningfully to group discussions and deliver academic presentations in the field of Language Teacher Education
  5. Reflect on and make autonomous decisions regarding their learning.
Reading List
All the materials used for delivery of the course are provided electronically, and there is no need for students to buy any books. We will also give you advice on useful online resources.
Additional Information
Graduate Attributes and Skills Enquiry and lifelong learning; aspiration and personal development; outlook and engagement; research and enquiry; personal and intellectual autonomy; personal effectiveness; communication
KeywordsNot entered
Course organiserMr Kenneth Anderson
Tel: (0131 6)50 9424
Course secretaryMs Kameliya Skerleva
Tel: (0131 6)51 1855
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