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DRPS : Course Catalogue : School of Engineering : Electronics

Undergraduate Course: Electromagnetics, Signals and Communications 3 (ELEE09028)

Course Outline
SchoolSchool of Engineering CollegeCollege of Science and Engineering
Credit level (Normal year taken)SCQF Level 9 (Year 3 Undergraduate) AvailabilityAvailable to all students
SCQF Credits20 ECTS Credits10
SummarySignals and Communication Systems: This course builds on material from the second-year Signals and Communication Systems material to introduce students to the fundamentals of discrete-time signal processing and communications. In the first half, the course considers discrete-time analysis techniques, gaining insights in both time-domain and frequency domain, assuming infinite duration signals. The second half course then considers baseband communications and information theory.
Electromagnetics and Signal Transmission: This course aims to introduce the basic physical phenomena that give rise to electromagnetic waves and to build an understanding of their mathematical formulation as Maxwells equations. The course will include a revision of vector calculus as required for the derivation of Maxwells equations. To apply this understanding to the analysis and design of practical wave-propagating structures -both waveguides and transmission lines.

Course description Signals and Communication Systems:
1. Course overview, revision of material from the signals component of the second-year course Signals and Communications material, including an overview of continuous-time signal analysis (1 hour, online
2. Revision of Nyquist's Sampling Theorem, analysis of the effect of sampling on the frequency content of a signal (anti-aliasing), and ideal and practical signal reconstruction (1 hour, online material).
3. Modelling discrete-time systems by approximating ODEs, and introducing difference equations and digital filters (1 hour).
4. Deriving the time-domain input-output relationships of a system, including convolution (1 hour).
5. Deriving the frequency-domain input-output relationships using the discrete-time Fourier transform (2 hour).
6. Derivation of the unilateral (one sided) Z-transform, basic examples, and region of convergences (1 hours).
7. The notion of linearity and the response of discretetime systems to harmonic inputs; determining the impulse response and stability of a system from a polezero diagrams (1 hours).
8. Frequency response of a discrete-time linear system from its pole-zero diagram (1 hour).
9. Worked examples provided online.
10.Introduction to baseband communications systems in the absence of noise (3 hours).
11.Noise, power spectral densities, and probability (2 hours).
12.Quantization, information theory and elementary principles of source coding (3 hours).
13.Basic error correction, including parity check bits, and simple block codes (3 hours).
Electromagnetics and Signal Transmission:
1. Electrostatic fields and forces and electrostatic potential difference.
2. Divergence and its relationship with charge density.
3. Approximate methods to estimate electric fields and potentials.
4. Magnetic fields, inductance and capacitance.
5. Origins of the plane wave equation and waves in free space.
6. Definitions of a transmission line and TEM, TM and TE modes.
7. Differential equations governing current and voltage on a transmission line.
8. Relations between primary and secondary line constants.
9. Expressions for key transmission line quantities, such as voltage reflection coefficient.
10.Solution to the wave equation for the lossless and general case.
11.Key properties of transmission lines, such as characteristic impedance, reflections and matching.
12.The Smith Chart, and using it to solve simple transmission line problems and for single-stub matching.
13.Applications of waveguides.
14.Intersecting plane wave model (and ray model) of
15.Electromagnetic model of waveguides.
16.Eigensolutions to the wave equation, solved for simple 2D slab waveguides and optical fibres.
17.Basic aspects of optical waveguide behaviour, including: mode structure; the evanescent wave; prism coupling; data capacity.
18.Minimisation of sources of loss in optical waveguides, including: intramodal/intermodal dispersion; insertion/reflection losses; bending losses; absorption.
Entry Requirements (not applicable to Visiting Students)
Pre-requisites Students MUST have passed: Analogue Circuits 2 (ELEE08016)
It is RECOMMENDED that students have passed Signals and Communication Systems 2 (SCEE08007)
Prohibited Combinations Other requirements None
Information for Visiting Students
High Demand Course? Yes
Course Delivery Information
Not being delivered
Learning Outcomes
On completion of this course, the student will be able to:
  1. Analyse discrete-time signals and systems in both the time and frequency domain, through the use of difference equations, z-transform theory, and system response based on the system transfer function and its key characteristics.
  2. Be able to analyse baseband communication systems in the absence of noise; discuss the concepts of noise, power spectral densities, and probability; recall basic source coding and error correction schemes.
  3. Understanding electrostatic fields, forces, potential difference, divergence-charge density relationship, magnetic fields, inductance capacitance, insight into the origins of the plane wave equation, propagation and polarisation of waves in free space, Maxwell's equations.
  4. Understanding of the propagation of guided waves within transmission lines and cables using lumped element models. Introduction to concepts including: TEM, TM, TE modes; primary and secondary line constants; differential equations relating current and voltage on a transmission line; reflection coefficients; voltage standing wave ratio; characteristic impedance; Solutions for lossless and general cases; Dispersion/Distortion; Heaviside condition.
  5. Understanding of the propagation of guided EM waves within hollow metal rectangular waveguides, slab waveguides and optical fibres. Introduction to concepts including: Ray model and EM model approaches; acceptance angle/numerical aperture; cut-off frequency; losses in waveguides; multiplexing; intramodal and intermodal dispersion; graded index fibres; solitons. Introduction to simple active and passive waveguide devices including; Electro-optic effect; Mach-Zehnder interferometer; 3dB splitter; Fibre Bragg gratings; EDFAs.
Reading List
Signals and Communications Systems:
Ian A. Glover and Peter M. Grant, "Digital Communications", 3rd edition, Pearson Education Limited, ISBN 978-0-273-71830-7, Format: Paperback
John G.Proakis, Dimitris K Manolakis, Digital Signal Processing: Pearson New International Edition, 4/E, Pearson, ISBN-10: 1292025735, ISBN-13: 9781292025735, Format: Paperback

Electromagnetics and Signal Transmission:
Recommended: Electromagnetics with Applications (Fifth Edition), McGraw-Hill, 1999, Daniel Fleisch, John Kraus, ISBN 10: 0072899697 ISBN 13: 9780072899696 Background Reading: ¿A Student's Guide to Maxwell's Equations¿,Daniel Fleisch, Cambridge University Press; 1st edition, 2008, ISBN-13: 978-0521701471 ISBN-10: 0521701473
Additional Information
Graduate Attributes and Skills Not entered
KeywordsSIgnal Analysis,System Transfer Functions,Communication Systems,z-transforms,Electromagnetic waves
Course organiserDr Mehrdad Yaghoobi Vaighan
Tel: (0131 6)51 3492
Course secretaryMrs Laura Robinson
Tel: (0131 6)50 5053
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