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DRPS : Course Catalogue : School of Literatures, Languages and Cultures : European Languages and Cultures - Common Courses

Undergraduate Course: Languages Beyond University (ELCC08004)

Course Outline
SchoolSchool of Literatures, Languages and Cultures CollegeCollege of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences
Credit level (Normal year taken)SCQF Level 8 (Year 2 Undergraduate)
Course typeStudent-Led Individually Created Course AvailabilityNot available to visiting students
SCQF Credits20 ECTS Credits10
SummaryLanguages Beyond University is a Student-Led Individually Created Course (SLICC) for self-designed experiential learning and self-reflection on personal and professional skills and work and project experience in an e-portfolio. You will be allocated to a mentor in Modern Languages departments for French, German, Italian and Spanish in secondary schools in or near Edinburgh. Throughout the whole academic year you will liaise with class teachers/ mentors to plan and organise cultural learning materials and activities for pupils and will collaborate with your course tutor to organise outreach events at school and at university. This might include researching and exploring your Year Abroad destination with the class, organising a film screening for the pupils at the university, inviting pupils to the annual plays performed by DELC students and designing and planning complementary workshops.
Undertaking a SLICC will enable you to create a learning experience which is unique, while demonstrating your learning and academic achievement against defined learning outcomes.
Course description This course requires you to propose, develop and manage a unique learning experience that will enable you to evidence how you have achieved your self- designed learning outcomes for the course. By engaging with secondary school teachers and pupils, you have numerous possibilities to plan and design your own project . You will write a project proposal which has to be approved by your tutor. Throughout the duration of your learning experience you will work on an e- portfolio that reflects on the evolution of the project and your progression over time. It must include a regular reflective blog diary. It may contain other evidence that may take a variety of different forms such as photographs, documents, reports, feedback, video, podcasts, etc. Your continuous work on the e-portfolio will inform your final Reflective Report.
The steps in undertaking the course are as follows:
1) Identify a suitable project for your learning experience, and attend an introductory course workshop
2) Write your draft proposal and submit to your course tutor for approval
3) Self-direct and manage your own learning experience
4) Actively and regularly reflect upon and document your experience with evidence and use this as a basis for writing your self-critical formative Final Reflective Report
5) Formatively self-assess and submit your Final Reflective Report for summative assessment by your tutor.

The steps identified above each require a significant amount of thought and input and will ultimately form part of an e-portfolio of evidence that will be used in the self-assessment of your course.

When undertaking this SLICC you will not only develop the content of your learning experience but also produce an agreed portfolio of outputs where you must evidence what you have learned and, importantly, demonstrate how you met the learning outcomes for the course.
Entry Requirements (not applicable to Visiting Students)
Pre-requisites Students MUST have passed: French 1A (ELCF08005) OR French 1B (ELCF08006) OR German 1A (ELCG08001) OR German 1B (ELCG08002) OR Italian 1 (ELCI08001) OR Spanish 1A (ELCH08001) OR Spanish 1B (ELCH08002)
Co-requisites Students MUST also take: French 2 Language (ELCF08013) AND French 2 Literature and Culture (ELCF08012) OR German 2 Language (ELCG08008) AND German 2 Literature and Culture (ELCG08007) OR Italian Language 2 (ELCI08004) AND Italian Literature: Texts in Context 2 (ELCI08005) OR Spanish Language 2 (ELCH08019) AND Literatures and Cultures of the Spanish-Speaking World 2 (ELCH08018)
Prohibited Combinations Other requirements Student travel cost to secondary schools will be met by the School of Literatures, Languages and Cultures.
It is possible to sign up for this course via the following link until Friday 7th September 2018:
After this date students need to send the Course Organiser (Annette Gotzkes - a short explanation of why they want to be accepted on the course (max 200 words).
Additional Costs Students may be liable for the cost of the Disclosure Scotland certificate if they withdraw from the course.
Course Delivery Information
Not being delivered
Learning Outcomes
On completion of this course, the student will be able to:
  1. express how they have actively developed their understanding of the possibilities and importance of cultural education as part of the Modern Language Learning experience for young people in secondary schools.
  2. apply a range of relevant skills and attributes (academic, professional and/or personal) in order to engage effectively with the particular demands of cultural education and outreach.
  3. demonstrate how they have used their experiences on the course to actively develop their skills in areas of a) personal and intellectual autonomy, b) communication, and/or c) personal effectiveness.
  4. articulate how they have used their experiences on the course to actively explore their attitude towards a) enquiry and lifelong learning, b) aspiration and personal development, and/or c) outlook and engagement.
  5. evaluate and critically reflect upon their contribution to cultural education and outreach, identifying where improvement and development is needed.
Learning Resources
Learning resources are provided online. These resources include guidance on: reflective learning and reflective models; generating your own specific focused learning outcomes from the generic learning outcomes; collecting and curating evidence of your learning using an e-portfolio; writing reflective reports on your learning; using the PebblePad workbook, reflective blog and webfolio:
Bassot, B. The Reflective Journal, Palgrave. 2nd Ed.
Additional Information
Graduate Attributes and Skills Undertaking a SLICC will enable you to develop your abilities in self-critical reflection, organisation and time-management, self-assessment, evaluation of standards and competencies achieved, application of prior learning in a defined context, and provide opportunities to further develop analytical and presentation skills. The SLICC learning outcomes are derived from and embedded in the institutional Graduate Attributes. The learning outcomes are flexible to provide you with autonomy. With guidance from your course tutor, this flexibility of choice enables you, in the context of your own chosen experience, to focus on your own particular skills and mind sets. You can select the specific attributes that you consider are the most important to reflect upon, looking into your current and future professional and personal aims and career aspirations.
KeywordsSLICC,employability,student-led,reflection,portfolio,school,cultural learning,graduate attributes
Course organiserMs Annette Gotzkes
Tel: (0131 6)50 3604
Course secretaryMs Monique Brough
Tel: (0131 6)50 3618
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