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DRPS : Course Catalogue : Edinburgh College of Art : Architecture - History

Undergraduate Course: Architectural History and Heritage Work Placement (ARHI10050)

Course Outline
SchoolEdinburgh College of Art CollegeCollege of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences
Credit level (Normal year taken)SCQF Level 10 (Year 3 Undergraduate)
Course typePlacement AvailabilityNot available to visiting students
SCQF Credits20 ECTS Credits10
SummaryThe Architectural History and Heritage Work Placement gives students experience of applying and developing their academic knowledge and skills in contexts beyond the University. Students will be placed with host institutions across the heritage and cultural sectors in Edinburgh, and will contribute to the activities of these institutions. Students will receive one-on-one supervision from the Course Organiser and colleagues, both in preparation for and during the placement and at the report writing stage.
Course description The Architectural History and Heritage Work Placement gives students the opportunity to work in a heritage or cultural institution in Edinburgh as part of their academic curriculum at the University of Edinburgh. Students will contribute to the work of their host institution. This work will vary considerably from place to place, depending on the type of institution hosting the placement, as well as the interests and skills of the student. Responsibilities may include organizing events, research, archive cataloguing, producing learning materials, leading tours and education sessions and writing exhibition interpretation or significance statements. The details of the work to be undertaken on placement will be agreed by the Course Organiser, the host institution and the student at the outset of the course. Students will have a nominated mentor within their host institution who will offer the student advice and support throughout their time on placement.

Placements will operate in Semester 2, with students spending approx. 1 day per week at their host institution. The placement activity will be introduced by a class meeting in Week 5 of semester 1.

A further meeting at the start of the placement will introduce the student to their host institution, and will provide an opportunity to agree the content of the placement. Midway through the semester, a feedforward meeting with the CO or colleagues will focus on the progress of the placement, and planning for the summative assessment Report.

The number of placements will vary each year, factoring in the number of students on the programme, and they will be publicised to students in Week 5 of Semester 1. Students wishing to do a work placement will be asked to write an application, giving their three preferred placement options and a short statement detailing the reasoning behind their choices, and what they hope to gain from a work placement. The Course Organiser, in consultation with host institutions, will then allocate students across the available placements based on applications and in some cases a short interview with the host institution. Should demand be too high for the number of placements available, students will be selected based on their applications and the availability of their preferred placements.

Please note: priority will be given to students for whom the Placement is a required element of their degree programme.
Entry Requirements (not applicable to Visiting Students)
Pre-requisites It is RECOMMENDED that students have passed ( Architectural History 1 (ARHI08005) OR Architectural History 1A: From Antiquity to Enlightenment (ARHI08001) AND Architectural History 1B: Revivalism to Modernism (ARHI08004) OR Architectural History: Introduction to World Architecture (ARCH08003) AND Architectural History: Revivalism to Modernism (ARCH08005) OR Architectural History 1A: Introduction to World Architecture (ARHI08009) AND Architectural History 1B: Revivalism to Modernism (ARHI08004)) AND ( Architectural History 2a: Order & the City (ARHI08006) AND Architectural History 2b: Culture & the City (ARHI08007))
Prohibited Combinations Other requirements Students should normally have passed at least 60 credits of Architectural History or History of Art/History courses at Level 8. If the pre-requisites cannot be met, entry to this course can be negotiated in consultation with either the Course Organiser or Programme Director (Architectural History).
Course Delivery Information
Academic year 2022/23, Not available to visiting students (SS1) Quota:  20
Course Start Semester 2
Timetable Timetable
Learning and Teaching activities (Further Info) Total Hours: 200 ( Lecture Hours 35, Programme Level Learning and Teaching Hours 4, Directed Learning and Independent Learning Hours 161 )
Assessment (Further Info) Written Exam 0 %, Coursework 100 %, Practical Exam 0 %
Additional Information (Assessment) Students will produce a 4,000-word report for submission at the end of the semester period. Students will formulate a report topic in consultation with the Course Organiser and/or colleagues in preparation for the interim feedforward meeting (semester 2 Week 5). This question will relate to an issue pertinent to the host institution and/or the activities undertaken on the placement. The report is an academic piece of writing, but need not be strictly historical and will allow students the opportunity to develop their essay-writing into new areas.
Feedback Students will produce a 500-word Placement Report Plan to be brought to the meeting with the Course Organiser/colleagues at the Week 5 interim meeting. In addition to outlining their role within the host institution, skills practised through the placement, the organisational structure of the host institution, and the host institution's position within the wider landscape of the sector, the student will provide in the Report Plan an outline proposal for the topic they will pursue in the Report. Feedback on this will be provided verbally.

The summative assessment Report will be marked via TurnItIn by the CO, and monitored by another Architectural History staff member. Summative feedback will be provided in the form of written extensive comments on the Placement Report.
No Exam Information
Learning Outcomes
On completion of this course, the student will be able to:
  1. Demonstrate an understanding and critical awareness of the institutional landscape of the heritage sector
  2. Show an ability to adapt skills developed within an academic context to a practical work environment
  3. Reflect critically on Scottish institutions concerned with the documentation and interpretation of the built environment
  4. Take initiative and work effectively, under guidance, in a professional cultural sector organisation.
  5. Demonstrate an awareness of the historian's role in providing the public with access to resources on architecture's history
Reading List
Additional Information
Graduate Attributes and Skills Independent research; independent learning and development; commercial / Professional / Situational awareness; team working; enterprise and entrepreneurship; interpersonal skills
Keywordsmuseum,heritage organisation,education,placement,internship,architecture
Course organiserMr John Lowrey
Tel: (0131 6)50 2314
Course secretaryMiss Fanny To
Tel: (0131 6)51 5773
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