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DRPS : Course Catalogue : Schools : Subjects : School of Literatures, Languages and Cultures

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European Languages and Cultures - French

SCQF Level 07 (6 courses)

Code Availability Course Name Period Credits
ELCF07011 SV1 Foundation French Language 1 Semester 1 20
ELCF07011 SV1 Foundation French Language 1 Semester 2 20
ELCF07008 SV1 Foundation French Language 2 Semester 1 20
ELCF07008 SV1 Foundation French Language 2 Semester 2 20
ELCF07007 SV1 Foundation French Language 3 Semester 1 20
ELCF07007 SV1 Foundation French Language 3 Semester 2 20
ELCF07013 Foundation French Language 4 Not delivered this year 20
AACE07007 Access Languages and Cultures 1 Not delivered this year 10
AACE07008 Access Languages and Cultures 2 Not delivered this year 20

SCQF Level 08 (6 courses)

Code Availability Course Name Period Credits
ELCF08005 SV1 French 1A Full Year 40
ELCF08006 SV1 French 1B Full Year 40
ELCF08013 SV1 French 2 Language Full Year 20
ELCF08012 SV1 French 2 Literature and Culture Full Year 20
ELCF08004VV1 French-English Translation for Francophone Exchange Students (Non-Graduating) Semester 1 20
ELCF08004VV1 French-English Translation for Francophone Exchange Students (Non-Graduating) Semester 2 20
ELCF08009 SV1 Politics and Institutions of Contemporary France A Semester 2 20

SCQF Level 09 (28 courses)

Code Availability Course Name Period Credits
ELCF09006 Autobiographie Littéraire Contemporaine (Ordinary) Not delivered this year 20
ELCF09010 SV1 Contemporary French Crime Fiction (Ordinary) Semester 1 20
ELCF09041 SV1 Documentary Forms in French and Francophone Culture Semester 2 20
ELCF09002 Ecriture Feminine (Ordinary) Not delivered this year 20
ELCF09031 SV1 Exploring Belgian Identities in Literature and Film (Ordinary) Semester 1 20
ELCF09040 SV1 Film at the Margins: The Cinema of Agnès Varda (Ordinary) Semester 1 20
ELCF09032 SV1 French 3 Language Full Year 20
ELCF09033 French theatre (1700s-1830s) and the making of revolutions: politics, love and fantasy...(Ordinary) Not delivered this year 20
ELCF09025 Freud in France (Ordinary) Not delivered this year 20
ELCF09037 Images of Japan in French and Francophone Culture from the 19th to the 21st century (Ordinary) Not delivered this year 20
ELCF09015 Intimate Exposures: Fifty Years of French First-Person Cinema (Ordinary) Not delivered this year 20
ELCF09023 SV1 Literature and Film: The Challenge of Adaptation (Ordinary) Semester 1 20
ELCF09017 SV1 Love and Melancholy in Early Modern France (Ordinary) Semester 2 20
ELCF09027 Marcel Proust and the Art of Being Modern (Ordinary) Not delivered this year 20
ELCF09036 Medieval Bodies: Integrity, Rupture and Metamorphosis (Ordinary) Not delivered this year 20
ELCF09039 SV1 Picturing the Self: Contemporary French and Francophone Life Writing (Ordinary) Semester 2 20
ELCF09021 Reading French Verse 1857-1876 (Ordinary) Not delivered this year 20
ELCF09038 SV1 Recognition Struggles in Contemporary France (Ordinary) Semester 2 20
ELCF09016 Sartre (Ordinary) Not delivered this year 20
ELCF09013 SV1 Seventeenth Century French Theatre (Ordinary) Semester 2 20
ELCF09004 Simone de Beauvoir: Intellectual of the 20th Century (Ordinary) Not delivered this year 20
ELCF09018 The Cinema of Chantal Akerman: Memory, History, Desire (Ordinary) Not delivered this year 20
ELCF09042 SV1 The Francophone Black Radical Tradition Semester 1 20
ELCF09034 SV1 The Francophone Postcolonial: Theory and Literature (Ordinary) Semester 1 20
ELCF09035 SV1 The French New Wave (Ordinary) Semester 2 20
ELCF09030 The Modern City: Paris (ORDINARY) Not delivered this year 20
ELCF09020 SV1 Twentieth Century French Political Thought (Ordinary) Semester 2 20
ELCF09022 SV1 Women writers in early modern France (Ordinary) Semester 1 20

SCQF Level 10 (31 courses)

Code Availability Course Name Period Credits
ELCF10028 Autobiographie Litteraire Contemporaine Not delivered this year 20
ELCF10036 SS1 Contemporary French Crime Fiction Semester 1 20
ELCF10082 SV1 Documentary Forms in French and Francophone Culture Semester 2 20
ELCF10013 Ecriture Feminine Not delivered this year 20
ELCF10070 SS1 Exploring Belgian Identities in Literature and Film Semester 1 20
ELCF10081 SS1 Film at the Margins: The Cinema of Agnès Varda Semester 1 20
ELCF10046 French 3 Language Not delivered this year 20
ELCF10002 SV1 French Hons - Language Paper 1 Full Year 10
ELCF10003 SV1 French Hons - Language Paper 2 Full Year 10
ELCF10072 French theatre (1700s-1830s) and the making of revolutions: politics, love and fantasy... Not delivered this year 20
ELCF10069 Freud in France Not delivered this year 20
ELCF10077 Images of Japan in French and Francophone Culture from the 19th to the 21st century Not delivered this year 20
ELCF10080 Intermediality: between literature, music and painting Not delivered this year 20
ELCF10068 Intimate Exposures: Fifty Years of French First-Person Cinema Not delivered this year 20
ELCF10064 SS1 Literature and Film: The Challenge of Adaptation Semester 1 20
ELCF10066 SS1 Love and Melancholy in Early Modern France Semester 2 20
ELCF10076 Medieval Bodies: Integrity, Rupture and Metamorphosis Not delivered this year 20
ELCF10079 SV1 Picturing the Self: Contemporary French and Francophone Life Writing Semester 2 20
ELCF10059 Reading French Verse 1857-1876 Not delivered this year 20
ELCF10075 SS1 Recognition Struggles in Contemporary France Semester 2 20
ELCF10061 Sartre Not delivered this year 20
ELCF10007 SS1 Seventeenth Century French Theatre Semester 2 20
ELCF10027 Simone de Beauvoir: Intellectual of the 20th Century Not delivered this year 20
ELCF10065 The Cinema of Chantal Akerman: Memory, History, Desire Not delivered this year 20
ELCF10083 SV1 The Francophone Black Radical Tradition Semester 1 20
ELCF10073 SS1 The Francophone Postcolonial: Theory and Literature Semester 1 20
ELCF10074 SS1 The French New Wave Semester 2 20
ELCF10071 The Modern City: Paris Not delivered this year 20
ELCF10062 SS1 Twentieth Century French Political Thought Semester 2 20
ELCF10067 SS1 Women writers in early modern France Semester 1 20
ELCF10078 SS1 Year Abroad online language learning course - French Full Year 20

SCQF Level 11 (2 courses)

Code Availability Course Name Period Credits
ELCF11006 SV1 MSc by Research in French Studies Dissertation Block 5 (Sem 2) and beyond 60
ELCF11007 SS1 Poetry, Music and Translation Semester 1 20
Available to all students - SV
Not available to visiting students - SS
Part-year visiting students only - VV
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