Undergraduate Course: HCP-Med: Foundations of Medicine 1 (MBCH08014)
Course Outline
School | Edinburgh Medical School |
College | College of Medicine and Veterinary Medicine |
Credit level (Normal year taken) | SCQF Level 8 (Year 1 Undergraduate) |
Course type | Online Distance Learning |
Availability | Not available to visiting students |
SCQF Credits | 90 |
ECTS Credits | 45 |
Summary | HCP-Med: Foundations of Medicine 1 is the first of two, year-long courses, both of which (a) contribute to a comprehensive foundation in biomedical, social and clinical sciences and (b) link that knowledge to clinical practice. It comprises three biomedical modules, which address aspects of human functioning. Alongside the biomedical modules, social and ethical aspects of medicine are taught - that teaching emphasises the importance of understanding health and illness from a holistic, biopsychosocial perspective. Themes from the biomedical and socio-ethical modules are used as examples to teach evidence-based medicine and professional skills. During a longitudinal general practice placement, students will be encouraged to link their theoretical learning to their clinical experience. |
Course description |
1) Academic Description
On completion of HCP-Med: Foundations of Medicine 1, students will have acquired a broad knowledge of biomedical and social sciences and will begin to appreciate their relevance to clinical medicine.
The course comprises three biomedical modules, each of which covers scientific and clinical dimensions of human functioning: 'Body in Motion' concentrates on the locomotor and respiratory systems and covers relevant anatomy and physiology as well as the principles of pharmacology; 'Sustaining Life' focuses on the cardiovascular system, nutrition and digestion, and includes teaching on the structure and functions of blood; 'Integrity' covers homeostasis, immunology and cancer. The longitudinal 'parallel' module 'Knowledge to Clinical Practice' (KCP) integrates those topics, and make links with socio-ethical themes, evidence-based medicine and professional skills.
The course will prepare students for 'HCP-Med: Foundations of Medicine 2', which addresses new biomedical topics and develops further learning in social and ethical aspects of medicine and professional skills.
Taken together, HCP-Med: Foundations of Medicine 1 and 2 prepare the student for HCP-Med: Introduction to Clinical Practice, which is taught in Year 3 of the HCP-Med programme.
2) Outline Content
The course comprises three biomedical 'block' modules as described above. In addition, five longitudinal modules run throughout the course:
(i) 'Social and Ethical Approaches to Medicine' (SEAM), which covers the social patterning of ill health, the experience of health and illness, ethical aspects of medicine and public health;
(ii) 'Research and Evidence-Based Medicine' (REBM), which will equip students with the skills needed for critical appraisal of scientific research and its application to clinical scenarios;
(iii) 'Knowledge to Clinical Practice' (KCP), is mainly taught in general practice and emphasises the relevance of scientific and clinical knowledge to clinical practice. For example, alongside 'Body in Motion', KCP will include case-studies of common disorders of the locomotor system, such as osteoarthritis;
(iv)'Professional Skills', which includes communication skills, clinical skills and professionalism; and
(iv) 'Student Selected Component' (SSC) in which students will complete audit project.
3) Student Learning Experience
HCP-Med: Foundations of Medicine 1 consists of 40 weeks of teaching. Three weeks are residential in Edinburgh and each residential week involves 41 hours of student effort. The remaining 37 weeks are taught online and in GP placements, and each of those weeks demands 21 hours of student effort.
Online teaching has two broad aims: (i) to present high quality resources which engage and challenge students and (ii) to create and support a community of learning.
Online teaching methods include:
- A video introduction, which will include the module's learning outcomes
- Pre-recorded narrated lectures covering the main learning points
- Discussion boards for both general discussion and specific tasks
- Online quizzes
- Virtual tutorials using problem-based or case-based learning
- Curated online resources
General practice placements will use a variety of teaching methods:
(i) apprentice-style observation of surgeries, which will provide early exposure to a wide range of clinical cases relevant to the online curriculum;
(ii) tutorials covering aspects of professional knowledge, skills and behaviours to complement online teaching; and
(iii) shadowing members of the primary care team.
Residential weeks will include lectures, tutorials, group-work, workshops for communication skills and clinical skills, and practical demonstrations.
Entry Requirements (not applicable to Visiting Students)
Pre-requisites |
Co-requisites | |
Prohibited Combinations | |
Other requirements | None |
Course Delivery Information
Academic year 2021/22, Not available to visiting students (SS1)
Quota: 25 |
Course Start |
Full Year |
Timetable |
Timetable |
Learning and Teaching activities (Further Info) |
Total Hours:
Programme Level Learning and Teaching Hours 18,
Directed Learning and Independent Learning Hours
882 )
Assessment (Further Info) |
Written Exam
65 %,
35 %,
Practical Exam
0 %
Additional Information (Assessment) |
Knowledge-based assessment: Students will complete two Knowledge Tests at the end of Year 1, each with approximately 100 items - a mixture of single best answer questions (SBAQs) and very short answer questions (VSAQs). Paper 1 will assess knowledge about the human body, movement, including musculoskeletal system, breathing and circulation, pharmacology principles, medical ethics, sociology, research and evidence-based medicine. Paper 2 will assess knowledge of eating and digestion, breathing, circulation, blood, reproduction, embryology, skin, immunology, genetics, cancer and evidence-based medicine. These two papers combined will account for x% of the total mark for the course.
SEAM: Students will submit three pieces of coursework which will demonstrate their understanding of the experience of illness, a local health promotion initiative, the effect of stigma and discrimination on patients' healthcare experiences and ethics. Each assessment must be passed. This coursework will account for x% of the total mark for the course.
SSC: In Year 1, students will submit an interim report which will include the nature of the audit, the approach to data collection and analysis, and a summary of how the audit might lead to improvements in patient care. This coursework will account for x% of the total mark for the course.
Professionalism: The GP tutor and the HCP-Med Programme Director will each write a report on whether satisfactory professional behaviour has been demonstrated throughout the year. This assessment must be passed, but will not contribute to the total mark for the course. |
Feedback |
Feedback on formative tasks
There will be a formative online Knowledge Test before each diet of summative examinations. Students will be sent a performance report, which includes their own answers, the correct answers and explanations.
Feedback on summative assessments
This will be provided when course-work is returned or, in the case of exams, after the Board of Examiners ratifies marks, and will include:
In course assignments (for SEAM, REBM, SSC): written narrative feedback and an opportunity to discuss the feedback with the relevant HCP-Med module organiser.
Professionalism: written feedback from the GP-tutor and the relevant HCP-Med module organiser will be provided, and an opportunity given to discuss the feedback with the at the end of each module.
Knowledge tests: Students will complete weekly online quizzes to monitor their own progress.
Feedback from personal tutors:
Personal tutors will provide feedback on CVs and the record of generic professional skills and can discuss other's feedback to help students build on their current performance. |
No Exam Information |
Learning Outcomes
On completion of this course, the student will be able to:
- To develop knowledge and understanding of biomedical sciences (physiology, anatomy, pharmacology, biochemistry, immunology) relevant to the locomotor, cardiovascular, neurological and gastrointestinal systems. Knowledge and understanding will be assessed by an end-of-year knowledge-based examination.
- To develop foundation knowledge and understanding of medical sociology, ethics and evidence-based medicine relevant to the practice of medicine. Numeracy skills will be acquired through teaching of statistic. Assessed using in-course assignments.
- To integrate knowledge and understanding of biomedicine, social science and ethics and to apply that knowledge to clinical scenarios which are encountered in general practice placement. Assessed using in-course assignments.
- To develop basic communication skills necessary for clinical practice. To acquire the ability to work with others and demonstrate accountability in both the clinical setting (general practice) and with tutors and peers in the academic setting (online learning environment). Assessed by a report from GP-tutors and HCP-Med module organisers.
- Through conducting an individual two year audit project in the general practice placement, demonstrate generic cognitive skills and autonomy (deciding on a topic, formulating the audit question, planning the project, summarising results and making recommendations). Assessed through an interim report.
Reading List
Students will have access to the HCP-Med Resource List. |
Additional Information
Graduate Attributes and Skills |
As a scholar and scientist: On completion of HCP-Med: Foundations of Medicine 1, the student will be able to demonstrate an understanding of the principles of biomedical science (particularly relating to the locomotor, cardiovascular and respiratory systems, and including the principles of pharmacology), social sciences and ethics relevant to medicine. They will be able to apply those principles to clinical scenarios.
As a practitioner: On completion of HCP-Med: Foundations of Medicine 1 the student will be able to demonstrate basic clinical skills such as communicating with patients, applying judgement to clinical scenarios, using knowledge of biomedical and social science and ethics. The student will have acquired specific practical skills such as first aid and measurement of blood pressure. The student will also demonstrate an ability to share academic and clinical information using information technology.
As a professional: On completion of HCP-Med: Foundations of Medicine 1, the student will be able to plan their personal learning with reference to learning outcomes and guidance from tutors. They will be able to demonstrate an understanding of the ethical, professional and legal responsibilities of medical students and doctors, participate successfully in Problem Based Learning (PBL) groups, and attend to personal health, wellbeing and professional development.
Keywords | medicine,medical ethics,human physiology,human anatomy,medical sociology,evidence-based medicine |
Course organiser | Dr Helen Richards
Tel: (0131 6)51 4362
Email: |
Course secretary | Ms Susan Maitland
Tel: (0131) 242 7119
Email: |