Draft edition - to be published 22/Apr/2021

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DRPS : Course Catalogue : Centre for Open Learning : Creative Arts

Undergraduate Course: Intaglio Printmaking: contemporary approaches (LLLA07259)

Course Outline
SchoolCentre for Open Learning CollegeCollege of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences
Credit level (Normal year taken)SCQF Level 7 (Year 1 Undergraduate) AvailabilityNot available to visiting students
SCQF Credits10 ECTS Credits5
SummaryStudents will explore the creative potential of contemporary intaglio techniques such as photo etching, and re-examine traditional methods.
Course description Academic Description: Printmaking today pushes boundaries and has become central to many artists' activity. Students will explore the creative potential of contemporary intaglio techniques such as photo etching, and re-examine traditional methods.

In this course, students will be encouraged to experiment, using and combining a range of multiple plate colour etching, photo etching, chine collé and aquatint to develop their own coherent themes and imagery.

Outline of Content: The course teaching is typically delivered over weekly class sessions of around 3 hours each and totaling 30 hours. Alternatively, the course can be delivered more intensely or as a block if required.

Students will be encouraged to experiment and develop a personal response to the medium, exploiting the creative and innovative possibilities this technique has to offer. Students will explore the possibilities of this historic technique, and also examine how their work addresses more contemporary printmaking concerns. Over the class sessions the course will cover:

The principles of multiple plate colour etching.
Advanced methods for creating tonal structures through the use of acrylic spray aquatint and stop-out resist.
The use of photoresist to create tonal images.
Combining photoresist and acrylic resist methods within a multiple plate etching.
Experimenting with printing methods.
Printing a la poupeé.
Resolve work.

The Learning Experience: The teaching will be based and delivered in specialist art and design studios or workshops and will typically include a range of practical exercises, introductions to techniques, processes and concepts, and set projects which lead to more focused and personal exploration. Over the course, student progress will be monitored and supported by the tutor. Teaching will include practical demonstrations, one to one tuition, group discussions and critiques.

For work required to be undertaken after the class hours are complete, the course tutor will set students a 'directed study plan' which can be undertaken without the need for specialist workshops or access to models.

Directed study will include research into a range of suggested artists and their associated movements to engender a contextual awareness. Students are expected to demonstrate how their research has informed their work through annotated sketchbooks, a visual digital journal and practical outcomes.

The Directed Study Plan will include preparing evidence of research and practical work to form an appropriate presentation for assessment.
Entry Requirements (not applicable to Visiting Students)
Pre-requisites Co-requisites
Prohibited Combinations Other requirements None
Additional Costs Materials and equipment provided for students as part of the course and included in course fee:
Access to intaglio printmaking workshop, tools and presses.

Materials and equipment available for purchase during the course:
(Estimated cost: £10 - £40 depending on usage)
Zinc Etching Plates, cut to individual required dimensions.
Proofing paper and newsprint
Fine Printing papers

Essentials Materials and equipment students will need to provide themselves (Estimated cost: £15 - £30 depending on usage):
Pair of inexpensive rubber gloves
Apron or old shirt to protect clothes
Sheet of Southbank Coarse paper
Course Delivery Information
Not being delivered
Learning Outcomes
On completion of this course, the student will be able to:
  1. Research, context and ideas (33.3%): Demonstrate the ability to develop personal ideas, explore sustained themes, generating ideas suitable for printmaking, supported by a range of practical research and contextual references.
  2. Practice, skills and techniques (33.3%): Demonstrate an enhanced understanding of employing an appropriate range of intaglio printmaking processes, methods, techniques and skills to develop a theme or line of enquiry.
  3. Selection, presentation and reflection (33.3%): Evidence an appropriate judgement to document, select, edit and present a body coherent body of intaglio prints.
Reading List
d'Arcy Hughes, A., and Vernon-Morris, H., 2008. Printmaking: Traditional and Contemporary Techniques. Roto Vision
Grabowski, B., 2009. Printmaking: a complete guide to materials and processes. London: Laurence King
Adam, R. and Robertson, C., 2007. Intaglio: The Complete Safety-First System for Creative Printmaking: Acrylic-Resist Etching, Collagraphy, Engraving, Drypoint, Mezzotint. London: Thames and Hudson
Graver, M., 2011. Non Toxic Printmaking. London: AC Black
Edinburgh Printmakers, 2007. Edinburgh Printmakers, 40 Years of Original Prints. Edinburgh: Edinburgh Printmakers
Additional Information
Graduate Attributes and Skills Knowledge of and ability to use printmaking techniques effectively.
Skills in designing ideas for print.
Understanding of editioning prints.
Ability to undertake research and reflective practice and apply these in the context of printmaking within contemporary visual culture.
Keywordscontemporary,intaglio,techniques,printmaking,photo etching,traditional methods
Course organiserMr Oliver Reed
Course secretaryMs Kameliya Skerleva
Tel: (0131 6)51 1855
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