Postgraduate Course: Analogue circuit design (ELEE11045)
Course Outline
School | School of Engineering |
College | College of Science and Engineering |
Credit level (Normal year taken) | SCQF Level 11 (Postgraduate) |
Availability | Available to all students |
SCQF Credits | 10 |
ECTS Credits | 5 |
Summary | This course introduces students to the important analogue circuits of active filters, sine wave oscillators, relaxation oscillators, switched capacitor circuits and phase-locked loops. The aim is to present and instil the principles of circuit operation and the essential circuit analysis and design techniques to enable students to understand and design the simpler variants of the above circuits and to be capable of extending their understanding to more complex variants. |
Course description |
Active Filters
L1 Introduction and Overview
1st and 2nd order transfer functions
L2 Filter sections
Active 1st order section. Sallen-Key low pass sections and transfer function
L3 Butterworth Approximation
Butterworth transfer function, magnitude characteristic, pole-zero diagram, derivation of Butterworth polynomial from pole locations. Order of Butterworth.
L4 Butterworth low pass
Synthesis of Butterworth low pass filters from specification.
L5 Chebyshev Approximation 1
Transfer function, magnitude characteristic, order of Chebyshev, Chebyshev features.
L6 Chebyshev Approximation 2
Denormalising Chebyshev low pass. Chebyshev synthesis.
L7 Filter Comparison and High Pass
Comparison of Butterworth, Chebyshev and Bessel. High pass transform.
L8 Sensitivity Analysis
Introduction to band pass and band stop. Sensitivity analysis of filter sections to passive components. Effects of op-amp imperfections.
Oscillators and Waveform Generators
L9 Sine wave oscillators 1
Barkhausen Criterion. Phase shift oscillator, Wien Bridge oscillator.
L10 Sine wave oscillators 2
Amplitude control, Colpitts, Hartley, Clapp, Pierce oscillators.
L11 Sine wave oscillators 3
Sensitivity to active device parasitics and variations. Regenerative comparator.
L12 Waveform Generators 1
Simple relaxation oscillator, Triangle wave generator.
L13 Waveform Generators 2
Sawtooth wave generator, Voltage-controlled oscillator.
Switched-capacitor circuits
L14 Switched-cap 1
Switched capacitor circuit as a replacement for a resistor, first order analysis
L15 Switched-cap 2
Full SC analysis in z-plane, design of SC active filters
L16 Switched-cap 3
Stray-insensitive SC circuits, biquad in SC form
Phase-locked loops
L17 PLL1
Analogue multipliers, Gilbert multiplier Linear phase detectors, XOR gate as a phase detector
L18 PLL2
PLL System diagram, noting that the VCO acts as an integrating element. First order PLLs.
L19 PLL3
Second order PLL, discussion. Lead-lag loop filter.
L20 Revision
One per teaching week.
Entry Requirements (not applicable to Visiting Students)
Pre-requisites |
Co-requisites | |
Prohibited Combinations | |
Other requirements | None |
Information for Visiting Students
Pre-requisites | None |
High Demand Course? |
Yes |
Course Delivery Information
Not being delivered |
Learning Outcomes
On completion of this course, the student will be able to:
- Demonstrate and work with a full knowledge and understanding of the principles, terminology and conventions of analogue circuits, especially active filter circuits, oscillator circuits, switched capacitor circuits and Phase-Locked Loops (PLL).
- Use a wide range of prior knowledge (including algebraic manipulation, calculus, nodal analysis, Laplace Transforms, operational amplifier circuits, feedback, bode plots, pole/zero analysis) to analyse and design circuits in the categories given in 1 above, and to apply them to different filter sections, sine wave oscillators, relaxation oscillators, multiplier circuits, phase detector circuits, and sub-circuits that may be used in such circuits.
- Analyse, specify, conceptualise and synthesise systems and applications that require the use of the circuits in 1 and 2 above, including some that were previously unknown.
- Understand, and be able to analyse and mitigate, the effect of component tolerances on the performance of the circuits in 1 and 2, including the ability to select appropriate component values and types to achieve a specification.
Reading List
Recommended :-
"Integrated Electronics", J. Millman & C.C. Halkias (McGraw-Hill, 1972, ISBN 0-07-Y85493-9)
"Active Filter Design", A. Waters, MacMillan, 1991, ISBN 0-333-48862-8. Sadly this is out of print and there is only a single copy in the Robertson library. It is short and very good on the filters material.
"Modern Communication Circuits", J Smith, McGraw-Hill, 0-07-058730-2
"Electronic Communication Techniques", P H Young, Merrill, 0-02-431201-0
"Phase-Lock Basics", W F Egan, Wiley, 0-471-24261-6. This is very good on PLLs only. |
Additional Information
Graduate Attributes and Skills |
Not entered |
Keywords | microelectronics semiconductor analogue |
Course organiser | Dr Les Haworth
Email: |
Course secretary | Mrs Megan Inch-Kellingray
Tel: (0131 6)51 7079
Email: |