Draft edition - to be published 22/Apr/2021

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DRPS : Course Catalogue : Moray House School of Education and Sport : Education

Postgraduate Course: Bilingual Learners and Specific Learning Difficulties (EDUA11396)

Course Outline
SchoolMoray House School of Education and Sport CollegeCollege of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences
Credit level (Normal year taken)SCQF Level 11 (Postgraduate) AvailabilityAvailable to all students
SCQF Credits10 ECTS Credits5
SummaryThis course explores the possible overlap between bilingualism and specific learning difficulties, maintaining a critical approach.
Course description This blended learning course is designed for all teachers and professionals who support bilingual children in their learning. Frequently, a learner's literacy development in an additional language reveals features which can be misinterpreted as a specific learning difficulty. Such misinterpretations are most likely to occur in contexts where bilingualism is viewed in subtractive and deficit terms. This course explores these issues critically and provides students with the opportunity to analyse, adapt and add to professional practice so that assessment, diagnosis and support practices and the principles underlying them do not discriminate against bilingual learners who may or may not have specific learning difficulties
Entry Requirements (not applicable to Visiting Students)
Pre-requisites Co-requisites
Prohibited Combinations Other requirements None
Information for Visiting Students
High Demand Course? Yes
Course Delivery Information
Not being delivered
Learning Outcomes
On completion of this course, the student will be able to:
  1. Critically evaluate policy contexts in relation to bilingual learners who have specific learning difficulties
  2. Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the interwoven nature of learning additional languages, acquisition of literacies and multilingual literacy practices.
  3. Critically evaluate current approaches to the assessment and support of bilingual learners who have specific learning difficulties, taking into account socio-linguistic profiles, biliteracy development and cognitive-academic experience.
  4. Make informed judgements about effective teaching and learning and inclusive practices for bilingual learners with specific learning difficulties.
Reading List
Durgunoglu, A. & Goldenberg, C. (2011) Language and Literacy Development in Bilingual Settings. Guilford Press
Francis, N. (2012) Bilingual competence and bilingual proficiency in child development. MIT Press
Kormos, J. & Smith, A. (2012) Teaching Languages to Students with Specific Learning Differences. Bristol: Multilingual Matters.
Melby-Lervag, M. & Lervag, A. (2014) Reading comprehension and its underlying components in second-language learners: A meta-analysis of studies comparing first- and second-language learners. Psychological Bulletin, 140(2), 409-433.
Peer, L. & Reid, G. (2012) Multilingualism, literacy and dyslexia: a challenge for educators. Routledge
Additional Information
Graduate Attributes and Skills 1) Critically engage with theoretical and disciplinary perspectives in relation to practice, and their implications for policy
2) Develop a thorough understanding of key concepts, for example inclusion, inclusive education, additional support for learning, recognising them as problematic and contested terms
3) Be independent learners who take responsibility for their own learning, and are committed to continuous reflections, self-evaluation and self-improvement
4) Be able to develop, maintain and sustain intellectual rigour and application
Additional Class Delivery Information Blended learning: 2 face to face twilight workshops and 2 online sessions.
Keywordsbilingualism,specific learning difficulties,inclusive education
Course organiserDr Andy Hancock
Tel: (0131 6)51 6635
Course secretaryMs Marie Hamilton
Tel: (0131 6)51 6678
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