Draft edition - to be published 22/Apr/2021

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DRPS : Course Catalogue : Moray House School of Education and Sport : Education

Postgraduate Course: Subject Specialism: Mathematics (2) (EDUA11366)

Course Outline
SchoolMoray House School of Education and Sport CollegeCollege of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences
Credit level (Normal year taken)SCQF Level 11 (Postgraduate) AvailabilityNot available to visiting students
SCQF Credits10 ECTS Credits5
SummaryThis course builds on Subject Specialism: Mathematics (1). It examines pedagogical approaches to mathematics education in upper primary and all secondary stages of Scottish schools. Students will use their theoretical knowledge about subject and pedagogy in mathematics to further develop teaching skills designed to meet the needs and interests of diverse learners. This course provides opportunities to explore and critically evaluate current issues in the learning and teaching of mathematics. It also seeks to make connections between the mathematics learning and teaching context and those concepts and principles introduced in other courses within the MSc Programme, including assessment, literacy and numeracy across learning, social justice, sustainability, global perspectives, digital and statistical literacy.
Course description Please be aware that the General Teaching Council for Scotland has not confirmed placement availability for 20/21 due to the continuing Covid-19 situation. Students will be informed of updated information as it becomes available.

This course builds on Subject Specialism: Mathematics (1), providing an opportunity for students to further enhance their ability to make theory-practice connections, acknowledging that learning to teach is an iterative process requiring deep and progressive intellectual and practical engagement. The course considers the progression of core concepts in mathematical thinking, drawing on socio-cultural and social constructivist theories of learning and the role of dialogic teaching that are dominant in the field of mathematics education.

Students engage critically and analytically with theories of teaching, learning and assessment. They are expected to apply those theories to practice and to critically reflect on institute and site-based experiences as they further develop the process of becoming reflective and reflexive practitioners. Students are expected to engage extensively with, and make meaningful and purposeful use of a wide range of appropriate literature.

Students will critically review latest research findings in mathematics education, design effective learning environments, reflect on their own practice and create links between theory and practice in mathematics education. Students will explore and develop their knowledge and understanding of learning and teaching mathematics so that they can:
- analyse and critique curricula at policy level and at classroom delivery level within the subject specialism in order to develop purposeful, engaging teaching for learners from P5 to S6
- develop understanding of assessment within the context of mathematics education in Broad General Education and Senior Phase
- be aware of the importance of promoting a positive attitude to Mathematics in school, and of the difficulties 'real and perceived' that pupils may encounter with the subject
- develop skills, knowledge and understanding of ways of supporting pupils' mathematical education and additional support needs (differentiation for specific needs to include catering for highly able mathematicians)
- plan, implement and evaluate lessons and sequences related to curriculum requirements and the needs of the pupils in their care on the site-based component of the programme (continuing and extending use of imaginative, collaborative and investigative approaches to teaching mathematics)
- make connections between practices in mathematics education and those concepts and principles discussed in wider MSc programme
- be competent in the use of a variety of media and aids to teaching mathematics, including computers and hand-held technologies
- have awareness of the cross-curricular nature of mathematics, and how it may form part of the teaching of colleagues in other subjects
- have some awareness of the history of 'mathematical culture' and its links with intellectual, social and technological developments

Students will be encouraged to be aware of the range of skills, expertise and experience existing within their peer group, and to make the most of these to promote 'learning together'. There will be tutor-led seminars and student-led sessions, including role-play in 'mini-lessons', and self- and peer-assessment will be encouraged throughout. Some topics, such as familiarisation with resources and technologies for learning and teaching in mathematics, will be self and peer-study based on materials provided by tutors.

Students taking this course will work in collaborative groups in seminars and in directed study time, in university and professional cluster sites. Learning will be problem based and students will be expected to contribute extensively in seminar sessions.

The course will comprise 10 hours of whole group teaching/ tutor contact.
Students will engage in 35 hours of site-based learning and 20 hours of directed study on campus.
Independent Learning of 35 hours completes the breakdown of learning and teaching activities.
Entry Requirements (not applicable to Visiting Students)
Pre-requisites Co-requisites
Prohibited Combinations Other requirements None
Course Delivery Information
Academic year 2021/22, Not available to visiting students (SS1) Quota:  None
Course Start Semester 1
Timetable Timetable
Learning and Teaching activities (Further Info) Total Hours: 100 ( Programme Level Learning and Teaching Hours 2, Directed Learning and Independent Learning Hours 98 )
Assessment (Further Info) Written Exam 0 %, Coursework 100 %, Practical Exam 0 %
Additional Information (Assessment) This 10-credit course is assessed by portfolio and reflective commentary.

The course uses a student-driven assessment approach in which the students negotiate and agree the assessment criteria with course tutors. Indicative criteria are tabled for discussion and review in light of students' experiences in the 'Assessing what matters (1)' course and from their site-based experiences where learners are directly involved in determining success criteria; participation in determining assessment criteria will deepen students' understanding and appreciation of demands within course assessment.

A portfolio of formative tasks will be complied to reflect students' engagement with programme issues within the context of subject specialism. Indicative issues could include (but are not restricted to) a critique of topics and subject-specific literature related to:
- curricular offerings (senior phase);
- the role of digital technologies within discipline;
- numeracy across learning / literacy across learning/ health and well-being /beyond Broad General Education;
- social justice, sustainability, global perspectives within subject specialism.

The portfolio will benefit from formative feedback on individual components with a reflective commentary being summatively assessed. Presentation of reflective commentary will be medium-agnostic, with course grade based on the student-negotiated and agreed assessment criteria.

Submission should equate to 2000 word assignment.
Feedback A mixture of oral and written, peer and tutor feedback can be expected.

Group lesson studies and individual 'mini' lesson delivery will benefit from oral feedback.

Site-based teaching experiences will receive oral or written feedback from school mentors, cluster tutors and university tutors who will structure comments around GTCS Standard for Provisional Registration as appropriate.

Formative feedback on selected portfolio entries and summative feedback appropriate to selected medium will be provided by tutors on the reflective commentary.
No Exam Information
Learning Outcomes
On completion of this course, the student will be able to:
  1. Demonstrate enhanced critical understanding of the principal theories, concepts and principles related to the teaching of subject specialism (mathematics) in schools.
  2. Demonstrate a critical awareness of current, and at times contested, issues in subject specialism (mathematics education)
  3. Apply critical analysis, evaluation and synthesis of site-based experiences to identify key strengths and areas for development related to personal pedagogical practices within subject specialism (mathematics)
  4. Communicate, using innovative and appropriate methods for a range of academic and professional audiences, their reflections on professional practice and next steps for personal professional development
  5. Analyse their learning on this course in relation to relevant core concepts of social justice, sustainability, global perspectives, digital and statistical literacies and professional inquiry skills.
Reading List
Chambers, P. & Timlin, R. (2013) Teaching Mathematics in the Secondary School, 2nd Edition London: SAGE

Coles, A., Barwell, R., Cotton, T., Winter, J. and Brown, L. (2013) Teaching secondary mathematics as if the planet matters. Oxon: Routledge

Dillon, J. & Macguire, M. (Eds) (2011) Becoming a Teacher: Issues in Secondary Education 4th Edition Berkshire: OUP

Leslie, D. and Mendick, H. (eds) (2014) Debates in Mathematics Education. Abingdon: Routledge

Swan, M. (2006) Collaborative Learning in Mathematics. London: NRDC & NIACE
Additional Information
Graduate Attributes and Skills Mindset: Enquiry and Lifelong learning
Desire learning and insights that make a positive difference to themselves and the world around them. Inspired by their exposure to world-leading research and discovery within their discipline and beyond, they are innovative and lifelong learners.

Mindset: Aspiration and Personal Development
Draw on their initiative and resilience to expand and fulfil their potential. They take personal responsibility in pursuing their goals and grasping opportunities to grow. They do this making the most of their education, abilities, self-awareness and confidence.

Mindset: Outlook and Engagement
Draw on the quality, depth and breadth of their experiences to engage with the communities and world around them. They do this with a global perspective and a desire to contribute positively.

Skills: Research and Enquiry
Skills in research and enquiry enable graduates to creatively tackle problems and to generate and make use of opportunities for learning.
- recognise diverse styles of thinking and ways of working and developing capabilities to bring out the best in others regardless of their style preferences
- use information and knowledge effectively in order to abstract meaning from information and to share knowledge, including the use of quantitative skills
- digital literacy skills, including able to interrogate visual and information, as well as
having IT skills, including familiarity with word processing, spreadsheets, file management and use of internet search engines
- proficiency, confidence and competence with numbers and measures

Skills: Personal and Intellectual Autonomy
Evaluate ideas and evidence using critical and reflective thinking. They do this drawing on their open-mindedness, curiosity, integrity and logic.
- develop their reflective awareness of ethical dimensions, and responsibilities to others, in work and everyday life
- recognise and address ethical dilemmas, social responsibility and sustainability issues, applying ethical and their own/organisational values to situations and choices
- be critically self-aware, self-reflective and self-manage in order to fully maximise potential
- the importance of the development of lifelong learning skills as part of continuing personal and professional development
- the importance of learning to learn
- ability to manipulate numbers, general mathematical awareness of numeracy and big data and its application in practical contexts (e.g. measuring, weighing, estimating and applying formulae)

Skills: Communication
Skills in communication to enhance their understanding and to engage and collaborate effectively with others.
- effective communicators who are able to read and write, present, listen, influence and network
- develop their oral communication of complex ideas and arguments using a range of media
- be able to communicate complex ideas and arguments in writing using a range of media
- have the ability to produce clear, structured written work
- articulating and effectively explaining information
- understand when and how it is best to communicate through social media
- look into the best way to promote themselves through social media, if they wish to

Skills: Personal Effectiveness
Skills in personal effectiveness to be adaptable and have a positive influence, taking into account their values, abilities and wider context.
- have an ability to prioritise
- have an ability to plan and effectively use resources to achieve goals
- have resilience and the ability to recover from setbacks
- effectively perform within team environments including the ability to recognise and capitalise on individuals' different thinking, experience and skills
- seek and value open feedback to help their self-awareness of working with a team
- be responsive to their changing surroundings, both being flexible and proactive
- have the ability to recognise the need for and initiate change and be able to manage change
- broadly, have an ability to demonstrate an innovative approach, creativity, collaboration and risk taking
Keywordsmathematics,teaching,secondary,social justice,statistical literacy,sustainability
Course organiserDr Hui-Chuan Li
Tel: (0131 6)51 4880
Course secretaryMiss Annabelle MacInnes
Tel: (0131 6)51 6449
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