Postgraduate Course: Sport and the Media (EDUA11298)
Course Outline
School | Moray House School of Education and Sport |
College | College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences |
Credit level (Normal year taken) | SCQF Level 11 (Postgraduate) |
Availability | Available to all students |
SCQF Credits | 20 |
ECTS Credits | 10 |
Summary | Media-sport is now the recognised term for describing the sport and media nexus. This course seeks to develop this well-established area of study, analysing long-term and contemporary developments that have emerged in the world of mediated sport. The media has helped construct what is meant by sport and continues to play a central role in the process by which dominant, residual and emergent sport practices and meanings are defined, legitimated and marginalised. These relationships are continually evolving alongside new media technological developments. The relationships between sport and the media should, therefore, form a central element in the social scientific study of contemporary sport management. Focusing on ideological elements of media-sport, a number of sports management case studies are analysed ranging from sport and militarism to sport and global justice. |
Course description |
Socio-historical account of media-sport; political economy and ownership
News as narrative (2 x theoretical weeks);
Case studies of media-sport - sports stars and celebrity; sexuality and gender; national identity and militarism; sectarianism and Scottish football, sport, human rights and international justice.
Entry Requirements (not applicable to Visiting Students)
Pre-requisites |
Co-requisites | |
Prohibited Combinations | |
Other requirements | None |
Additional Costs | None |
Information for Visiting Students
Pre-requisites | None |
High Demand Course? |
Yes |
Course Delivery Information
Academic year 2021/22, Available to all students (SV1)
Quota: None |
Course Start |
Semester 2 |
Timetable |
Timetable |
Learning and Teaching activities (Further Info) |
Total Hours:
Programme Level Learning and Teaching Hours 4,
Directed Learning and Independent Learning Hours
196 )
Assessment (Further Info) |
Written Exam
0 %,
100 %,
Practical Exam
0 %
Additional Information (Assessment) |
Assignment 1 Essay (3000 words) (70%)
Topic will normally be related to theoretical issues around media-sport and how to compare and contrast various theories/concepts from media studies literature.
Assignment 2 Viva on analysis of media texts ¿ (30%). This is equivalent to 1000 words.
Feedback |
Not entered |
No Exam Information |
Learning Outcomes
On completion of this course, the student will be able to:
- Critical understanding of the institutionalisation of sport in the mass media
- Critical understanding of different approaches to studying the mass media and the position of sports management within it
- Critical application of media theories to illustrate contrasting ideological narratives infusing media-sport texts
- Critical capacity to implement media-sport theories in relation to producing sports management media texts
Reading List
Key texts:
Andrews, D. & Jackson, S. eds (2001) Sport Stars. London: Routledge.
Blain, N. (2002) Beyond media culture in Culture, Sport, Society Vol.5 pp 227-54
Bourdieu, P. (1997) On Television and Journalism. London: Routledge.
Boyle, R., (2006) Sports Journalism: Context and Issues . London: Sage.
Boyle, R. & Hayne, R. eds (2004) Football in the New Media Age. London: Routledge.
Boyle et al (2002) Doing the business? Newspaper reporting of the business of football in Journalism Vol. 3 (2) pp. 161-181
Boyle, R. & Haynes, R. (2000) Power Play: Sport, the Media and Popular
Culture. London: Longman.
Brookes, R. (2002) Representing Sport. Bloomsbury: US
Butterworth, D. (2008) Fox Sports, Super Bowl XLII, and the Affirmation of American Civil Religion, Journal of Sport and Social Issues, 32 (3): 318-323.
Cashmore, E. (2002) Beckham. London: Wiley & Sons.
Crawford, G. (2004) Consuming Sport: fans, sport and culture.London: Routledge
Crawford, G. & Gosling, M. (2004) The myth of the puck bunny Sociology Vol.38 (3) pp. 477-93
Falcous, D. and Silk, M.(2005) Manufacturing Consent: Mediated Sporting Spectacle and the Cultural Politics of the War on Terror. International Journal of Media and Cultural Politics. 1 (1): 59-65.
Hargreaves, J. (1994) Sporting Females. London: Routledge.
Harvey & A. Law (2005) in M. Silk et al eds. Sport and Corporate Nationalisms
Horne, J. (2006) Sport in Consumer Culture. Basingstoke: Palgrave.
Kellner, D. (2004) Media Propaganda and Spectacle in the War on Iraq: A Critique of U.S. Broadcasting Networks. Cultural Studies/Critical Methodologies, 4 (3): 329-338.
Kelly (2011) Sectarianism and Scottish Football: Critical Reflections on Dominant Discourse and Press Commentary. International Review for the Sociology of Sport. 46 (4): 418-435.
Kelly (under review) Popular Culture, Sport and the Hero-fiction of British Militarism. Sociology.
Law et al (2002) The global sport mass media oligopoly in International Review for the Sociology of Sport Vol. 37 (3-4) pp. 279-302.
Lowes. M.D. (1999) Inside the Sports Pages. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.
Pederson, L. (2002) Examining Equity in Newspaper Photographs: A Content Analysis of the Print Media. Photographic Coverage of Interscholastic Athletics. International Review for the Sociology of Sport. 37 (3)
Rowe, D. (2004) Sport, Culture and the Media. Berkshire: McGraw Hill.
Rowe ed. (2004) Critical Readings: Sport, Culture and the Media . Berkshire: McGraw Hill.
Silk, M. eds. (2005) Sport and Corporate Nationalisms. Oxford: Berg.
Stempel (2006) Televised Sports, Masculine Moral Capital, and Support for the U.S. Invasion of Iraq, Journal of Sport and Social Issues, 30 (1): 79-106
Wenner. L.A. ed. (1998) MediaSport. London: Routledge.
Whannel, G. (1986) "The Unholy Alliance: notes on television and the remaking
of British sport" in Leisure Studies, Volume 5 No. 1
Whannel, G. (2002) Media Sport Stars. London: Routledge
Whannel, G.(2005) Pregnant with anticipation: the pre-history of television sport in International Journal of Cultural Studies Vol 8 (4) pp. 405-426
Wright, B. and Clarke, D. (1999) Sport, the Media and the Construction of Compulsory Heterosexuality: A Case Study of Women's Rugby Union. International Review for the Sociology of Sport. 34 (3) 227-244.
Additional Information
Graduate Attributes and Skills |
Writing, reading, debating, presenting, coding, categorising |
Keywords | Not entered |
Course organiser | Dr John Kelly
Tel: (0131 6)51 6642
Email: |
Course secretary | Dr Calum Wright
Tel: (0131 6)51 6138
Email: |