Draft edition - to be published 22/Apr/2021

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DRPS : Course Catalogue : School of Literatures, Languages and Cultures : Asian Studies

Undergraduate Course: Chinese Literature 4A (pre-modern) (ASST10106)

Course Outline
SchoolSchool of Literatures, Languages and Cultures CollegeCollege of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences
Credit level (Normal year taken)SCQF Level 10 (Year 4 Undergraduate) AvailabilityAvailable to all students
SCQF Credits20 ECTS Credits10
SummaryStudents will read and translate poetry and prose written by some of China's leading literary figures.

Students will be given guidance in the use of original language primary sources and secondary literature.

Students will work in groups to present discussion of individual writers. or works.

All students will be given a formative feedback exercise that will be helpful for the assessment for this course and students' general ongoing academic development.
Course description Not entered
Entry Requirements (not applicable to Visiting Students)
Pre-requisites Co-requisites
Prohibited Combinations Other requirements None
Information for Visiting Students
Pre-requisitesVisiting students should usually have at least 3 years of Chinese language training, including a knowledge of Classical Chinese, for entry to this course.
High Demand Course? Yes
Course Delivery Information
Academic year 2021/22, Available to all students (SV1) Quota:  18
Course Start Semester 1
Timetable Timetable
Learning and Teaching activities (Further Info) Total Hours: 200 ( Lecture Hours 33, Summative Assessment Hours 2, Programme Level Learning and Teaching Hours 4, Directed Learning and Independent Learning Hours 161 )
Assessment (Further Info) Written Exam 0 %, Coursework 100 %, Practical Exam 0 %
Additional Information (Assessment) One essay, 2500-3000 words (60%)

Annotated translation (40%).
Feedback Formative feedback exercise. Students will have the opportunity to submit translations and practice commentaries of key texts.
No Exam Information
Learning Outcomes
On completion of this course, the student will be able to:
  1. Develop an understanding of the philosophical underpinning of the major genres of literature produced in pre-modern China.
  2. Acquire a familiarisation with core literary texts within these genres.
  3. Develop reading skills in classical and early vernacular Chinese language at an advanced level.
  4. Acquire an understanding of critical analytical thinking
  5. Develop skills in the written and oral presentation of ideas.
Reading List
Additional Information
Graduate Attributes and Skills Not entered
Special Arrangements Visiting students should usually have at least 3 years of Chinese language training, including a knowledge of Classical Chinese, for entry to this course.
Additional Class Delivery Information University of Edinburgh students: Satisfactory completion of Chinese 3 Year Abroad including Chinese Literature 3 and Special Subject assignments
KeywordsAS Chin Lit 4A
Course organiserDr Julian Ward
Tel: (0131 6)50 4226
Course secretaryMs Anne Kelly
Tel: (0131 6)50 4167
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