Draft edition - to be published 22/Apr/2021

Information in the Degree Programme Tables may still be subject to change in response to Covid-19

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Neuroscience (Medicine)

SCQF Level 11 (38 courses)

Code Availability Course Name Period Credits
NEME11058 SS1 Hybrid radionuclide imaging - PET-CT Semester 2 10
NEME11060 SS1 Hybrid radionuclide imaging - PET-MR Semester 2 10
NEME11017 SS1 Imaging: Applications in disease research Semester 1 10
NEME11023 SS1 Imaging: Biomechanics Semester 1 10
NEME11027 SS1 Imaging: Body anatomy Semester 1 10
NEME11030 SS1 Imaging: Cardiovascular imaging Semester 2 10
NEME11018 SS1 Imaging: Clinical applications Semester 1 10
NEME11020 Imaging: Digital image processing and analysis Not delivered this year 20
NEME11021 SS1 Imaging: Image interpretation and evaluation Semester 2 20
NEME11032 SS1 Imaging: Imaging in inflammation and infection Semester 2 10
NEME11024 SS1 Imaging: Light microscopy Semester 1 10
NEME11026 SS1 Imaging: Neuroanatomy Semester 1 10
NEME11031 SS1 Imaging: Oncologic imaging Semester 2 10
NEME11033 SS1 Imaging: Practical Work and Assessment Full Year 60
NEME11019 SS1 Imaging: Practicalities and safety Semester 2 10
NEME11025 SS1 Imaging: Preclinical imaging Semester 1 10
NEME11022 Imaging: Statistics Not delivered this year 10
NEME11028 Imaging: Study design Not delivered this year 10
NEME11016 SS1 Imaging: Techniques and physics Semester 1 20
NEME11029 Imaging: Translational imaging Not delivered this year 10
NEME11039 SS1 Medical Imaging and Anatomy Flexible 10
NEME11039 SS1 Medical Imaging and Anatomy Semester 1 10
NEME11039 SS2 Medical Imaging and Anatomy Semester 2 10
NEME11052 SS1 Neuroimaging research for Graduate Neuroscientists - advanced Semester 1 10
NEME11040 SS1 Neuroimaging research for graduate neuroscientists Semester 1 10
NEME11008 SV1 Neuroimaging: Anatomy Semester 1 20
NEME11005 SV1 Neuroimaging: Applications in disease Semester 1 10
NEME11006 SV1 Neuroimaging: Common Image Processing Techniques 1 Semester 2 20
NEME11037 SS1 Neuroimaging: Common Image Processing Techniques 2 Semester 2 10
NEME11036 SS1 Neuroimaging: Functional Imaging Semester 2 10
NEME11035 SS1 Neuroimaging: Image Analysis Semester 2 10
NEME11012 SV1 Neuroimaging: Practical work and assessments Full Year 60
NEME11007 Neuroimaging: Practicalities Not delivered this year 10
NEME11010 SV1 Neuroimaging: Statistics Semester 1 10
NEME11011 SV1 Neuroimaging: Study Design Semester 2 10
NEME11004 SV1 Neuroimaging: Techniques and Physics Semester 1 20
NEME11038 SS1 Neuroimaging: Translational Imaging and Clinical Trials Semester 2 10
NEME11054 SS1 Practical Image Analysis 1 Semester 1 10
NEME11055 SS1 Practical Image Analysis 2 Semester 2 10
NEME11059 SS1 Theoretical PET-MR Student-Led, Individually-Created Course (SLICC) Semester 2 10
Available to all students - SV
Not available to visiting students - SS
Part-year visiting students only - VV
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