Draft edition - to be published 22/Apr/2021

Information in the Degree Programme Tables may still be subject to change in response to Covid-19

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History of Christianity

SCQF Level 08 (7 courses)

Code Availability Course Name Period Credits
ECHS08008 Christianity before Constantine, 100-306 Not delivered this year 20
ECHS08010 Christianity in Formation 100-313 Not delivered this year 20
ECHS08005 SV1 History of Christianity as a World Religion 1A Semester 1 20
ECHS08004 SV1 History of Christianity as a World Religion 1B Semester 2 20
ECHS08002 Popular Religion, Women and Witchcraft in Early Modern Europe Not delivered this year 20
ECHS08009 Social Christianity in Britain, Germany and the United States, 1848-1930 Not delivered this year 20
REST08018 Religion in Modern Britain Not delivered this year 20

SCQF Level 10 (14 courses)

Code Availability Course Name Period Credits
ECHS10011 Augustine in his Age 3/4 Not delivered this year 20
ECHS10015 Byzantine Church and Society 451-1672 3/4 Not delivered this year 20
ECHS10021 Children and the Church: Popular Education and Child Welfare in England and Scotland, 1800-1900 Not delivered this year 20
ECHS10004 Church, Conflict and Community in Britain and Ireland 1850-1914 3/4 Not delivered this year 20
ECHS10014 Early Christian Writers 3/4 Not delivered this year 20
ECHS10016 Evangelism and Empire: Christianity in Africa, 1800 to the present Not delivered this year 20
ECHS10020 Newman - Anglican and Catholic Not delivered this year 20
ECHS10013 Paradise Lost? Christianity in the Pacific 1668-1999 3/4 Not delivered this year 20
ECHS10022 Reformations: Britain and Ireland 1475-1600 Not delivered this year 20
ECHS10023 Reformations: Continental Europe 1475-1600 Not delivered this year 20
ECHS10024 Religion, Covenants and Revolution in Britain and Ireland c. 1600-1660 Not delivered this year 20
ECHS10012 The Making of Christian Orthodoxy 325-451 3/4 Not delivered this year 20
CACA10040 A Visual History of the Later Roman World Not delivered this year 20
CACA10042 The City in the Late Antique Mediterranean World Not delivered this year 20

SCQF Level 11 (17 courses)

Code Availability Course Name Period Credits
ECHS11019 Ancient Mediterranean Religions Not delivered this year 20
ECHS11014 Augustine: Confessions, City of God, On the Trinity Not delivered this year 20
ECHS11016 Byzantine Theology 451-1672 Not delivered this year 20
ECHS11006 SV1 Calvinist Theology and Piety in Britain and America, C. 1590-1660 Semester 2 20
ECHS11022 Creeds, Councils and Controversies Not delivered this year 20
ECHS11003 Creeds, Councils and Controversies: Patristic and Medieval Not delivered this year 20
ECHS11004 Creeds, Councils and Controversies: Reformation and Modern Not delivered this year 20
ECHS11009 SV1 Dissertation (MTh/MSc in Theology in History) Flexible 60
ECHS11012 Early Christian Writers from Ignatius to John Chrysostom Not delivered this year 20
ECHS11021 Martyrdom, Monasticism and Mysticism: Women Writers of the Early and Medieval Church Not delivered this year 20
ECHS11018 Newman and the Victorian Church Not delivered this year 20
ECHS11008 People, Prelates and Purgatory: Religious Perspectives in Late Medieval Scotland Not delivered this year 20
ECHS11001 Reformation in Sixteenth Century Britain and Ireland Not delivered this year 20
ECHS11013 SV1 Religion and the Enlightenment: The Birth of the Modern Semester 1 20
ECHS11011 Scotland Reformed c1550-1640 Not delivered this year 20
ECHS11010 The Seven Ecumenical Councils 325-787 Not delivered this year 20
ECHS11020 Theology in the Long Reformation 1400-1600 Not delivered this year 20
Available to all students - SV
Not available to visiting students - SS
Part-year visiting students only - VV
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