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DRPS : Course Catalogue : School of Literatures, Languages and Cultures : European Languages & Cultures - Scandinavian Stud

Undergraduate Course: History of the Scandinavian Novel (ELCS10003)

Course Outline
SchoolSchool of Literatures, Languages and Cultures CollegeCollege of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences
Credit level (Normal year taken)SCQF Level 10 (Year 4 Undergraduate) AvailabilityNot available to visiting students
SCQF Credits20 ECTS Credits10
SummaryThis option course examines aspects of the development of the Scandinavian novel. We will read seven Scandinavian novels from different genres and epochs, which will give students the opportunity to assess a range of novelistic forms in context. This includes the study of theoretical perspectives on the definition and development of the novel as a genre, based on the presentation and discussion of a selection of seminal critical texts. This course aims to develop skills in literary analysis as well as an awareness of different critical approaches to the novel and will equip students with reading strategies that are sensitive to cultural and historical differences.
Course description Based upon the study of the pre-naturalistic novel, the naturalistic novel, the modernist novel, the postmodern novel and other novelistic forms, the course facilitates a critical engagement with Scandinavian novels from the mid 19th century to the current day. Through close textual analysis of these texts, the course aims to assess their main themes and characters in relation to the historical, socio-political and cultural contexts in which they were written. In this way, the course aims to foster an understanding for the ways in which these texts engage with, debate, and at times subvert aesthetical forms and social norms.

Breakdown of Learning and Teaching Activities:
The course will start with an introduction of different theoretical approaches to the novel, and continue with a discussion based on short student presentations on a selection of seminal critical texts. The subsequent seminars will be taught interactively, and readings of primary texts and secondary sources will be set for each week. A set of tutorial questions focusing on the main themes and ideas will be provided for each seminar. This will give a starting point for student discussion and will guide the textual analysis. In addition, students will write short reflective logs on each of the novels studied, which will be discussed and peer-reviewed on Discussion Forums on Learn each week. In week 11, each student will give a presentation on a self-chosen topic, focusing either on one particular novel, one aspect of a novel, or a comparison of two novels. There will be set essay questions to choose from for the final discursive essay, in which students discuss one novel in-depth.

Potentially Re-Traumatising Content:
In this course, we will be discussing content that may be re-traumatising to some students. We believe in the importance of engaging with this material and so please rest assured that we will work with you to ensure you can participate fully and demonstrate your achievement of the learning outcomes of the course, without compromising your wellbeing or your academic development. If you have concerns at any point, we invite you to approach the course organiser to discuss how we can best support you in your work on this course. We affirm that you will be treated with dignity and respect in all discussions and at every stage of the course.
Entry Requirements (not applicable to Visiting Students)
Pre-requisites Students MUST have passed: Danish Language 2 (ELCS08008) OR Norwegian Language 2 (ELCS08011) OR Swedish Language 2 (ELCS08013)
Prohibited Combinations Other requirements A pass is required at first attempt.
Additional Costs Essential course texts
Course Delivery Information
Not being delivered
Learning Outcomes
On completion of this course, the student will be able to:
  1. Articulate thoroughly the development of Scandinavian novel writing from the mid-nineteenth century to the current day
  2. Employ theoretical perspectives on the definition and development of the novel as a genre.
  3. Present convincing appraisals of different novelistic forms in Scandinavian literature within their historical and cultural contexts using appropriate terminology, critical approaches and theoretical underpinnings.
  4. Interpret nuanced meaning within individual texts and between groups of texts at a high level.
  5. Communicate effectively in written and verbal form and hone presentation skills.
Reading List
The course will be taught in English, but the primary texts will be studied in their original languages Danish, Norwegian and Swedish.

Primary Texts:

C.J.L. Almqvist, Det går an (1839) - Swedish
Herman Bang, Tine (1889) - Danish
Knut Hamsun, Sult (1890) - Norwegian bokmål
Harry Martinson, Nässlorna blomma (1935) - Swedish
Tarjei Vessas, Kimen (1940) - Norwegian nynorsk
Anna-Karin Palm, Faunen (1991) - Swedish
Lone Aburas, Politisk Roman (2013) - Danish

Essential Secondary Reading (provided on Learn):

Timothy Brennan, 'The national longing for form', in Homi K. Bhaba (ed.), Nation and Narration (London and New York: Routledge, 1994 [first published 1990]), pp. 44-70.
Terry Eagleton, 'What is a Novel', in The English Novel. An Introduction (Oxford: Blackwell Publishing, 2005), pp. 1-21.
Milan Kundera, 'The Depreciated Legacy of Cervantes', in The Art of the Novel (London: Faber and Faber, 1988 and later reprints).
Franco Moretti, Atlas of the European Novel 1800-1900 (London: Verso, 1998 and later reprints).
Ian Watt, 'Realism and the Novel Form', in The Rise of the Novel. Studies in Defoe, Richardson and Fielding, London: The Hogarth Press, 1992 [first published 1957], pp. 9-34.
For further secondary reading references and materials, please consult the course Learn page.
Additional Information
Graduate Attributes and Skills Not entered
Additional Class Delivery Information 11 weekly seminars
KeywordsDELC Hist of Scand Novel
Course organiserMiss Anja Troger
Course secretaryMiss Gillian Paterson
Tel: (0131 6)50 3646
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