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DRPS : Course Catalogue : Deanery of Clinical Sciences : Dentistry

Undergraduate Course: Personal and Professional Development 4 (DENT10004)

Course Outline
SchoolDeanery of Clinical Sciences CollegeCollege of Medicine and Veterinary Medicine
Credit level (Normal year taken)SCQF Level 10 (Year 4 Undergraduate)
Course typeDissertation AvailabilityNot available to visiting students
SCQF Credits40 ECTS Credits20
SummaryThe area of study in this course will include your research project as well as reflective portfolios, case based learning and journal clubs.
Course description Semester one; During this course, you will conduct a research project, and continue with reflective portfolio sessions, case-based learning and journal clubs. This is intended to consolidate the knowledge and skills you will have acquired throughout this course in relation to critical analysis and evaluation of scientific literature. The dissertation will allow you to demonstrate your intellectual ability and enable you to make an extensive exploration of the subject matter you have chosen for research.

Semester two; In this final semester, you will complete your research project, and continue with reflective portfolio sessions, case-based learning and journal clubs. The dissertation will allow you to demonstrate your intellectual ability and present your academic research utilising the professional skills you have acquired in undergraduate education. You will also learn about business, tax and accountancy basics to prepare yourself for working in practice.

GDC Learning Outcomes (Regulatory Body):

1.1.1 Describe the principles of an evidence-based approach to learning, clinical and professional practice and decision making
1.1.11 Recognise psychological and sociological factors that contribute to poor oral health, the course of diseases and the success of treatment
1.5.3 Plan the delivery of, and carry out, care in the best interests of the patient
1.5.5 Discuss the role of the dental therapist and other members of the dental team in the treatment plan
1.7.9 Recognise local referral networks, local clinical guidelines and policies
1.7.10 Discuss the role of the dental therapist and other members of the dental team in the patient management process
1.8.3 Recognise and take responsibility for the quality of care provided to the patient
1.8.4 Take responsibility for ensuring compliance with current best practice guidelines
2.1 Describe the basic principles of a population health approach including demographic and social trends, UK and international oral health trends, determinants of health and inequalities in health, the ways in which these are measured and current patterns
2.2 Explain the dental and wider healthcare systems dental professionals work within including health policy and organisation, delivery of healthcare and equity
2.3 Describe and evaluate the role of health promotion in terms of the changing environment and community and individual behaviours to deliver health gain
2.4 Explain evidence-based prevention and apply appropriately
2.5 Describe the principles of planning oral health care for communities to meet needs and demands
3.3 Explain and check patients' understanding of treatments, options costs and valid consent
3.4 Obtain valid consent
4.3 Give and receive feedback effectively to and from other members of the team
6.1 Put patients' interests first and act to protect them
6.2 Act with integrity and be trustworthy
6.3 Respect patients' dignity and choices
6.4 Maintain and protect patients' information
6.5 Recognise and respect the patient's perspective and expectations of care and the role of the dental team, taking into account issues relating to
equality and diversity, noting that this may differ in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland
7.1 Be familiar with and act within the GDC's standards and within other professionally relevant laws, ethical guidance and systems
7.2 Recognise and act upon the legal and ethical responsibilities involved in protecting and promoting the health of individual patients
7.3 Act without discrimination and show respect for patients, colleagues and peers and the general public
7.4 Recognise the importance of candour and effective communication with patients when things go wrong, knowing how and where to report any patient safety issues which arise
7.5 Take responsibility for and act to raise concerns about your own or others' health, behaviour or professional performance as described
in Standards for the Dental Team, Principle 8 Raise concerns if patients are at risk
8.1 Describe and respect the roles of dental and other healthcare professionals in the context of learning and working in a dental and wider healthcare team
8.2 Ensure that any team you are involved in works together to provide appropriate dental care for patients
8.3 Explain the contribution that team members and effective team working makes to the delivery of safe and effective high quality care
9.1 Recognise and demonstrate own professional responsibility in the development of self and the rest of the team
9.2 Utilise the provision and receipt of effective feedback in the professional development of self and others
9.3 Explain the range of learning and teaching methods and the importance of assessment, feedback, critical reflection, identification of learning needs and appraisal in personal development planning
9.4 Develop and maintain professional knowledge and competence and demonstrate commitment to lifelong learning
9.6 Accurately assess own capabilities and limitations in the interest of high quality patient care and seek advice from supervisors or colleagues where appropriate
10.3 Recognise the impact of personal behaviour and manage this professionally
10.6 Take responsibility for personal development planning, recording of evidence and reflective practice
10.7 Ensure that all aspects of practice comply with legal and regulatory requirements
10.8 Demonstrate appropriate continuous improvement activities
11.1 Take a patient-centred approach to working with the dental and wider healthcare team
11.3 Recognise and demonstrate personal accountability to the regulator, the team and wider community
11.4 Recognise and comply with the team working requirements in the Scope of Practice and Standards document
11.6 Recognise, take responsibility for and act to raise concerns about own or others' health, behaviour or professional performance as described in Standards for the Dental Team Principle 8 Raise concerns if patients are at risk
12.3 Recognise and demonstrate the effective handling of complaints as described in the Standards for the Dental Team, Principle 5 Have a clear and effective complaints procedure
12.4 Describe the legal, financial and ethical issues associated with managing a dental practice
Entry Requirements (not applicable to Visiting Students)
Pre-requisites Co-requisites
Prohibited Combinations Other requirements None
Course Delivery Information
Academic year 2023/24, Not available to visiting students (SS1) Quota:  None
Course Start Full Year
Timetable Timetable
Learning and Teaching activities (Further Info) Total Hours: 400 ( Programme Level Learning and Teaching Hours 8, Directed Learning and Independent Learning Hours 392 )
Assessment (Further Info) Written Exam 0 %, Coursework 100 %, Practical Exam 0 %
Additional Information (Assessment) The assessment is an internal, in course assessment worth 100% of the marks.
Feedback Not entered
No Exam Information
Learning Outcomes
On completion of this course, the student will be able to:
  1. Undertake an enhanced literature review
  2. Demonstrate clear and efficient management of the completion of their dissertation, in the allotted timescale.
  3. Demonstrate the ability of autonomous working.
  4. Continue to demonstrate engagement with reflective practice and case-based learning.
  5. Understand the benefit of team working and sharing knowledge and experience with peers.
Reading List
Additional Information
Graduate Attributes and Skills Enquiry and lifelong learning
University of Edinburgh graduates seek personal and academic learning that makes a positive difference to themselves and to the world around them. Inspired by their exposure to world-leading research, they are innovative and lifelong learners.

Research and enquiry
University of Edinburgh graduates use their highly-developed skills in research and enquiry to identify and creatively tackle problems, and to seek out opportunities for learning.

Personal and intellectual autonomy
University of Edinburgh graduates use their personal and intellectual autonomy to critically evaluate ideas, evidence and experiences from an open-minded and reasoned perspective.

Personal effectiveness
University of Edinburgh graduates are effective and proactive individuals, skilled in influencing positively and adapting to new situations with sensitivity and integrity.

University of Edinburgh graduates use skilled communication to enhance their understanding of a topic or context and to engage effectively with others.
KeywordsNot entered
Course organiserMrs Ana Malove
Course secretaryMs Sarah Gaddess
Tel: 0131 536 4964
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