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Undergraduate Course: Self Organisation in Contemporary Art (ARTX10047)

Course Outline
SchoolEdinburgh College of Art CollegeCollege of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences
Credit level (Normal year taken)SCQF Level 10 (Year 3 Undergraduate) AvailabilityAvailable to all students
SCQF Credits20 ECTS Credits10
SummaryThis course will examine both practical and theoretical methods dealing with self-organisation in contemporary art practice. Students will explore art and activities where the process is often more important than the outcome. Of particular interest is where self-organising is conceptually integral to the work, project or practice, rather than being merely a strategy for the dissemination of autonomous artworks or an exercise of entrepreneurial enterprise. This will involve analyzing approaches that potentially open up on to a more critical position on the world, such as artist-run initiatives, activism, anarchy, and counter-culture. Self Organisation is about undoing certain historical preconceptions of any set notion of what roles an artist, critic or curator can take on.
Course description As per the summary course description.
Entry Requirements (not applicable to Visiting Students)
Pre-requisites Co-requisites
Prohibited Combinations Other requirements None
Information for Visiting Students
High Demand Course? Yes
Course Delivery Information
Not being delivered
Learning Outcomes
On completion of this course, the student will be able to:
  1. Research: Research and show a critical understanding and autonomy in identifying of key methods and practices of self organisation in contemporary art contexts.
  2. Analysis: Demonstrate a critical understanding of complex issues relating to the histories of and contemporary practices relating to self organisation, and an ability to analyse these in an independent manner.
  3. Communication: Successfully communicate your original research, analysis and professional initiative in a well structured, coherent and creative form.
Reading List
Becker, H. (1984) Art worlds. London, University of California Press

Beech, Dave. (2005) Independent Collaborative Hospitality. In Variant. Volume 2, number 22, Spring

Beech, Dave. (2006) Institutionalism for All. In Art Monthly.

Birrell, R. & Finlay, A. eds. (2002) Justified Sinners: an archaeology of Scottish counter-­culture (1960-­2000). Edinburgh, Pocketbooks

Bowman, Jason E. and Bradley, Rachel. (2005) Selective Memory. In Scotland & Venice 2003/2005/2007. Scotland, SAC, British Council, National Galleries of Scotland and The Scottish Government

Bowman, Jason E. (2006) Introductory Speech. Artist-­Led study day. British Council, Scottish Arts Council, Scottish National Galleries of Modern Art, and Midwest. 29th March (Hosted by SNGMA)

Bracewell, Michael. (2003) Scotland Rocks. In Tate Magazine. Issue 6, July/August, pp. 54-­61

Bradley, W; Hannula, M; Ricupero, C; and Superflex (Eds.) (2006) Self-­organisation, counter-­economic strategies. Sternberg Press.

Calcutt, John. (2009) The Archive is not the Story. In Map, UK

Charlesworth, J.J. (2008) Not about institutions, but why we are so unsure of them: Why an institution of contemporary art(s) like this, and not any other? In Nought to Sixty. London, ICA
Additional Information
Graduate Attributes and Skills Research methods, self motivated practice, collaboration, negotiation, critical evaluation.
Keywordsvisual culture,critical evaluation,presentation,research
Course organiserDr Deborah Jackson
Course secretaryMiss Catriona Morley
Tel: (0131 6)51 5763
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