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SCQF Level 08 (25 courses)

Code Availability Course Name Period Credits
LAWS08134 SV1 Business Entities 10
LAWS08134VV1 Business Entities 10
LAWS08058 Business Law Not delivered this year 20
LAWS08104 SV1 Civil Law Ordinary 40
LAWS08131 SV1 Commercial Law (Ordinary) 20
LAWS08127 SV1 Contract and Unjustified Enrichment 10
LAWS08142 SS1 Criminal Law (Ordinary) 10
LAWS08139 SV1 Critical Legal Thinking 10
LAWS08135 SV1 Delict 10
LAWS08120 SV1 Employment law 20
LAWS08125 SV1 European Union Law (Ordinary) A 10
LAWS08141 SS1 Evidence (Ordinary) 10
LAWS08126 SV1 Family Law (Ordinary) 10
LAWS08114 SV1 International Law Ordinary (semester 1) 20
LAWS08140 SV1 International Law Ordinary 2 20
LAWS08119 SV1 International Private Law Ordinary 10
LAWS08136 Introduction to Criminal Justice Not delivered this year 20
LAWS08137 SV1 Introduction to Criminology 20
LAWS08143 SV1 Introduction to Global Crime and Justice 20
LAWS08129 SV1 Jurisprudence 10
LAWS08133 SV1 Property Law (Ordinary) 20
LAWS08132 SS1 Public Law and Individual Rights 10
LAWS08123 SV1 Public Law of the UK and Scotland 20
LAWS08118 SV1 Revenue Law 10
LAWS08128 SV1 Scottish Legal System 20
LAWS08130 SV1 Succession and Trust Law 10

SCQF Level 10 (118 courses)

Code Availability Course Name Period Credits
LAWS10167 Administrative Law Not delivered this year 20
LAWS10229 Advanced Legal Reasoning Not delivered this year 20
LAWS10202 SS1 Advanced Legal Writing 20
LAWS10214 SS1 Advanced Legal Writing (Online) 10
LAWS10194 SV1 Advertising, Commercial Speech and the Law 20
LAWS10175 SV1 Asylum and Refugee Law and Policy 20
LAWS10191 Books, Law and Lawyers in Scotland: From Humanism through Enlightenment Not delivered this year 20
LAWS10192 SV1 Centralizing Justice: Scotland in Early Modern Europe 20
LAWS10231 SV1 Citizenship Law: National and Global Perspectives 40
LAWS10067 SV1 Civil Law 40
LAWS10086 SV1 Commercial Law 40
LAWS10177 SV1 Commercial Leases 20
LAWS10216 Commercial Trust Law Not delivered this year 20
LAWS10083 SV1 Company Law 40
LAWS10066 Comparative Law Not delivered this year 40
LAWS10232 Confidentiality and Data Protection in Biomedicine Not delivered this year 20
LAWS10090 Constitutional Law Not delivered this year 40
LAWS10165 SV1 Contemporary Issues in Medical Jurisprudence 20
LAWS10234 SS1 Contemporary Law and Development 20
LAWS10150 SV1 Contemporary issues in Competition Law and the Single Market 20
LAWS10078 Contract Not delivered this year 40
LAWS10222 SV1 Contract 20
LAWS10204 Crime and Punishment in Enlightenment Scotland Not delivered this year 20
LAWS10133 Criminal Law Not delivered this year 40
LAWS10253 SV1 Criminal Law A: Harm, Offence and Criminalisation 20
LAWS10254 SV1 Criminal Law B: Doctrine and Theory 20
LAWS10233 SS1 Criminal Process 20
LAWS10218 SV1 Criminologies of Atrocity 20
LAWS10056 Criminology Not delivered this year 40
LAWS10104 Criminology 1 Not delivered this year 20
LAWS10246 SS1 Critical issues in contemporary policing 20
LAWS10193 Current Issues in Administrative Justice Not delivered this year 20
LAWS10245 Cybercrime Not delivered this year 20
LAWS10238 SV1 Death and the Law 20
LAWS10134 Delictual Liability Not delivered this year 40
LAWS10097 SV1 Dissertation in Law 40
LAWS10137 EU Law Honours Not delivered this year 40
LAWS10209 EU Law Honours (20 credit) Not delivered this year 20
LAWS10226 SV1 EU Law Honours I: Foundations 20
LAWS10227 EU Law Honours II: Substantive Not delivered this year 20
LAWS10151 SV1 EU and UK Equality Law 20
LAWS10153 Economic analysis of corporate finance law Not delivered this year 20
LAWS10235 SV1 Environmental Law 20
LAWS10244 Essentials of Public International Law Not delivered this year 20
LAWS10135 European Union Regulation of Culture and the Mass Media Not delivered this year 40
LAWS10075 SV1 Family Law 40
LAWS10188 Foundations of Modern Sovereignty Not delivered this year 20
LAWS10190 SV1 Freedom of Expression Law Clinic 40
LAWS10211 SV1 Fundamental Issues in Comparative Constitutional Law 20
LAWS10166 SV1 Fundamental Issues in Medical Jurisprudence 20
LAWS10156 SV1 Fundamentals of Competition Law 20
LAWS10059 Gender and Justice Not delivered this year 40
LAWS10148 Gender and Justice 1 Not delivered this year 20
LAWS10247 SV1 Gifts in Context 20
LAWS10168 Global Environmental Law Not delivered this year 20
LAWS10243 SV1 Global Legal Histories 20
LAWS10142 Human Rights Not delivered this year 40
LAWS10212 SS1 Human Rights Honours (20 credit) 20
LAWS10087 Intellectual Property Not delivered this year 40
LAWS10132 Intellectual Property (VS1) Not delivered this year 20
LAWS10206 Intellectual Property: Copyright and Related Rights Not delivered this year 20
LAWS10207 SS1 Intellectual Property: Industrial Property 20
LAWS10195 SV1 International Civil and Commercial Litigation 20
LAWS10236 SV1 International Criminal Law (Honours) 20
LAWS10223 International Economic Law Not delivered this year 40
LAWS10224 SV1 International Human Rights Law 20
LAWS10248 SS1 International Intellectual Property Law 20
LAWS10199 SV1 International Investment Law (Honours) 20
LAWS10228 International Law in Global Affairs Not delivered this year 20
LAWS10146 International Private Law Honours Not delivered this year 40
LAWS10136 International Trade Law Not delivered this year 40
LAWS10160 SV1 Issues in Child Law 20
LAWS10062 Justice, Ethics and Law Not delivered this year 40
LAWS10073 SV1 Labour Law 40
LAWS10064 SV1 Law, Democracy and Citizenship 40
LAWS10152 Law, Information and Technology Not delivered this year 20
LAWS10197 SV1 Law, Legitimacy and Globalisation 20
LAWS10178 Legal Issues in Adult Relationships Not delivered this year 20
LAWS10221 SV1 Legislation (Honours) 20
LAWS10186 SV1 Lords and Vassals in Medieval Scotland 20
LAWS10093 SV1 Media Law 40
LAWS10205 SV1 Mental Health Law 20
LAWS10203 SV1 Monetary Law 20
LAWS10184 SV1 Negligence Law (Honours) 20
LAWS10176 Neuroscience and the Law Not delivered this year 20
LAWS10249 SS1 Planning Law and Land Use 20
LAWS10230 Precedent in Legal Reasoning Not delivered this year 20
LAWS10163 Principles of Taxation Not delivered this year 20
LAWS10172 SV1 Private Law Theory 20
LAWS10084 SV1 Property Law 40
LAWS10250 SV1 Property Theory: Foundations and Applications 20
LAWS10057 SV1 Punishment and Society 40
LAWS10213 SV1 Reasoning Using Civilian Authority 20
LAWS10251 SS1 Restorative justice: principles and practice 20
LAWS10196 SV1 Robotics and the Law 20
LAWS10225 Scots Law of Evidence: Principles, Policy and Practice Not delivered this year 20
LAWS10240 SS1 Scottish Tax Clinic: Tax in Practice 40
LAWS10217 Sentencing and Judicial Culture Not delivered this year 20
LAWS10220 SV1 Sexual Relations and the Law 20
LAWS10185 SV1 Slavery in Eighteenth-Century Scotland 20
LAWS10252 SS1 Street Law: public legal education in the community 20
LAWS10201 SS1 Studying Law in Context 20
LAWS10242 SS1 Succession Law 20
LAWS10170 The Age of Mercantilism: the Dutch Republic and the Law, 1648-1795 Not delivered this year 20
LAWS10210 SV1 The Changing Constitution 20
LAWS10162 The Law of Fiduciary Duties Not delivered this year 20
LAWS10158 The Law of Promise Not delivered this year 20
LAWS10181 The Origins of Modern Commerce Not delivered this year 20
LAWS10179 The Practice of Legal Argument Not delivered this year 20
LAWS10237 SS1 Theory and Practice of Law and Development 20
LAWS10174 SV1 Trade, Commerce and Society in the Roman Empire 20
LAWS10241 SS1 Trusts Law 20
LAWS10219 Trusts and Succession Not delivered this year 20
LAWS10096 Trusts and Succession Law Not delivered this year 40
LAWS10239 SV1 UK Tax System and Policy 20
LAWS10155 Unjustified Enrichment Not delivered this year 20
LAWS10169 SV1 WTO Law 20
DIVI10045 SV1 Islamic Law: From Prayer to Politics 20

SCQF Level 11 (233 courses)

Code Availability Course Name Period Credits
LAWS11430 SS1 Advanced Commercial Leasing (Practical Elective) 5
LAWS11385 SV1 Advanced Comparative Constitutional Law 20
LAWS11395 Advanced Issues in Human Rights Not delivered this year 20
LAWS11362 SS1 Advanced Issues in International Economic Law 20
LAWS11427 SS1 Advanced Issues in Law and Development 20
LAWS11464 SS1 Advanced Issues in Patent Law and Policy 20
LAWS11492 SS1 Advanced Issues in Registered Trade Mark Law 20
LAWS11429 SS1 Advanced Private Client (Practical Elective) 5
LAWS11470 Applied Corporate Law Not delivered this year 20
LAWS11480 SS1 Aspects of Commercial Law 20
LAWS11444 SS1 Banking Law (Practical Elective) 5
LAWS11476 SS1 Banking and Financial Law: Case Studies 20
LAWS11371 Biotechnology, Bioethics and Society Not delivered this year 10
LAWS11372 Biotechnology, Bioethics and Society Not delivered this year 20
LAWS11416 SS1 Child Law in Comparative Perspectives 20
LAWS11472 SS1 Citizenship in Europe 20
LAWS11252 SS1 Civil Court Practice 15
LAWS11421 Climate Change Litigation: Practice and Theory Not delivered this year 20
LAWS11465 SS1 Climate Law Formation: Movement Building, Lawmakers, and Equity 20
LAWS11474 SS1 Clinical Negligence and the Law 10
LAWS11487 SS1 Clinical Negligence and the Law 10
LAWS11433 SS1 Commercial Litigation (Practical Elective) 5
LAWS11300 SS1 Communications Law 20
LAWS11311 Communications, networks, and the law Not delivered this year 20
LAWS11016 SV1 Company Law 40
LAWS11250 SS1 Company and Commercial 15
LAWS11283 SS1 Comparative Corporate Governance 20
LAWS11240 SS1 Comparative Property Law 20
LAWS11484 SS1 Comparative Statutory Interpretation 20
LAWS11306 SS1 Comparative and International Corporate Governance 20
LAWS11243 SS1 Comparative and International Trust law 20
LAWS11434 SS1 Construction Law (Practical Elective) 5
LAWS11383 SS1 Contemporary Issues in Exploiting Intellectual Property 20
LAWS11329 SS1 Contemporary Issues in Medical Jurisprudence 20
LAWS11358 Contemporary Issues in the Law and Policy of e-Commerce, the Digital Economy and International Information Governance Not delivered this year 20
LAWS11101 Contract Law in Europe Not delivered this year 40
LAWS11268 SS1 Contract Law in Europe 20
LAWS11462 SS1 Contract Law in Europe 20
LAWS11254 SS1 Conveyancing 15
LAWS11273 SS1 Corporate Compliance: Case Studies in Law & Ethics 20
LAWS11435 SS1 Corporate Finance (Practical Elective) 5
LAWS11203 Corporate Social Responsibility and the Law Not delivered this year 20
LAWS11284 SS1 Corporation Law and Economics 20
LAWS11445 SS1 Criminal Advocacy (Practical Elective) 5
LAWS11251 SS1 Criminal Court Practice 15
LAWS11041 SV1 Criminal Justice and Penal Process 20
LAWS11361 SV1 Criminological Research Methods 40
LAWS11364 SV1 Current Issues in Criminal Law 20
LAWS11396 SS1 Cybercrime and Cyber Security 20
LAWS11188 SS1 Data Protection and Information Privacy 20
LAWS11229 Delict and Tort Not delivered this year 20
LAWS11319 Diplomatic Law Not delivered this year 20
LAWS11270 SS1 Dispute Resolution Methods 20
LAWS11070 SV1 Dissertation LLM Commercial Law 60
LAWS11451 SS1 Dissertation LLM Comparative and European Private Law 60
LAWS11282 SS1 Dissertation LLM Corporate Law 60
LAWS11455 SS1 Dissertation LLM Criminal Law and Criminal Justice 60
LAWS11456 SS1 Dissertation LLM European Law 60
LAWS11213 SV1 Dissertation LLM Global Environment and Climate Change Law 60
LAWS11457 SS1 Dissertation LLM Human Rights 60
LAWS11184 SS1 Dissertation LLM Information Technology Law 60
LAWS11177 SS1 Dissertation LLM Innovation, Technology and the Law 60
LAWS11458 SS1 Dissertation LLM Innovation, Technology and the Law 60
LAWS11183 SS1 Dissertation LLM Intellectual Property Law 60
LAWS11212 SV1 Dissertation LLM Intellectual Property Law 60
LAWS11454 SS1 Dissertation LLM International Banking Law and Finance 60
LAWS11308 SS1 Dissertation LLM International Commercial Law and Practice 60
LAWS11234 SS1 Dissertation LLM International Economic Law 60
LAWS11459 SS1 Dissertation LLM International Law 60
LAWS11460 SS1 Dissertation LLM Law General 60
LAWS11205 SS1 Dissertation LLM Medical Law and Ethics 60
LAWS11461 SS1 Dissertation LLM Medical Law and Ethics 60
LAWS11126 SS1 Dissertation LLM by Research 180
LAWS11276 SS1 Dissertation LLM in Law 60
LAWS11072 SV1 Dissertation MSc Criminology and Criminal Justice 60
LAWS11296 SS1 Dissertation MSc Global Crime, Justice and Security 60
LAWS11446 SS1 E-Governance, Digital Change and Democratisation 10
LAWS11216 SV1 EU Competition Law 40
LAWS11406 SS1 EU Criminal Law 20
LAWS11384 SS1 EU Data Protection Law 20
LAWS11242 SS1 EU External Economic Relations Law 20
LAWS11407 EU Immigration Law Not delivered this year 20
LAWS11475 SS1 EU Immigration and Asylum Law 20
LAWS11392 EU Law Not delivered this year 20
LAWS11452 SS1 Economic and Social Rights 20
LAWS11313 Electronic Commerce Law Not delivered this year 20
LAWS11443 SS1 Employment Law (Practical Elective) 5
LAWS11468 SS1 End of Life, Ethics and Law 10
LAWS11411 Environmental Law Clinic Not delivered this year 20
LAWS11442 SS1 Environmental and Renewable Energy Law (Practical Elective) 5
LAWS11271 SS1 European Competition and Innovation 20
LAWS11208 European Environmental Law Not delivered this year 20
LAWS11393 European Health Law and Policy Not delivered this year 20
LAWS11294 European Labour Law Not delivered this year 20
LAWS11377 SS1 European Law Moot Court 20
LAWS11441 SS1 Family Law (Practical Elective) 5
LAWS11359 SV1 Family Law in Comparative Perspectives 20
LAWS11249 SS1 Financial Services and Related Skills 15
LAWS11174 Forensic Computing and Electronic Evidence Not delivered this year 20
LAWS11024 SV1 Fundamental Issues in International Law 40
LAWS11328 SS1 Fundamental Issues in Medical Jurisprudence 20
LAWS11390 SS1 Fundamentals in Bioethics 20
LAWS11397 SS1 Fundamentals in Bioethics 20
LAWS11380 SS1 Fundamentals of Comparative Private Law 20
LAWS11046 Gender, Crime and Criminal Justice Not delivered this year 20
LAWS11363 SV1 General Principles of Criminal Law 20
LAWS11414 SS1 Genocide and the Law 20
LAWS11292 SS1 Global Crime and Insecurity 20
LAWS11387 SS1 Global Health: Law and Policy 20
LAWS11482 SS1 Global South Actors in International Relations and International Law, 1945-present 20
LAWS11381 Governance of Innovative Medicine Not delivered this year 20
LAWS11388 Governance of Innovative Medicine Not delivered this year 20
LAWS11302 Health Research & Commercialisation Not delivered this year 20
LAWS11241 History and Theory of International Law Not delivered this year 20
LAWS11425 Human (In)Security Not delivered this year 20
LAWS11440 SS1 Human Rights (Practical Elective) 5
LAWS11410 SS1 Human Rights Clinic 20
LAWS11481 SS1 Human Rights Law and Armed Conflict 20
LAWS11326 Human Rights Law in Europe Not delivered this year 20
LAWS11318 SS1 Human Rights and Conflict Resolution 20
LAWS11428 Human Rights in the Middle East Not delivered this year 20
LAWS11447 SS1 Human-Computer Interaction and Governance 10
LAWS11163 SS1 Information Technology Law 20
LAWS11180 SS1 Information: Control and Power 20
LAWS11246 SS1 Information: Control and Power 20
LAWS11297 SS1 Insolvency Law 20
LAWS11125 SV1 Intellectual Property Law 1: Copyright and Related Rights 20
LAWS11129 SV1 Intellectual Property Law 2: Industrial Property 20
LAWS11439 SS1 Intellectual Property Law in Business (Practical Elective) 5
LAWS11370 Intellectual Property Law, Innovation and Creativity Not delivered this year 20
LAWS11258 Intellectual Property Law: Copyright and Related Rights Not delivered this year 20
LAWS11257 Intellectual Property Law: Industrial Property Not delivered this year 20
LAWS11369 SV1 Intellectual Property and Human Rights 20
LAWS11389 Intellectual Property and Human Rights Not delivered this year 20
LAWS11221 SS1 Inter-state Conflict and Humanitarian Law 20
LAWS11404 Intergenerational Transfer of Wealth Not delivered this year 20
LAWS11245 SS1 International Climate Change Law 20
LAWS11269 International Commercial Arbitration Not delivered this year 20
LAWS11207 International Commercial Arbitration (one semester) Not delivered this year 20
LAWS11028 SV1 International Criminal Law 40
LAWS11219 International Criminal Law (one semester) Not delivered this year 20
LAWS11030 SV1 International Environmental Law 40
LAWS11325 SS1 International Human Rights Law 20
LAWS11142 SV1 International Intellectual Property System 20
LAWS11179 International Intellectual Property System Not delivered this year 20
LAWS11400 SS1 International Investment Arbitration: Theory and Practice 20
LAWS11131 SS1 International Investment Law 20
LAWS11224 International Law of the Marine Environment Not delivered this year 20
LAWS11132 SV1 International Law of the Sea 20
LAWS11424 SS1 International Ocean Governance and the Protection of the Marine Environment 20
LAWS11304 International Oil and Gas Law Not delivered this year 20
LAWS11190 SV1 International Private Law: Jurisdiction and Enforcement of Judgments 20
LAWS11479 SS1 International Waste Law 20
LAWS11453 SS1 International and European Law of the Media 20
LAWS11347 SV1 International and European Media Law 20
LAWS11341 SS1 International law, human rights and corporate accountability 20
LAWS11422 Introduction to International Environmental Law Not delivered this year 20
LAWS11278 Law & Medical Ethics (10-credit) Not delivered this year 10
LAWS11431 SS1 Law and Development 20
LAWS11394 SS1 Law and Ethics at the Start and End of Life 20
LAWS11119 SV1 Law and the Enlightenment 20
LAWS11301 Law of Climate Change Not delivered this year 20
LAWS11136 Law of E-Commerce Not delivered this year 20
LAWS11339 Legal Aspects of Managing Intellectual Property Not delivered this year 20
LAWS11418 SS1 Legal Decision-Making 20
LAWS11463 Legal Technology and the Justice System Not delivered this year 20
LAWS11448 SS1 Legal and Ethical Issues in Digital Journalism 10
LAWS11485 Making International Law Not delivered this year 20
LAWS11100 Media and Crime Not delivered this year 20
LAWS11438 SS1 Mediation (Practical Elective) 5
LAWS11336 Medical Negligence Not delivered this year 10
LAWS11466 SS1 Mental Health Law 20
LAWS11489 SS1 Mental Health Law 20
LAWS11114 SV1 Mental Health and Crime 20
LAWS11368 Migration and Refugee Law Not delivered this year 20
LAWS11483 SS1 Mobilising European Law 20
LAWS11373 Natural Law: An Historical Introduction Not delivered this year 20
LAWS11420 New Classics of EU Law Not delivered this year 20
LAWS11478 Outer Space Law and Policy Not delivered this year 20
LAWS11215 Penal Politics Not delivered this year 20
LAWS11437 SS1 Personal Injury (Practical Elective) 5
LAWS11047 SV1 Police and Policing 20
LAWS11321 SS1 Practice of Corporate Finance and the Law 40
LAWS11322 SS1 Practice of International Banking and the Law 40
LAWS11423 Principles of Commercial Law Not delivered this year 40
LAWS11357 SS1 Principles of Corporate Finance Law 20
LAWS11413 SS1 Prisons and Places of Confinement 20
LAWS11253 SS1 Private Client 15
LAWS11310 SS1 Professional Skills and Responsibility 15
LAWS11327 SS1 Project-Based Report (LLM Human Rights) 60
LAWS11469 SS1 Public Health Ethics 20
LAWS11477 Public Health Ethics Not delivered this year 20
LAWS11398 Public Health Ethics and Law Not delivered this year 20
LAWS11334 SS1 Reasoning with Precedent 20
LAWS11409 Regulating Health and Social Care Professionals Not delivered this year 10
LAWS11237 Regulation of Innovation: Advanced Issues in Competition and Intellectual Property Law Not delivered this year 20
LAWS11338 SS1 Regulation of autonomous systems: the law of robotics 20
LAWS11285 SS1 Regulation of international Finance: the Law, the Economics, the Politics 40
LAWS11467 SS1 Reproduction and the Law 10
LAWS11293 SS1 Responding to Global Crime and Insecurity 20
LAWS11335 Risk Society and Regulatory Frameworks Not delivered this year 10
LAWS11399 Risk and Regulation: Theories and Practices Not delivered this year 20
LAWS11374 SS1 Robotics, AI and the Law 20
LAWS11436 SS1 Scottish Contemporary Public Law (Practical Elective) 5
LAWS11450 Selected Issues in Communications Law Not delivered this year 10
LAWS11264 SS1 Sexual Offending and the Law 20
LAWS11408 Shaping Modern Healthcare Not delivered this year 10
LAWS11471 SS1 Shaping and Regulating Modern Healthcare 10
LAWS11488 SS1 Shaping and Regulating Modern Healthcare 10
LAWS11449 Space Law Not delivered this year 10
LAWS11231 SV1 Surveillance and Security 20
LAWS11486 SS1 Sustainable Capitalism and Investment 20
LAWS11491 SS1 Sustainable Law and Finance 20
LAWS11214 SS1 The Anatomy of Public Law 20
LAWS11417 The EU's Changing Constitution Not delivered this year 20
LAWS11386 SS1 The Fundamentals of Law and Medical Ethics 20
LAWS11415 The Integrity of the EU's Internal Market Not delivered this year 20
LAWS11375 SS1 The Law of Advertising and Commercial Speech 20
LAWS11223 The Law of International Trade Not delivered this year 40
LAWS11379 SS1 The Law of International Trade (one semester) 20
LAWS11360 The Law of Secured Finance Not delivered this year 20
LAWS11490 SS1 The Rule of Law 20
LAWS11137 SS1 The legal challenges of information technologies 20
LAWS11058 SV1 Theoretical Criminology 20
LAWS11412 Theories of the International Legal Order Not delivered this year 20
LAWS11122 Traditions of Legal Inquiry Not delivered this year 20
LAWS11405 SS1 Trusts across the Common Law World 20
LAWS11473 SS1 Visual Criminology 20
LAWS11267 WTO Law Not delivered this year 40
LAWS11402 SS1 WTO Law 1 20
LAWS11403 SS1 WTO Law 2 20
LAWS11391 Withdrawal from the EU and the Law (Brexit) Not delivered this year 20
LAWS11432 SS1 Women's Rights as Human Rights? 20
Available to all students - SV
Not available to visiting students - SS
Part-year visiting students only - VV
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