Postgraduate Course: Dissertation in Human Geography (PRGE11006)
Course Outline
School | School of Geosciences |
College | College of Science and Engineering |
Credit level (Normal year taken) | SCQF Level 11 (Postgraduate) |
Course type | Dissertation |
Availability | Available to all students |
SCQF Credits | 80 |
ECTS Credits | 40 |
Summary | The course allows candidates to activate research design, planning and methods skills acquired in course-delivered research training elements of the programme. It gives candidates a opportunity to undertake original and (supervised) independent research. At least one qualified academic member of staff is dedicated to supervising the candidate in this process. Additional academic and other experts may be drawn upon as advisors to support the candidate.
Course aims:
The independent research and dissertation exercise will allow candidates to:
- Operationalise research design and planning knowledges acquired elsewhere in the programme
- Apply research methods acquired elsewhere in the programme to an actual research project
- Understand the resource and time management requirements of the larger, independent research project
- Gain experience in data collection, data management and data analysis
- Master the process of presenting research results in the mode appropriate to their research field (writing a dissertation)
- Develop intellectual skills in critical analysis and synthesis of information to support research themes.
- Locate, read and summarise relevant literature, from both traditional and electronic media, to extend your understanding of the topic
- Understand the demands of integrating theoretical knowledges with research findings, including the development of reasoned arguments, firmly grounded in the available literature
Course description |
Not entered
Entry Requirements (not applicable to Visiting Students)
Pre-requisites |
Co-requisites | |
Prohibited Combinations | |
Other requirements | None |
Additional Costs | N/A |
Information for Visiting Students
Pre-requisites | None |
High Demand Course? |
Yes |
Course Delivery Information
Academic year 2019/20, Available to all students (SV1)
Quota: None |
Course Start |
Full Year |
Timetable |
Timetable |
Learning and Teaching activities (Further Info) |
Total Hours:
Dissertation/Project Supervision Hours 10,
Programme Level Learning and Teaching Hours 16,
Directed Learning and Independent Learning Hours
774 )
Assessment (Further Info) |
Written Exam
0 %,
100 %,
Practical Exam
0 %
Additional Information (Assessment) |
12,000 - 15,000 word dissertation |
Feedback |
Not entered |
No Exam Information |
Learning Outcomes
- successful execution of independent research project
- writing up of research findings
- experience in applying theoretical, methodological and technical knowlledges acquired in other parts of the programme
Course organiser | Dr Fraser MacDonald
Tel: (0131 6)50 2293
Email: |
Course secretary | Mrs Paula Escobar
Tel: (0131 6)50 2543
Email: |