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DRPS : Course Catalogue : School of History, Classics and Archaeology : Postgraduate (History, Classics and Archaeology)

Postgraduate Course: Ancient Macedon in the Shadow of Mount Olympus (PGHC11455)

Course Outline
SchoolSchool of History, Classics and Archaeology CollegeCollege of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences
Credit level (Normal year taken)SCQF Level 11 (Postgraduate) AvailabilityAvailable to all students
SCQF Credits20 ECTS Credits10
SummaryThis PG course invites HCA students to explore the history, tradition, and culture of ancient Macedon, the region north of the Greek world and homeland of the Heraclid kings and queens. It provides students with an insight into the key approaches, methodologies, and tools to examine this important part of the ancient world.
Course description Macedon or Macedonia, as a part of the modern Balkan area, has a contested history and legacy, which owes much to its past, In this course, you are invited to study the history of Macedon from its archaic origins, its emergence onto the world stage and its conquest by Rome in 146 BC, so important for its afterlife in world history. You will learn how to use a variety of sources to reconstruct the exciting court society of Macedon and its magnificent palaces, regions, and tombs. You will tackle significant topics, such as art, architecture, archaeology, economy, politics, and gender, in discovering the rural region that would foster some of the greatest figures of the ancient world, including Philip II and his son Alexander III 'the Great'. You will get the opportunity to engage with material and literary cultures in lecture seminars and share your thoughts on Macedonian matters in presentations. This course will expand your horizons of the Classical Greek and Roman worlds by exploring their illustrious imperial neighbour.
Entry Requirements (not applicable to Visiting Students)
Pre-requisites Co-requisites
Prohibited Combinations Other requirements None
Information for Visiting Students
High Demand Course? Yes
Course Delivery Information
Not being delivered
Learning Outcomes
On completion of this course, the student will be able to:
  1. demonstrate, by way of coursework and examination as required, in-depth, detailed and critical command of Macedonian history from the Archaic Period to the Roman Conquest;
  2. demonstrate, by way of coursework and examination as required, an ability to analyse and reflect critically upon relevant scholarship, primary source materials, and conceptual approaches considered in the course;
  3. demonstrate, by way of coursework and examination as required, an ability to understand and apply specialised research or professional skills, techniques and practices considered in the course;
  4. demonstrate the ability to develop and sustain original scholarly arguments in oral and written form, by independently formulating appropriate questions and utilising relevant evidence;
  5. demonstrate originality and independence of mind and initiative; intellectual integrity and maturity; an ability to evaluate the work of others, including peers; and a considerable degree of autonomy.
Reading List
Andronikos, M. 1984. Vergina: The Royal Tombs and the Ancient City. Athens.
Billows, R. 1994. Kings and Colonists: Aspects of Macedonian Imperialism. Leiden.
Borza, E. 1990. In the Shadow of Olympus: The Emergence of Macedon. Princeton.
Carney, E. 2000. Women and Monarchy in Ancient Macedonia. Oklahoma.
- 2015. King and Court in Macedonia: Rivalry, Treason and Conspiracy. Wales.
Kottaridi, A. ed. 2011. From Heracles to Alexander the Great: Treasures from the Royal Capital of Macedon, A Hellenic Kingdom in the Age of Democracy. Oxford.
Lane Fox, R.J. ed. 2011. Brill's Companion to Ancient Macedon. Studies in the Archaeology and History of Macedon, 650 BC - 300 AD. Leiden.
Moloney, E.P. 2015. 'Neither Agamemnon, nor Thersites, Achilles or Margites: The Heraclid kings of ancient Macedon,' Antichton 49, 50-72.
Müller, S. 2016. Die Argeaden. Geschichte Makedoniens bis zum Zeitalter Alexanders des Grossen. Paderborn.
Roisman, J. & I. Worthington. eds. 2010. A Companion to Ancient Macedon. Chichester.
Tiverios, M., P. Nigdelis, and P. Adam-Veleni, eds. 2012. Threpteria: Studies on Ancient Macedonia. Thessaloniki.
Worthington, I. 2014. By the Spear - Philip II, Alexander the Great and the Rise and Fall of the Macedonian Empire. Oxford.
Additional Information
Graduate Attributes and Skills -Development of critical analysis and argumentation in oral and written form
-synthesis of complex ideas
-the ability to work with a variety of evidence
-research skills
-presentational skills
-independent learning, time management and organisational skills
KeywordsNot entered
Course organiserDr Christian Djurslev
Tel: (0131 6)50 3473
Course secretary
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