Undergraduate Course: English for Language Teacher Education Masters (ELTEM) (LLLG07136)
Course Outline
School | Centre for Open Learning |
College | College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences |
Credit level (Normal year taken) | SCQF Level 7 (Year 1 Undergraduate) |
Availability | Not available to visiting students |
SCQF Credits | 0 |
ECTS Credits | 0 |
Summary | This four-week full-time course is the final course of our 10-week suite of English for Academic Purposes (EAP) Pre-sessional courses. It is for international/overseas students wanting to improve their academic English skills in preparation for entry to language-teaching related postgraduate degree programmes within Moray House School of Education, University of Edinburgh. |
Course description |
1) Academic Description (approx. 200 words)
This pre-sessional EAP course is one of five final English for Specific Academic Purposes courses for international students who have completed EAP2 and hold conditional offers for a postgraduate degree programme at the University of Edinburgh. ELTEM is the appropriate course for students proceeding to Masters in TESOL and Language Education.
ELTEM provides opportunities to carry out in a supported environment academic tasks typically required for taught masters programmes:
selecting and evaluating academic sources in the composition of a written assignment (critical review of a journal article of the student's choice), using peer and tutor feedback on a first draft to produce a revised final draft;
preparing and delivering a 10-minute individual oral presentation and handling questions;
listening to other students' presentations, responding with questions, and providing peer feedback;
listening to and taking notes from lectures and responding critically to their content in discussion;
reading and taking notes from journal articles, and responding critically to their content in discussion;
working with a partner or group to research, prepare and present a paper at a morning-long conference on the final day of the course, and respond to questions;
attending colleagues' presentations at conference and responding with questions.
All Pre-sessional students undertake three summative assessments during the course: Reading-into-Writing, in the form of a 1500 word source-based written assignment; Speaking, in the form of a ten-minute individual oral presentation to the class followed by Q&A; and Listening in the form of a short test.
Key aims of the Pre-sessional courses are the development of student autonomy and transferability of the skills taught to the students' future study contexts.
2) Outline Content (approx. 200 words)
Academic writing
Classes and materials on:
structuring sections of the target text, citation, argumentation and criticality, references.
Students write the assignment over three weeks outside class time and submit the final draft electronically for summative assessment.
Presentation Skills
Class work based on material adapted from Study Speaking by Anderson, Maclean and Lynch (CUP 2004), in preparation for the summatively assessed Individual Presentations during weeks 2-3.
Guest Lectures
students take notes and are encouraged to ask questions
follow-up tutor-led classes where students compare notes, evaluate performance in following lecture and discuss issues relating to the content.
Practice listening tests
Prior to the formal listening assessment in Week 3.
In the final week, students work in pairs/groups to research, prepare and present conference papers on a topic of their choice related to language / language teaching / language and culture. The introductory session includes a brief introduction to research methods. The conference itself simulates a 'real' conference, with a programme of concurrent sessions (divided by topic into distinct threads) from which students select the sessions they would like to attend. Staff from MHSE who will be working with the students on their Masters programmes are invited to attend.
3) Student Learning Experience (approx. 100 words):
The course is delivered by three groups of staff: 2 course directors who are responsible for the operational management of the course; course tutors, who work with two classes of up to fourteen students; and guest lecturers (principally from Moray House School of Education) who give lectures on topics related to language and language teaching of relevance and interest to students embarking on postgraduate studies in these fields.
After an orientation morning, students spend most of each teaching day in class groups with tutors, practising academic language and skills and receiving feedback, and discussing the Guest Lectures and selected readings. Each class group has two tutors, one for the academic writing component and for Group Project preparation, and one for Presentation Skills, Guest Lectures and topic-based Reading sessions.
Students receive written formative feedback on the first draft of their Written Assignment, and peer and teacher feedback on practice presentations, and formal summative assessment of their final Written Assignment submission and performance in their Individual Presentation.
Each student participates in one small group tutorial with their class tutor, to discuss their progress and how they can address their continuing needs to develop their academic English skills.
There is a further lecture providing information about services offered by EUSA.
Entry Requirements (not applicable to Visiting Students)
Pre-requisites |
Co-requisites | |
Prohibited Combinations | |
Other requirements | None |
Additional Costs | Students are normally expected to bring their own laptops or tablets for researching and writing up their critical review and their conference presentation.
No additional fees; student receive standard allowance of print credit. |
Course Delivery Information
Not being delivered |
Learning Outcomes
On completion of this course, the student will be able to:
- research and write a 1500 word critical review of a journal article relevant to their specialist area drawing on appropriately selected and integrated academic source material, and making effective use of peer and tutor formative feedback on drafts
- research, prepare and effectively deliver a 10-minute individual oral presentation and respond appropriately to questions
- work successfully with (a) partner(s) to research, prepare and present a conference paper, responding effectively to questions
- make notes on and critically respond in discussion to live lectures and written texts on a range of topic
- progress on to their Edinburgh degree progammes with confidence in their EAP skills.
Additional Information
Graduate Attributes and Skills |
Not entered |
Keywords | pre-sessional,English,EAP,postgraduate,academic,language,writing,reading,lectures,listening |
Course organiser | Mrs Meg MacLean
Email: |
Course secretary | Ms Kameliya Skerleva
Tel: (0131 6)51 1855
Email: |