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DRPS : Course Catalogue : Centre for Open Learning : Creative Arts

Undergraduate Course: Digital Drawing (LLLA07216)

Course Outline
SchoolCentre for Open Learning CollegeCollege of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences
Credit level (Normal year taken)SCQF Level 7 (Year 1 Undergraduate) AvailabilityNot available to visiting students
SCQF Credits10 ECTS Credits5
SummaryThis course introduces the potential of drawing using computer software as a means to develop a visual language for more personal and focused work.
Course description Academic Description
This course introduces the potential of drawing using computer software as a means to develop imagery, introduce new working practices and augment presentation. Students will learn a variety of techniques using Adobe Photoshop and how to combine new technology with traditional approaches to creating artwork. Considering composition through colour, texture, layering, filters and effects, students will develop a portfolio, importing and manipulating their own source material, and become familiar with how to present files for manufacturing and printmaking.

Outline of Content
The course teaching is delivered over weekly class sessions. Over the class sessions the course will cover:

* A tour of the interface will be provided and through the weeks, explanation for all of the key tools associated with Adobe Photoshop.
* An introduction to themes and concepts of the work of artists working with Photoshop
* Importing from the internet, digital cameras, scanning drawings or working directly with the computer are all options for developing source material. Getting this content into the software will be demonstrated.
* The course aims to tailor a working method to the individuals creative vision. Photoshop is vast and you will be encouraged to learn utilities strategically through discussion with the class and tutor.
* How the image pane is constructed as a dot matrix. Resolution and sizing images will be discussed and we will consider the different modes of interpolation and extrapolation (adding or removing pixels)
* We will look at how images are constructed in terms of layers and how to manage these.
* An early tutorial to introduce the selection tools and how to resize and move articles around the picture space.
* A more in depth look at selections and how to refine them will lead to introduction to distributing pixels within these boundaries. Here we introduce tools such as paint bucket and the brush tool as a way to further develop the compositions
* An in-depth explanation will be provided on all settings and palettes associated with the brush tool and how these can be controlled using devices such as graphics tablets. You will see how to create your own brushes and manage pallets of these custom brushes
* We will learn to use layer masks to obscure and reveal areas within the image pane and edit brightness / contrast, hue and saturation, amongst other adjustments, applying these effects discriminately.
* How to convert your content into a smart object and apply effects, filters and textures in a non destructive mode of working (ensuring your file remains as open and malleable as possible)..
* Vector functionality using the pen tool. How the tool works and its specific attributes including, stroke and fill paths, vector masks, shapes and text.
* A presentation on digital printing techniques and the potential for vectors to programme machines such as vinyl cutters and cnc routers.
* Advice on proofing and setting artwork up to present to industry.
* An introduction to the animation and 3 dimensional editing functionality that Photoshop provides.
* Directed study devised in discussion with the student to encourage more personal and focused work
* We will construct a presentation of the work we have created using the utilities and techniques picked up through the course.
* A group critique to share students¿ findings and new techniques within the course
Entry Requirements (not applicable to Visiting Students)
Pre-requisites Co-requisites
Prohibited Combinations Other requirements None
Additional Costs Unless otherwise stated, all students on this short course pay a published course fee per enrolment.
In addition to the learning and teaching resources and content, this fee also includes;
please list materials and equipment and here:
A memory stick on which to save your work as space on the network is limited.
Course Delivery Information
Academic year 2019/20, Not available to visiting students (SS1) Quota:  12
Course Start Lifelong Learning - Session 3
Timetable Timetable
Learning and Teaching activities (Further Info) Total Hours: 100 ( Lecture Hours 30, Programme Level Learning and Teaching Hours 2, Directed Learning and Independent Learning Hours 68 )
Assessment (Further Info) Written Exam 0 %, Coursework 100 %, Practical Exam 0 %
Additional Information (Assessment) Formative Assessment (required for all credit courses). (Occurs in weeks 6 or 7 of the 10 week course)

A formative assessment session will occur in week 6 or 7 of the taught element of the course. Each student will undertake a 5 minute verbally presentation with their practical work in progress to other members of the class group followed by a 5 minute group critique supported by the course tutor. Each student will also electronically submit their work in progress digital journal to the course tutor.

Indicative and supportive feedback will be summarised in written form on the digital journal which will give an indication of what areas requires to be address in order to meet the published learning outcomes. This will comprise of short written summary of action points.

Summative Assessment (Occurs at least 2 weeks after the last taught class)

Two weeks after the end of the class teaching, this course will be assessed by the submission of:
A digital journal documenting a summary of the learning journey as evidenced in the portfolio weighting: 20%
This will include a summary of idea development, media exploration, contextual research, critical reflection and outcomes through notes, annotation, illustration and photography.

A portfolio of visual art/design works weighting: 80%
This will include a selection of resolved design works, sketchbook works, preparatory studies, visual research and evidence of a contextual awareness.

The Digital Journal and Portfolio must be presented in a clear and professional manner appropriate to the discipline. The submission should include work undertaken within the class as well as directed and independent study out with the class.

The combined Digital Journal and Portfolio submission will be assessed against the three learning outcomes for this course. These are equally weighted (33.3% each) and each will be given a percentage grade. To pass, students must achieve a minimum of 30% in each learning outcome and an overall combined mark of 40% minimum.
Feedback Formative Assessment
This will comprise of short written summary of action points of areas requiring addressing to meet the learning outcomes - but no indicative grades will be given.

Summative Assessment
On completion the assessment ¿ each student will receive a % mark for each learning outcome along with written feedback putting in context the % mark and outlines areas for development.
No Exam Information
Learning Outcomes
On completion of this course, the student will be able to:
  1. Research, context and ideas - Use a range of digital media to research, explore and exploit a body of personal research.
  2. Practice, skills and techniques - Demonstrate a range of creative possibilities for developing drawing ideas and design content using a range of digital imaging software processes.
  3. Selection, presentation and reflection - Demonstrate an awareness of how to document, select and edit art work using Photoshop as a tool for presentation.
Reading List
BAUER, P., 2008. Photoshop for Dummies CS4 , Hoboken NJ; Hoboken
DEJEN, J., 1983, Computer Images ; The State of the Art, London: Thames and Hudson
BIRD, T., 2001, New masters of Photoshop, New York: Friends of ED
Crawford, M., 2007, 500 Photoshop Hints and Tips, Hove: RotoVision
LIVINGSTONE, M., 1990, Pop art: A continuing history, London: Thames and Hudson
HOCKNEY, D., 2012, David Hockney: A Bigger Picture, London: Thames and Hudson
2001, Jeff Koons, Easyfun Ethereal, Deutsche Guggenheim
COOKE, L., 1994, Julian Opie, London: Thames and Hudson
Additional Information
Graduate Attributes and Skills * using digital media effectively as a creative medium
* using Adobe Photoshop
* ability to deploy skills in composition and design
* ability to undertake research and reflective practice and apply these in the context of digital drawing within visual culture
Course organiserMr Oliver Reed
Course secretaryMs Kameliya Skerleva
Tel: (0131 6)51 1855
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