Postgraduate Course: Subject Specialism: Languages (2) (EDUA11402)
Course Outline
School | Moray House School of Education and Sport |
College | College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences |
Credit level (Normal year taken) | SCQF Level 11 (Postgraduate) |
Availability | Available to all students |
SCQF Credits | 10 |
ECTS Credits | 5 |
Summary | This course builds on learning in the first year of the programme for Languages. Students undertaking this course will continue to develop their theory of practice which is informed by a critical understanding of learning, teaching and assessment of languages. This course will provide students with a background to language policies and their articulation with classroom practices in the upper primary and lower secondary stages. The National Framework for Languages for Initial Teacher Education (2018) will be used to inform the development of such theory-policy-practice integration. Throughout the course, students will learn how to design language rich learning environments which are inclusive and which meet the needs and interests of diverse learners. Students on this course are graduates of Gaelic, Latin, and Modern Languages (e.g. French, Spanish, German). However, school based experience in primary schools may afford opportunities to observe and plan for language activities in other languages, such as BSL. |
Course description |
This course builds on Subject Specialism: Languages (1) and provides students with further guided opportunities to enhance their ability to develop their own theory of practice bridging deepening theoretical understanding and related implications for designing the languages classroom in ways which are motivating and challenging for all learners. Learning to teach is an iterative learning process which requires deep and progressive intellectual analysis alongside practical engagement. It requires an understanding of the demands made on learners which encourage self-agency and risk-taking and ways in which mentoring learning can lead to deeper learning. A particular emphasis on dialogic classrooms, using language for and through learning and task sequencing for progression will be supported by the National Framework for Languages (ITE).
This course delves further into the notion of building linguistic and social capital and ensuring young people's entitlement to develop a useful range of language(s) skills is fundamental to educational systems across the world. Language as a holistic concept and its role in education - both as a communication tool and as a learning tool - is at the core of learning. It is also complex and challenging. Language learning and using are open to wide (mis)interpretations leading to a range of different and at times conflicting pedagogic approaches. Given the rapidly changing nature of learners and learning in schools in terms of first languages, cultures and life experiences, languages as a learning tool and as linguistic systems to be understood and progressed, demand critical analysis of plurilingual, pluriliteracies and pluricultural contributions. To design socially just and equitable environments in order to prepare learners for global citizenship involves motivating and enabling learners to understand how language systems promote communication in socially and culturally diverse communities, across regions and nations, supported by transcultural awareness which make transparent inherent values and beliefs. In addition, the use of languages to promote literacies and cognitive development - regardless of the age and ability of the individual - requires language-rich environments. A transformative languages teacher enables all learners to communicate appropriately, understand the value of language and languages for personal, societal and global benefit, and to learn how to use languages in increasingly cognitively demanding settings. To make this happen, students will be engaged in critical analysis of languages in use (including learning) in different communities, taking account of the diverse needs of learners and related issues of identities and successful learning. This will involve confident, analytical criticality in discussion and debate in the classroom and beyond.
The OECD report (2015) demanded a 'new narrative' for Scotland's national curriculum. For languages to make a significant contribution to this narrative, critical evaluation and reconceptualization of the nature of language learning and teaching, its role in interdisciplinary settings and as a medium for learning is essential. This course seeks to develop teachers who are able to effectively use their understanding of pedagogical and socio-cultural language knowledge and skills to design and teach in an inclusive and language-rich environment. Teachers undertaking this course will therefore develop critical and situated awareness of themselves in their role as a teacher - a role which is political, cultural, social and moral and about taking action. To this end the course is underpinned by theories of critical pedagogy and critical literacies.
Students on this course will further develop their skills in critiquing relevant curricula at policy level in order to develop purposeful, engaging teaching. Students will continue to explore and develop their knowledge and understanding of the following areas of learning and teaching in language and interdisciplinary classrooms so that they can:
- demonstrate how an analysis and critique of curricula at policy level and at classroom level has the potential to develop purposeful, engaging teaching for learners, with particular focus on the secondary school stage
- deepen understanding of integrated language theories, systemic functional linguistics, cultural and learning theories, and use these to inform classroom practices
- enable learners to learn to use languages, and use languages to learn, paying particular attention to the diverse cultural heritage of learners and their languages
- demonstrate the connection between language and literacies across the curriculum in multimodal ways
- learn how to communicate effectively, and understand different ways in which languages can support meaning-making, in increasingly complex situations
- design effective learning spaces which are dialogic and challenging - making learning progression transparent
- learn how to develop specific language skills (reading and writing) using cognitive functions in social and culturally appropriate and effective ways
- understand and demonstrate how assessment, when embedded in learning and teaching, can lead to deeper learning involving self, peers, teachers and others.
- develop understanding of assessment within the context of languages teaching in the secondary school so that students are familiar with, and can implement, Broad and General and National 4, 5, Higher and Advanced Higher requirements
- continue the process of becoming and being a reflective and reflexive practitioner through further iterations of a theory of practice
Throughout the second year course, key principles drawn from the first course will be further developed, analysed, critiqued to encourage teacher reflection. Students taking this course will work in collaborative groups in seminars and in directed study time, both in university and in cluster sites. Learning will be problem-based and students will be expected to contribute extensively in seminar sessions.
The course will comprise 10 hours of whole group teaching/ tutor contact.
Students will engage in 35 hours of site-based learning and 20 hours of directed study on campus.
Independent Learning of 35 hours completes the breakdown of learning and teaching activities.
Entry Requirements (not applicable to Visiting Students)
Pre-requisites |
Co-requisites | |
Prohibited Combinations | |
Other requirements | None |
Information for Visiting Students
Pre-requisites | None |
High Demand Course? |
Yes |
Course Delivery Information
Not being delivered |
Learning Outcomes
On completion of this course, the student will be able to:
- Demonstrate enhanced critical understanding of the principal theories, concepts and principles related to the teaching, learning and using of languages in schools.
- Demonstrate a critical awareness of current, and at times contested, issues in languages education.
- Apply critical analysis, evaluation and synthesis of site-based experiences to identify key strengths and areas for development related to personal pedagogical practices within languages education
- Communicate, using innovative and appropriate methods for a range of academic and professional audiences, their reflections on professional practice and next steps for personal professional development.
- Analyse their learning on this course in relation to relevant core concepts of social justice, sustainability, global perspectives, digital and statistical literacies and professional inquiry skills.
Reading List
Coyle, D., Hood, P., Marsh, D. (2010) Content and Language Integrated Learning. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Driscoll, P., Macaro, E. & Swarbrick, A. (2014) Debates in Modern Languages. London: Routledge.
Fullan, M. & Langworthy, M. (2014) A Rich Seam: how new pedagogies find deep learning. Pearson. Available online:
Macaro, E. Graham, S. & Woore, R. (2016) Improving Foreign Language Teaching: towards a research-based curriculum and pedagogy. London: Routledge.
Nunan, D. (2004) Task based language teaching. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
Richards, J.C. (2015) Key Issues in Language Teaching. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Swarbrick, A (2002) Teaching Modern Foreign Languages in Secondary Schools A Reader. Oxon: Routledge
Additional Information
Graduate Attributes and Skills |
Mindset: Enquiry and Lifelong learning
Inspired by a deeper understanding of the critical and fundamental role language/s play/s in all learning and intercultural awareness, students will conceptualise how make a positive difference to themselves and the world around them.
Mindset: Aspiration and Personal Development
To take personal responsibility in pursuing goals and grasping opportunities to grow their own learning, abilities, self-awareness and confidence thereby demonstrating resilience and self-criticality.
Mindset: Outlook and Engagement
Draw on the quality, depth and breadth of their experiences of language learning learning, using and dynamic intercultural awareness to engage with the communities and world around them. This involves modelling global citizenship built on social justice and valuing diversity.
Skills: Research and Enquiry
Skills in research and enquiry to creatively tackle problems and to generate and make use of opportunities for learning, taking into account diversity and digital resources.
Skills in interpretation of past present events and cultures through a socio-cultural lens.
Skills: Personal and Intellectual Autonomy
Evaluate ideas and evidence using critical, creative and reflective thinking.
Develop a sense of agency and responsibility
Skills: Communication
Skills in communication across languages and cultures to enhance understanding of histories and cultures past and present
Skills: Personal Effectiveness
Skills in personal effectiveness to be adaptable, to engage and collaborate effectively with others and have a positive influence, taking into account their own and others values, abilities and wider context as fundamental to designing learning spaces.
Confidence to work and learn both independently and with others, proactively seeking and valuing open feedback to hone self-awareness and performance
Skills: Leading Change
Skills to innovate and lead change which best meets the needs of diverse contexts in a flexible, proactive yet principled manner which models the values and belief underpinning global citizenship.
Keywords | dialogic classrooms,deeper learning,pluriliteracies,language learning,senior phase |
Course organiser | Prof Do Coyle
Tel: (0131 6)51 6104
Email: |
Course secretary | Ms Cristina Roman
Tel: (0131 6)50 4577
Email: |