Postgraduate Course: PGDE Secondary Curriculum and Pedagogy (EDUA11289)
Course Outline
School | Moray House School of Education and Sport |
College | College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences |
Credit level (Normal year taken) | SCQF Level 11 (Postgraduate) |
Availability | Not available to visiting students |
SCQF Credits | 20 |
ECTS Credits | 10 |
Summary | This course introduces and develops the propositional knowledge understanding and skills required by teachers in the secondary school to effectively teach individuals and groups in such a way that learners can progress in their learning of a particular subject or use that subject knowledge in an inter-disciplinary or cross-curricular way. |
Course description |
Students taking this course will study the following areas:
1. Theories of teaching and learning
2.Thinking by which propositional knowledge can be turned into pedagogical practice
3. The particular demands of students' pedagogical areas
4. Seminal and recent research into teaching
5. The Scottish Curriculum (Curriculum for Excellence)
6. The ways in which teachers as professionals develop reflective and reflexive practice
Students will be expected to engage critically with literature related to education. They are expected to triangulate academic literature, professional literature and National Curriculum advice/guidelines ect with their own developing practice as teachers.
The development of the reflective practitioner is key to the programme as a whole and on this course students are expected to demonstrate critical reflection in relation to their development as a professional so situating themselves in relation to the problemetised areas of education; critiquing policy and so forth.
This course is characterised by active learning, Students work mostly in disciplinary groups on this course. Students often take responsibility for developing thinking in the classroom through presenting and teaching. Students are expected to work collaboratively in the classroom and in directed study tasks.
Entry Requirements (not applicable to Visiting Students)
Pre-requisites |
Co-requisites | |
Prohibited Combinations | |
Other requirements | None |
Additional Costs | None |
Course Delivery Information
Academic year 2019/20, Not available to visiting students (SS1)
Quota: None |
Course Start |
Flexible |
Timetable |
Timetable |
Learning and Teaching activities (Further Info) |
Total Hours:
Lecture Hours 36,
Seminar/Tutorial Hours 103,
Feedback/Feedforward Hours 2,
Formative Assessment Hours 6,
Other Study Hours 31,
Programme Level Learning and Teaching Hours 4,
Directed Learning and Independent Learning Hours
18 )
Additional Information (Learning and Teaching) |
Directed learning, micro teaching, learning outdoors, interdisciplinary learning.
Assessment (Further Info) |
Written Exam
0 %,
100 %,
Practical Exam
0 %
Additional Information (Assessment) |
The assessment for this course is summarised below:
1. Feedforward assessment is set by subject discipline tutors and is related to lesson planning and delivery for example through micro teaching.
2. The summative assessment takes the form of a 4000 word assignment handed in in two parts; Part 1 is a rationale for lesson planning and Part 2 is a discussion of reflective and reflexive practice. Students must pass each part of the assignment. Marks are aggregated for an overall mark and grade. |
Feedback |
There are a number of occasions when students are given feedback on their performance in various areas of this course. 1. Feedback from tutors during tutorial time spent micro teaching may take the form of verbal or written feedback directed at an individual or group.
2. After each placement course students will be asked as part of this Curriculum and Pedagogy course to reflect on their assessment during placement and to write an action plan based on tutor and Local Authority school feedback
3. Students keep an online journal and tutors post written comments on some journal entries. |
No Exam Information |
Learning Outcomes
On completion of this course, the student will be able to:
- The overall learning outcomes for this programme are adapted from the SCQF Framework at level 11 for university based courses. They are tailored to the needs of students studying for this professional qualification. They are supplemented by the requirements of the SPR (GTCS 2012) These include standards for Professional Knowledge and Understanding, outcomes for Professional Skills and Abilities and outcomes for Professional Values and Personal Commitment. The learning outcomes listed below are the learning outcomes for the programme as a whole and are met across all three courses. The learning outcomes relate to the underpinning themes of the programme: curriculum; learning and teaching; research; equalities; diversity and values. Learning outcomes also relate to the objective of the programme which is to educate and prepare teachers for the 21st century who are reflective, reflexive and effective professional. Overall students will: demonstrate a critical and analytical understanding of the ways in which curricular arrangements, theories of learning and teaching, research and equalities, diversity and values are used by effective, reflective and reflexive practitioners in planning to teach and in their role in the wider live of the school.
- Teaching, learning and assessment. Students will: 1. Critically appraise and evaluate theories of learning and teaching.
- Curriculum. Students will: 1. Critically appraise and evaluate curricular arrangements for the different stages of secondary school education.
- Equalities, diversity and values. Students will: 1. Critically appraise and evaluate the values explicit in documents and legislation relevant to and/or about Scottish education which relate to inclusion, additional support needs, fairness and social justice. They will also examine their own professional behaviours and values.
- Research. Students will: 1. Read, respond and act critically and analytically to research in education (academic texts and articles from a wide range of sources).
Reading List
Core Reading is listed below. An extended reading list is available in the course booklet.
Academic Texts
Pritchard, A. (2005) Ways of Learning: Learning Theories and Learning Styles in the Classroom. London: David Fulton.
Arshad,R.., Wrigley,T. and Pratt,L. (2012) Social Justice Re-examined:Dilemmas and Solutions for the Classroom Teacher Trentham Books
Bell, B. (2011) Theorising Teaching in Secondary Classrooms: Understanding Our Practice from a Socio-cultural Perspective Routledge
Professional Reading
Additional Information
Graduate Attributes and Skills |
1.This course prepares students to engage critically and analytically with current areas of development in learning and teaching in secondary schools and with broader issues and problematised areas in education.
2.Students on this course work collaboratively to design creative and effective approaches to meet the challenges of working with children and young people in the 21st Century classroom.
3.Students are taught to reflect, using appropriate theoretical models of reflective practice on their own practice and their own situated thinking; and to respond reflexively in order to improve learning and teaching. This often means making in-practice decisions in complex situations
4.Student teachers on this course develop the necessary skills to communicate effectively with a range of audiences from children to their professional colleagues, parents and other adults with professional responsibilities for children and young people, adapting communication appropriately to context and purpose.
5. Students must demonstrate their ability to use research papers which include graphical or numerical data to support their understanding of educational issues and to interpret and uses this data accurately and critically.
6.Student teachers on this course work collaboratively with peers and tutors. They learn to take the initiative, to demonstrate leadership and to take responsibility for their professional development as a teacher. Through a blend of tutorial tasks and their practice experience students develop the ability to think their way critically through complex , diverse perspectives and make ethically sound and well informed decisions which stem from their developing understanding of intra and inter personal skills as well as their sound professional knowledge of learning and teaching. .
Keywords | Curriculum pedagogy subject discipline school and classroom learning |
Course organiser | Mrs Lynne Pratt
Tel: (0131 6)51 6425
Email: |
Course secretary | Mr Nadir Junco
Tel: (0131 6)51 6436
Email: |