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Postgraduate Course: Audiology and Audiometry (EDUA11238)

Course Outline
SchoolMoray House School of Education and Sport CollegeCollege of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences
Credit level (Normal year taken)SCQF Level 11 (Postgraduate) AvailabilityNot available to visiting students
SCQF Credits20 ECTS Credits10
SummaryThis course aims to equip the teacher with sufficient knowledge and skills to be able to interpret audiological information and assess the provision of audiological support to the deaf child. The course places value on the views of d/Deaf consumers and aims to provide the teacher with an understanding of how audiological practice can be located within a linguistic access framework.

Course description a. Anatomy and physiology of the ear
b. Causes and types of deafness
c. The nature of sound
d. Diagnostic and assessment procedures in assessing hearing
e. The nature and practical implications of Newborn Hearing Screening
f. Principles and practices of audiometry including interpretation of audiograms, typmanomtry, speech audiometry and free-field speech testing
g. Aids to hearing including hearing aids, cochlear implants, radio systems and assistive listening devices
h. Current research for example in relation to cochlear implantation and effectiveness of digital hearing aids
i. Audiology in context: vieiwing audiology from different perspectives including Deaf perspectives and taking into account issues of linguistic access.
Entry Requirements (not applicable to Visiting Students)
Pre-requisites Co-requisites
Prohibited Combinations Other requirements None
Additional Costs Students will need to buy a listening and hearing aid care kit, or their employers should provide this. Approximate cost from Connevans £17.
Course Delivery Information
Not being delivered
Learning Outcomes
On completion of this course, the student will be able to:
  1. Demonstrate a critical understanding of the principal concepts and principles in audiology and audiometry.
  2. Be able to use a range of specialized audiology skills in a wide variety of professional contexts with deaf young people, parents and a range of professionals.
  3. Apply critical analysis, evaluation and synthesis to audiological issues informed by current developments, a range of perspectives and research in the sector.
  4. Practise as a teacher of deaf children in ways which draw on critical reflection on own and others¿ roles and responsibilities in Health and Education.
Reading List
Archbold & Mayer (2012) Archbold, S. & Mayer, C. (2012) Deaf Education: The Impact of Cochlear Implantation? Deafness and Education International (14) 1, pp. 2-15
Boothroyd (2012) Speech Perception in the Classroom, In J. Smaldino & C. Flexer Handbook of acoustic accessibility: best practices for listening, learning, and literacy in the classroom, New York: Thieme.
Dockrell, J.; Shield, B; Bacon, S; Lansing, C. (2012) The Impact of Sound-Field Systems on Learning and Attention in Elementary School Classrooms Journal of Speech, Language & Hearing Research. Vol. 55 Issue 4, p1163-1176.
Ear Foundation (2012) The Views and Experiences of Young People using FM Technology: a study by interviews.
Fitzpatrick,E., Olds, J., Gaboury, I., McCrae, R.Schramm, D. & Durieux-Smith, A. (2012) Comparision of outcomes in children with hearing aids and cochlear implants, Cochlear Implants International, Vol. 13 (1), pp. 5-15.
Gelfand, Stanley A. Hearing: An introduction to psychological and physiological acoustics. CRC Press, 2016.
Maltby, M. & Knight, P. (2000) Audiology: an Introduction for Teachers and other Professionals : Chapter 2 - the Physics of Hearing. London: David Fulton
McCracken, W. & Turner, O. (2012) Deaf Children with Complex Needs: Parental Experience of Access to Cochlear Implants and Ongoing Support, Deafness and Education International. 14 (1) pp. 22-35
McCormick, B. (Ed.) Paediatric Audiology (1993) (3rd edition), London: Whurr Moord, B. C.
Moore, Brian CJ. An introduction to the psychology of hearing. Brill, 2012.Scottish Sensory Centre (2011)
Scottish Standards for Deaf Children (0-3)
Smaldino, Joseph J., and Carol Ann Flexer. Handbook of acoustic accessibility: Best practices for listening, learning, and literacy in the classroom. Thieme, 2012.
Wood, S. (1993) Chapter 6: Pure Tone Audiometry, In: Barry McCormick (Ed.) Paediatric Audiology 0 - 5 years. London: Whurr.
Woll, B. (2012) Speechreading revisited. Deafness and Education International. 14 (1) 16 - 21,
Wright, A (1993) Chapter 2: Structure of the ear, In: John Ballantyne, M. Martin & A. Martin. Deafness. London: Whurr
Yoshinago-Itano, C. (2003) From Screening to Early Identification and Intervention: Discovering Predictors to Successful Outcomes for Children With Significant Hearing Loss, Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education 8:1 pp. 11-30.
Yosinaga-Itano, C. (2014) Principles and Guidelines for Early Intervention After Confirmation That a Child Is Deaf or Hard of Hearing. Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education, 19(2): 143-175.
Young et al (2005) Informed Choice, deaf children and families. Electronic journal of research into educational psychology. No. 7. Vol 3 (3) pp 253 - 273
Additional Information
Graduate Attributes and Skills Students learn technical skills on this course: reading scientific instruments accurately, understanding complex graphs and charts and applying insights from audiology and audiometry to their work as a teacher of deaf children. There is some numeracy involved.
Special Arrangements Students will need to arrange visits to their local paediatric audiology clinic, and where possible to shadow educational audiologists or qualified teachers of deaf children who are experienced with audiological issues.
Additional Class Delivery Information Practical sessions included in both course blocks with opportunities to practise audiology tasks arranged with students and their mentors.
Keywordsaudiology audiometry linguistic access
Course organiserMr Brian Shannan
Tel: 07715038319
Course secretaryMs Marie Hamilton
Tel: (0131 6)51 6678
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