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DRPS : Course Catalogue : Moray House School of Education and Sport : Education

Undergraduate Course: Professional Development & Leadership 1 (EDUA10179)

Course Outline
SchoolMoray House School of Education and Sport CollegeCollege of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences
Credit level (Normal year taken)SCQF Level 10 (Year 3 Undergraduate)
Course typePlacement AvailabilityNot available to visiting students
SCQF Credits40 ECTS Credits20
SummaryThe Year 3 MA PE student embarking on the Professional Development & Leadership 1 (PDL1) course outlined below will have completed two previous placements. Each student will bring to this course a Personal Professional Learning Portfolio. Based on Placement 2 and from discussion with their placement tutor, it is anticipated that students will have identified specific learning targets to overtake prior to PDL1 as well as those which they would hope to address within the PDL1 course. While it is recognised that Year 3 students will be working towards the 'Standard for Registration' deemed central to their PDL1experience, it is also acknowledged that their developmental needs will vary and a degree of personalisation will be evident in relation to individual targets agreed. Achieving the 'Standard for Registration' is seen as a 'work in progress' which begins in Year 1 of the programme. Therefore, in light of the stage the student teachers are at in their developmental journey, standards (and assessment criteria) have been differentiated and modified where appropriate. The programme is however underpinned by the following core dimensions aligned with the GTCS's professional values, social justice, integrity, trust and respect (GTCS, 2012). PDL1 will generally commence late in September which should enable students to attend university for a review of their formative experiences in Year 1 & 2 of the MA(Physical Education) and attend a series of workshops specifically designed to support them as they prepare for PDL1.
Course description During PDL1 student-teachers will work closely with their mentors and colleagues to achieve a satisfactory overall standard, by the end of their 10 week placement, in each of the following elements associated with the standards for provisional registration, (Semester 1) : Professional Values & Personal Commitment; Professional Knowledge & Understanding and Professional Skills & Abilities. The key themes of PDL1 are related to 1) development of the planning, delivery and evaluation of lessons in Physical Education across S1-S4 classes, 2) gradual introduction to the teaching of certificate Physical Education 3) consideration of current curricular development relating to a Curriculum for Excellence, Health & Well-Being and Certificate Physical Education 4) Consideration of whole school policies with regards to special educational needs and 5 ) developing knowledge and understanding of the nature and organisation of the wider school.
Entry Requirements (not applicable to Visiting Students)
Pre-requisites Students MUST have passed: Physical Education Curriculum and Pedagogy: An Introduction to 3-14 Physical Education (EDUA08102) AND Educational Studies 1a: Introduction to Education and Education Research (EDUA08101) AND Educational Studies 1b: Teaching, learning and the Curriculum for Excellence (EDUA08100) AND Sport Science 1A (SPRT08002) AND Sport Science 1B (SPRT08003) AND Physical Education Curriculum and Pedagogy 2: The Early Secondary Years (EDUA08104) AND Educational Studies 2a: Child & Adolescent Development in Education (EDUA08099) AND Educational Studies 2b: Inclusion and Citizenship in the 21st Century (EDUA08098) AND Understanding Physical Culture: Philosophical and Sociological Perspectives (EDUA08103) AND Professional practice and enquiry (EDUA08108)
Prohibited Combinations Other requirements None
Course Delivery Information
Academic year 2019/20, Not available to visiting students (SS1) Quota:  0
Course Start Semester 1
Timetable Timetable
Learning and Teaching activities (Further Info) Total Hours: 400 ( Lecture Hours 5, Supervised Practical/Workshop/Studio Hours 10, Programme Level Learning and Teaching Hours 8, Directed Learning and Independent Learning Hours 377 )
Assessment (Further Info) Written Exam 0 %, Coursework 0 %, Practical Exam 100 %
Feedback A range of teaching and learning strategies should be adopted to support the student-teacher and provide feedback, as they develop their personal, professional and leadership skills and abilities. It is anticipated that learning will be supported by observing and reflecting on good practice, team teaching, leading micro teaching scenarios and gradually leading and taking full responsibility for classes in S1-4.
No Exam Information
Learning Outcomes
On completion of this course, the student will be able to:
  1. Demonstrate a satisfactory awareness of the professional values and personal commitment which underpin the physical educators' practice and evidence this consistently in their professional practice
  2. Demonstrate an ability to engage in critical enquiry, approach self-evaluation and reflection on practice in a collegiate manner, and utilise such deliberations to inform a personal professional learning portfolio, which will lay the foundations for their continued professional development
  3. Demonstrate a satisfactory level of teaching competence which is commensurate with their stage of development in the three core areas of Professional Values & Personal Commitment, Professional Knowledge and Understanding, Professional Skills and Abilities (GTCS, Standards for Provisional Registration, 2012)
  4. Demonstrate an ability to motivate, lead learning for and with, all learners with whom they engage during their professional practice and take on a leadership role in managing and supporting learning where appropriate within their professional context
Reading List
Bailley, R.(ed) (2010) Physical Education for Learning: a Guide for Secondary Schools, London:Continuum
Byra, M. (2006). Teaching styles and inclusive pedagogies. In D. Kirk, M.O'Sullivan, & D.Macdonald (Eds.),Handbook of research in physical education (449-466). London: SAGEPublications.
Capel, S.; Leask, M ., & Turner, T., (1999). Learning to Teach in the Secondary school: A Companion to School Experience (2nd edition), Routledge: London
Capel, S. & Whithead, M. (2004). Learning to Teach Physical Education in the Secondary school: A Companion to School Experience (2nd edition), Routledge-Falmer: Oxford
Hardy, C.A., & Mawer, M. (1999) Learning to Teach Physical Education, Continuim: London
Additional Information
Graduate Attributes and Skills Not entered
Study Abroad N/A
KeywordsProfessional Development & Leadership School Placement
Course organiser Sharon MacKechnie
Course secretaryMrs Lyndsey Black
Tel: (0131 6)51 4191
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