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DRPS : Course Catalogue : School of Geosciences : Earth Science

Undergraduate Course: Introduction to the Geological Record (EASC08017)

Course Outline
SchoolSchool of Geosciences CollegeCollege of Science and Engineering
Credit level (Normal year taken)SCQF Level 8 (Year 1 Undergraduate) AvailabilityNot available to visiting students
SCQF Credits20 ECTS Credits10
SummaryThis course is ONLY available to students taking:

The course will teach 3D mapping and cross-section skills, as well as 4D-thinking abilities - areas highlighted by both a recent external Teaching Quality Assurance (TQA) and Industry as being a vital skill. These will be taught via integration of geological map interpretation with hand specimen descriptions. The course will also introduce the application of online digital databases (BGS and USGS maps; Digital Elevation Models; radar interferometry; remote sensing; imagery) in solving global geological problems. The course will logically follow the core course Earth Dynamics (Semester 1), and prepare students for the geological aspects of their future degree.

Compulsory fieldtrip to the Lake District on either Saturday end of week 11 through to the following Friday (inclusive) or Sunday to Saturday of the last week in May (inclusive).
Course description Syllabus
Teaching Week Content + Lecturer:
Each Week is composed of 2 lecture slots and one 2 hour practical slot
(MA: Mikaël Attal; SG: Stuart Gilfillan; MW: Mark Wilkinson; DK: Dick Kroon) Course Mark Proportion (%)
Week 1
1. Introduction to the course and fieldtrip; Introduction to maps (SG)
2. Introduction to geological time and stratigraphy (1) (DK)
Field map navigation practical, plus compass practice 'orienteering' course (SG)
Week 2
3. Introduction to geological time and stratigraphy (2)
4. Introduction to biostratigraphy (DK)
Introduction to Geological maps (SG)
Week 3
5. Introduction to Clastic Sedimentary rocks (DK)
6. Introduction to Carbonates (DK)
Introduction to structural contours and map interpretation techniques; introductory maps (SG)
Week 4
7. Introduction to Structural Geology (SG)
8. Introduction to hand specimen descriptions and intro to fieldtrip (SG)
Introductory structural map with hand specimen description (SG)
Week 5
9. Introduction to structure on geological maps (SG)
10. How to write a Geological History (SG)
Structural map exercise (SG)
Assessment = cross-section to be handed in at the end of the practical (10%)

Flexible Learning Week - Exam practice using a previous year¿s exam

Week 6
11. Introduction to igneous geology in the field (TBC)
12. Introduction to metamorphic geology in the field (TBC)
Igneous and Metamorphic field relations on geological maps (TBC)
Week 7
13. & 14. Remote Sensing (MA)
Lake District DEM exercise - Computing Rm, Drummond Street (MA)
Week 8
15. Introduction to Lake District Geology (MW)
16. Field excursion logistics and how to take notes in a notebook (MW). It is essential that you attend these lectures - attendance will be monitored.
Case study Geological Map: Lake District (MW)
Week 9
Case Study Geological Map no. 2 (SG)
Assessment = questionnaire to be handed in at the end of the practical. (10%)

Other assessments
Multiple choice quizzes
Three quizzes each worth 3.333%. Two to be held randomly in any of the sixteen lectures given in this course in weeks 1 to 8. The third to be completed in students own time on Learn between weeks 1 and 8. (10%)
Exam Map Interpretation, Cross-section and Geological History of Mapped area (40%)
Lake District Fieldtrip Map and Cross Section (30%)

Further course information
Entry Requirements (not applicable to Visiting Students)
Pre-requisites Students MUST have passed: Earth Dynamics (EASC08001)
Prohibited Combinations Other requirements None
Course Delivery Information
Academic year 2019/20, Available to all students (SV1) Quota:  57
Course Start Semester 2
Timetable Timetable
Learning and Teaching activities (Further Info) Total Hours: 200 ( Lecture Hours 16, Supervised Practical/Workshop/Studio Hours 20, Fieldwork Hours 50, Summative Assessment Hours 3, Programme Level Learning and Teaching Hours 4, Directed Learning and Independent Learning Hours 107 )
Assessment (Further Info) Written Exam 40 %, Coursework 60 %, Practical Exam 0 %
Additional Information (Assessment) Exam: Students will annotate a geological map and produce a cross-section and write a geological history of the mapped area in three hours (50 % map + cross-section, 50 % geological history).

Course work:
- Two practicals will be assessed, representing 10 % of the final mark each (20 % total); students will hand in the material they have completed to the Teaching Office at the end of the practical.
- Three multiple choice quizzes. Two to be held randomly in any of the sixteen lectures given in this course in weeks 1 to 8. These quizzes will only be accessible during the lecture period that the quiz is given in, unless special circumstances are submitted. The third will be completed during the students' own time on the web between weeks 1 and 8. Each quiz is worth 3.333% and together constitute 10 % of the total course mark.
- 30 % for map and cross section completed during the Lake District field trip.

Students are required to attend and participate in all aspects of the programme of study, including teaching sessions, assessments and examinations. Therefore, may we please take this opportunity to remind you that all course work assignments fall under the same rules as examinations. If you miss an assessed piece of coursework for any reason, you will need to submit special circumstances via your PT and/or Student Support Coordinator. Therefore please do check the timetable carefully. Assessed practicals will not be rearranged on a bespoke basis for individual students, unless special circumstances are submitted and approved. The University expect all student to be autonomous learners and active participants in their own education.

To pass the course, students need to obtain at least 40% FOR BOTH COURSEWORK AND EXAM INDEPENDENTLY. If they do not achieve this at the first attempt, the following will apply:
- If they have failed the exam component but passed the coursework component, they will re-sit the exam in August.
- If they have failed the coursework component but passed the exam component, their exam mark will be carried forward and they will have the opportunity to re-sit coursework over the summer.
- If they have failed both components, they will re-sit the exam in August and coursework over the Summer.

Assessment deadlines
- Thursday week 5 (15 minutes after end of assessed practical #1): cross section submitted to submission box outside of the Teaching Office, room 332, Grant Institute.
- Thursday week 9 (15 minutes after end of assessed practical #2): questionnaire based on geological map submitted to submission box outside of the Teaching Office, room 332 Grant Institute.
- Three multiple choice quizzes to be completed between weeks 1 and 8. Two to be held randomly in any of the sixteen lectures given in this course in weeks 1 to 8. These quizzes will only be accessible during the lecture period that the quiz is given in, unless special circumstances are submitted. The third will be completed during the students' own time between weeks 1 and 8.
- Last evening of one-week field trip to the Lake District, 9:00 pm for maps and cross-sections.

Assessment and feedback information can be found in the Taught Assessment Regulations

All details related to extensions procedures and late penalties can be found in the School of Geosciences Handbook, which can be found on the Learn UG Student Information Hub.
Feedback Students will have the opportunity to receive feedback in the following instances:
- Personal 1-to-1 feedback during the practicals, as students complete the exercises (once a week); feedback will be provided by demonstrators and teaching staff.
- Individual feedback on assessed coursework completed during the course.
- Feedback on exam map practice during Flexible Learning Week: students will complete a cross-section on previous year's exam map under the guidance of teaching staff and demonstrators, with feedback provided during this session.
- Feedback during the Lake District field trip as students progress with producing their notebook and geological map.

Examples of feedback can be found here:
Exam Information
Exam Diet Paper Name Hours & Minutes
Main Exam Diet S2 (April/May)Introduction to the Geological Record3:00
Resit Exam Diet (August)Introduction to the Geological Record3:00
Learning Outcomes
On completion of this course, the student will be able to:
  1. Apply knowledge and techniques that are necessary to understand and interpret the Earth's surface as expressed in maps and other 2/3D data
  2. Apply knowledge of the fundamentals of the analysis and critical interpretation of geological maps
  3. Evaluate geological maps and the history they record and apply field mapping skills in diverse geological settings
  4. Understand and be able to use modern remote sensing techniques to complement the geological information recorded at the surface of the Earth
Reading List
Essential Reading
Bennison, G.M. (2011) An introduction to geological structures and maps. Hodder Education.

Coe, A.L. (2010) Geological field techniques. The Open University; Wiley-Blackwell.
Stow, D.A.V. (2005) Sedimentary rocks in the field: a colour guide. Manson.

The Geological Society of London Handbook Series
McClay, K.R. (1991) The mapping of geological structures. J. Wiley.
Jerram, D. (2011) The field description of igneous rocks. Wiley-Blackwell.
Fry, N. (1984) The field description of metamorphic rocks. Open University Press.
Additional Information
Graduate Attributes and Skills Not entered
Additional Class Delivery Information Semester 2

Lectures: Tuesdays 9-10 am
Wednesdays 9-10am
Practical class: Thursdays 9-11am
Computer Workshop: Thursday 9-11am week 7
Course organiserDr Stuart Gilfillan
Tel: (0131 6)51 3462
Course secretaryMrs Nicola Clark
Tel: (0131 6)50 4842
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