Undergraduate Course: Textiles 4B: Materials MAKE (DESI10113)
Course Outline
School | Edinburgh College of Art |
College | College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences |
Credit level (Normal year taken) | SCQF Level 10 (Year 4 Undergraduate) |
Availability | Not available to visiting students |
SCQF Credits | 20 |
ECTS Credits | 10 |
Summary | This course enables students to develop and produce a resolved body of work focused towards textiles and/or materials. The project will be driven by personally written brief tailored to the student's specific interests and inquiry. Briefs will be embedded in an understanding of the context for the project through thorough research. Students will be encouraged to analyse research findings in order to plan and continue to refine considered design solutions. The final body of work will be produced to the professional standard appropriate for industry. Students will be supported throughout by academic and technical staff.
Course description |
This course will facilitate the development and production of a resolved textiles collection. This may take the form of a traditional collection of textiles samples, but is not restricted to fabrics and fibres. Planning, exploration and subsequent analysis for planning towards resolution is key to this course. All activities are supported by regular weekly meetings with staff to support learning and development. These will be in either group or one-to-one tutorial sessions.
INTENTIONS: Students will be tasked with producing a range of illustrated mood-boards and edited research examples to support a clear focus of direction for personal projects. This includes both written and visual material to support intentions.
EXPLORATIONS: Students will be encouraged to engage with relevant technical provision across the University and beyond, e.g. laser cutting and 3D print workshop, as well as the facilities within the Textiles department. Focused planning sessions will encourage effective use of resources and time.
ITERATIONS: Careful evaluation and exploration of research, technical and aesthetic challenges for individual collections will be supported with one to one tutorials to analyse investigations and results, in order to streamline and direct plans and activities towards resolutions. All of this will be recorded in an accessible format, e.g. planning books, notebooks, technical files, blogs etc.
CONCLUSIONS: Students will conclude the course in the production of a full collection of resolutions, which should be supported by visualisations of the samples in their defined context.
The final resolutions of this course will be formally presented at a professional level as part of the content for Textiles 4 Exposition course.
Course Delivery Information
Not being delivered |
Learning Outcomes
On completion of this course, the student will be able to:
- IDENTIFY appropriate directions for the development of a personal textiles project, linked to relevant research and embedded in an understanding of appropriate contexts.
- DEMONSTRATE planning, practical experimentation and critical analysis of material exploration.
- RESOLVE a collection of personal creative solutions in response to textile-related design challenges.
Reading List
Adamson, Glenn: Victoria Kelley. Surface tensions: surface, finish and the meaning of objects, Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2013
Braddock, Sarah E. Clarke Jane Harris, Digital visions for fashion +textiles: made in code, London: Thames & Hudson, 2012
Kaur, Jasbir: The Textile Book, Berg Publishers, 2002
Quinn, Bradley. Textile Visionaries: Innovation and Sustainability in Textile design, Laurence King, 2013
Sinclair Rose, Textiles and Fashion: Materials, Design and Technology, Woodhead Publishing Series in Textiles, 2014
Thomson Ros, Sustainable Materials, Processes and Production (The Manufacturing Guides), Thames and Hudson, 2013
Additional Information
Graduate Attributes and Skills |
Versatility - developing multi-disciplinary approaches to challenges
Thinking - making free associations and connections outside the norm
Communication - oral, visual and textual communication of research, ideas and resolutions
Keywords | textiles,materials,production,research,making |
Course organiser | Ms Lindy Richardson
Tel: 0131 221 6129
Email: |
Course secretary | Ms Jane Thomson
Tel: (0131 6)51 5713
Email: |