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DRPS : Course Catalogue : Business School : Common Courses (Management School)

Postgraduate Course: Blockchain and Cryptofinance (CMSE11437)

Course Outline
SchoolBusiness School CollegeCollege of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences
Credit level (Normal year taken)SCQF Level 11 (Postgraduate) AvailabilityNot available to visiting students
SCQF Credits10 ECTS Credits5
SummaryThis course aims to provide a synthetic overview of cryptocurrencies and blockchain topics related to banking and finance, including their mechanism, applications, risks and related regulations.
Course description Blockchains and cryptocurrencies represent a novel application of cryptography and information technology to age-old problems such as financial record-keeping, the medium of exchange and decentralised authorities. They may lead to profound changes in the area of banking and corporate governance. Many major players in the financial industry, including regulators and central banks, have started to invest in this new technology. Most blockchain courses in other universities focus on the technique side, i.e., it is usually in the school of computer science or informatics. However, the financial models of cryptocurrencies and ICOs are also critical and might have far-reaching implications on corporate governance structure and the social economy.

This course aims to provide a synthetic overview of cryptocurrencies and blockchain topics related to banking and finance. On the technical side, this course will enable students to understand the essential technical concepts related to blockchain and cryptocurrencies; on the financial side, it aims to equip the student with the capability to identify the underlying business and financial implications of various blockchain projects, and to understand the potential impact on current framework of financial services, corporate governance structure and regulation.
Entry Requirements (not applicable to Visiting Students)
Pre-requisites Co-requisites
Prohibited Combinations Other requirements For MSc Finance, Technology and Policy students, or by permission of course organiser. Please contact the course secretary.
Course Delivery Information
Academic year 2019/20, Not available to visiting students (SS1) Quota:  None
Course Start Block 3 (Sem 2)
Timetable Timetable
Learning and Teaching activities (Further Info) Total Hours: 100 ( Lecture Hours 10, Supervised Practical/Workshop/Studio Hours 6, Programme Level Learning and Teaching Hours 2, Directed Learning and Independent Learning Hours 82 )
Assessment (Further Info) Written Exam 0 %, Coursework 50 %, Practical Exam 50 %
Additional Information (Assessment) Written Exam 50%, Coursework 50%

Examination (Individual)
Final exam 50% weighting [LO1, LO2, LO3, LO4]

Coursework (Group)
Case study 50% weighting [LO1, LO2, LO3, LO4] A business case will be assigned during the lectures. Students should write reports by themselves and submit their work by the end of the semester.
Feedback The exam and the assignment will be marked using the University of Edinburgh common marking scheme. Summative marks and feedback on their work will be provided within 15 working days of the submission date, in line with the University of Edinburgh Taught Assessment Regulations.
No Exam Information
Learning Outcomes
On completion of this course, the student will be able to:
  1. Apply the principles of banking and finance to evaluate the business logics of blockchain projects.
  2. Analyse the financial and regulatory consequences of crypto-issuers¿ strategic behaviour.
  3. Understand the origin, current status and possible orientations of digital cash and identify potential business opportunities.
  4. Develop relevant strategies to use blockchain to solve issues in corporate governance.
Reading List
Additional Information
Graduate Attributes and Skills Research & Enquiry:
On completion of the course, students should be able to:
- Understand how banking and finance principles affect the design and operation of cryptocurrencies
- Understand the mechanism of cryptocurrencies and ICOs
- Understand the potential impact that blockchain can impose on various aspects of corporate governance
-Understand the regulatory frameworks and how they interact with the blockchain industry

Personal & Intellectual Autonomy:
On completion of the course, students should be able to:
- Applying relevant framework to evaluate business models of various blockchain projects
- Recognise advantages and potential risks of different blockchain fundraising technology

Communication skills
On completion of the course, students should be able to:
- Use state-of-the-art tools to develop fintech strategies involving blockchains
- Be capable of cooperating with regulators and fintech practitioners with respect to the use of blockchain
KeywordsNot entered
Course organiserDr Tong Wang
Tel: (0131 6)51 5551
Course secretaryMiss Yvonne Stewart
Tel: (0131 6)51 5333
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