Postgraduate Course: The Entrepreneurial Manager (MSc) (CMSE11090)
Course Outline
School | Business School |
College | College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences |
Credit level (Normal year taken) | SCQF Level 11 (Postgraduate) |
Availability | Available to all students |
SCQF Credits | 15 |
ECTS Credits | 7.5 |
Summary | A fundamental outcome of entrepreneurship is the creation of new value, usually through the creation of new products and services which may lead to the creation of a new business entity. The objective of this course is to demonstrate and understand that exploiting a new opportunity is a process that can be planned, resourced, and managed. To start a successful business, an entrepreneur must exercise motivation as well as enterprising and managerial skills. He or she requires access to resources to grow the business; not just investment but social resources as well. Overall success is not just related to the nature of market opportunities but to the entrepreneurial and managerial motivations and skills of the entrepreneur.
Course description |
The course demonstrates the relevance of entrepreneurship in large organisations and analyses how it can be integrated into more familiar approaches of corporate management. Many large firms have to react to new market opportunities, and have to develop mechanisms to develop new products and services. Many of these new lines of value arise from the activities of entrepreneurs within the organisation (intrapreneurs) or through the vision of entrepreneurial senior managers or leaders. New companies commonly spin out of large organisations. How larger firms can encourage innovation and entrepreneurship, and yet retain control, remains a major challenge to modern companies.
The need to be entrepreneurial is also strong in modern, large, non-business organisations. Many are forced to raise more funds as their existing public funds are insufficient. There is also recognition that governments cannot underpin all good causes. This has motivated many caring entrepreneurs to start charities of their own, some of which from small beginnings have grown into major world organisations. Social entrepreneurship has become an important field of management in recent years.
The course includes an introduction to entrepreneurship and business venturing and also examines entrepreneurial managerial processes associated with identification, resources, and management of opportunity exploitation. The course also examines how entrepreneurial organisations can be created, enhanced, managed and resourced.
The course will also emphasise the importance of entrepreneurial management styles and techniques in both small and large organisations. The knowledge learnt will enable students to critically examine and question more traditional approaches to the study of management.
-What is entrepreneurial management?
-Informal identification and discussion of entrepreneurial organizations
-Innovation and Creativity at entrepreneurial organizations
-Individual vs. organizational innovation
-Family business
-Social and sustainable entrepreneurship
-Entrepreneurial growth strategies
-Opportunity recognition and opportunity assessment
-Entrepreneurial finance
-Entrepreneurial culture and leadership
-Corporate Entrepreneurship and Strategic Venturing
Student Learning Experience:
This course utilises multiple learning modes, including: independent reading, primary research, lecture, group discussion, case studies, and exposure to practice. Though guided by lectures, students will gain knowledge and understanding through reading and desk research. The wide availability of secondary information in print and online, combined with the opportunity to interact with active entrepreneurs, enables students to gain understanding of core issues. Students are expected to assess the implications of research on best practice from multiple sources, including lectures, readings, web-based resources, and the experiences of active entrepreneurs. Guidance from lectures should develop understanding to some degree, but discussions during course sessions and within the group projects are equally or even more important. Most sessions contain opportunities for group discussion and reflection, particularly on cases illustrating various aspects of good and bad practice.
Entry Requirements (not applicable to Visiting Students)
Pre-requisites |
Co-requisites | |
Prohibited Combinations | |
Other requirements | None |
Information for Visiting Students
Pre-requisites | None |
High Demand Course? |
Yes |
Course Delivery Information
Not being delivered |
Learning Outcomes
On completion of this course, the student will be able to:
- Reflect upon and critically evaluate theories and concepts underpinning entrepreneurship more widely.
- Understand and discuss critically the relationship between entrepreneurship and value creation and how entrepreneurial managers drive innovation and growth.
- Understand and discuss critically how entrepreneurial managers adapt elements of the entrepreneurial process to a variety of business and organisational contexts.
- Work in a team-based environment to take on the role of entrepreneurial managers and critically assess and establish and develop an entrepreneurial opportunity.
Reading List
Burns P. (2013). Corporate Entrepreneurship. Palgrave: London |
Additional Information
Graduate Attributes and Skills |
Cognitive Skills:
By the end of the course students will have developed or enhanced:
1. Scholarship and desk research skills;
2. The ability to assimilate, communicate and present critical evaluations of relevant sources of information; and
3. The application of entrepreneurial theory to real world organizations and opportunities .
Key Skills:
On completion of the assessed coursework students should have enhanced:
1. The ability to work in groups; and
2. Presentation and communication skills.
Subject Specific Skills:
On completion of the assessed course work, students should have enhanced their ability to:
1. Assess critically where and how entrepreneurial behaviour and actions can be applied in different business contexts;
2. Analyse and consider different business situations where entrepreneurial opportunities are present or possible;
3. Manage or advise on the key elements for identifying and exploiting an entrepreneurial opportunity; and
4. Account for the relevant business and organisational context in undertaking entrepreneurial behaviour and activity.
Keywords | MGMT-EM-MSC |
Course organiser | Prof Richard Harrison
Tel: (0131 6)51 5549
Email: |
Course secretary | Mr Peter Newcombe
Tel: (0131 6)51 3013
Email: |