Postgraduate Course: Translation and Creativity (CLLC11127)
Course Outline
School | School of Literatures, Languages and Cultures |
College | College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences |
Credit level (Normal year taken) | SCQF Level 11 (Postgraduate) |
Availability | Not available to visiting students |
SCQF Credits | 20 |
ECTS Credits | 10 |
Summary | This courses will address the intersection between translation and writing and creativity in literary translation, giving the student opportunity to develop a critical understanding of the relationship between translation and literary creativity in the languages they work with. |
Course description |
The course will address the intersection between translation, writing and creativity in literary translation, and views of translation as enhancement of one¿s own oeuvre and literary system. The course combines literary and translation theory and is designed to develop a critical understanding of how literary texts are constructed, circulated and consumed, and the different purposes they might serve in translation. It comprises lectures and seminars, where the second half of some sessions will be allocated to group work on texts (in English) and focused discussions.
Entry Requirements (not applicable to Visiting Students)
Pre-requisites |
Co-requisites | |
Prohibited Combinations | |
Other requirements | None |
Course Delivery Information
Not being delivered |
Learning Outcomes
On completion of this course, the student will be able to:
- Demonstrate a critical understanding of the link between creative literature, translation and translation theory
- Gain confidence and competence in the analysis and production of literary texts, including evaluating strategies specific to the translation of literary texts
- Gain familiarity with relevant electronic databases, and theoretical and literary resources available to them in Edinburgh through libraries such as the National Library of Scotland and resources such as the Scottish Poetry Library, the Scottish Storytelling Centre and the Traverse Theatre
- Demonstrate an increased ability to be self-reflexive and critically evaluate the quality of existing literary translations with a view to developing their own creative skills in translations
- Formulate skills in reflection, which can be carried into further academic study (such as the masters dissertation) to conceptualize, present and execute a significant piece of literary translation accompanied by a critical commentary
Reading List
Baccolini, Rafaella, and Federico Zanettin (2008) 'The Language of Trauma: Art Spiegelman's Maus and its Translations', in F. Zanettin (ed) Comics in Translation, Manchester: St Jerome, 99-132.
Bassnett, Susan (1998) 'Translation and Theatre', in S. Bassnett and A. Lefevere (eds) Constructing Cultures: Essays in Literary Translation, Clevedon: Multilingual Matters, 90-108.
Bentley, Eric (1987) 'How Translate a Play?', Thinking about the Playwright: Comments from Four Decades, Evanston, Ill.: Northwestern University Press, 253-259.
Boase-Beier, Jean and Michael Holman (1999) 'Introduction', in J. Boase-Beier and M. Holman (eds) The Practices of Literary Translation: Constraints and Creativity, Manchester: St Jerome: 1-17.
Boase-Beier, Jean (2011) 'Translating Celan's Poetics of Silence', Target 23 (2): 165-177. [Available online]
Bosseaux, Charlotte (2007) 'Narrative Point of View and Translation', How Does it Feel? Point of View in Translation: The Case of Virginia Woolf into French, Amsterdam, New York: Rodopi, 13-26.
Deane-Cox, Sharon (2013) 'The translator as secondary witness: Mediating memory in Antelme's L'espèce humaine' Translation Studies, DOI: 10.1080/14781700.2013.795267 [Available online]
Federici, Federico M. (2011) 'Introduction: Dialects, idiolects, sociolects: Translation problems or creative stimuli?', in F. M. Federici (ed) Translating Dialects and Languages of Minorities: Challenges and Solutions, Oxford: Peter Lang, 1-10.
Gonzalez-Millan, Xoán (1996) 'Towards a Theory of Translation for 'Marginal' Literary Systems. The Galician Situation', in M. Coulthard and P. Odber de Baubeta (eds) The Knowledges of the Translator: From Literary Interpretation to Machine Classification. Lewiston, Queenston, Lampeter: Edwin Mellen Press, 279-290.
Guix, Juan Gabriel Lopez (2006) 'The translator in Aliceland: on translating Alice in Wonderland into Spanish', in S. Bassnett and P. Bush (eds) The Translator as Writer, London & New York: Continuum, 95-105.
Heaney, Seaumus (2000) 'About this translation', in Beowulf [trans. S. Heaney], London: W. W. Norton & Company: xxii-xxx. [Available online]
Hermans, Theo (2009) 'The Translator's Voice in Translated Narrative', in M. Baker (ed), Critical Readings in Translation Studies, London: Routledge, 193-212.
Jackson, K. David (2010) 'Transcriação / Transcreation: The Brazilian concrete poets and translation', in H. Tonkin and M. Esposito Frank (eds) The Translator as Mediator of Cultures, Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 139-159.
Johnston, David (1996) 'Text and Ideotext: Translation and Adaptation for the Stage,' in M. Coulthard and P. A. Odber de Baubeta (eds) The Knowledges of the Translator: From Literary Interpretation to Machine Classification, Lewiston, Queenston, Lampeter: Edwin Mellen Press, 243-258.
Jones, Francis R (2011) 'Introduction', Poetry Translating as Expert Action. Processes, Priorities and Networks, Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 1-15.
Laviosa, Sara (2007) 'Learning Creative Writing by Translating Witty Ads', The Interpreter and Translator Trainer (ITT) 1(2): 197-222.
Malmkjær, Kirsten (2004) 'Translational stylistics: Dulcken's translations of Hans Christian Andersen', Language and Literature 13(1): 13-24. [Available online]
Nikolaou, Paschalis (2006) 'Notes on Translating the Self', in E. Loffredo and M. Perteghella (eds) Translation and Creativity: Perspectives on Creative Writing and Translation Studies, London: Continuum, 19-32.
O'Sullivan, Emer (2003) 'Narratology meets Translation Studies, or, The Voice of the Translator in Children's Literature', META 48 (1-2): 197-207. [Available online]
Parks, Tim (2007) 'Identifying an Original', Translating Style: A Literary Approach to Translation, A Translation Approach to Literature, 2nd edition, Manchester: St. Jerome: 1-14.
Peghinelli, Andrea (2012) 'Theatre Translation as Collaboration: A Case in Point in British Contemporary Drama', Journal for Communication and Culture 2(1): 20-30. [Available online]
Perteghella, Manuela (2013) 'Translation as Creative Writing' in G. Harper (ed) A Companion to Creative Writing, John Wiley & Sons: Chichester, UK. [Available online]
Rosa, Alexandra Assis (2006) 'Defining Target Text Reader: Translation Studies and Literary Theory', in J. Ferreira Duarte, A. Assis Rosa and T. Seruya (eds) Translation Studies at the Interface of Disciplines. Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins: 99-109. [Available online ]
Santaemilia, José (2008) 'The Translation of Sex-Related Language: The Danger(s) of Self-Censorship(s)', TTR : traduction, terminologie, redaction 21(2): 221-252. [Available online]
Scott, Clive (2011) 'The Translation of Reading: A Phenomenological Approach', Translation Studies, 4(2): 213-229. [Available online]
Shamma, Tarek (2009) 'The Exotic Dimension of Foreignizing Strategies', Translation and the Manipulation of Difference: Arabic Literature in Nineteenth-century England, Manchester: St. Jerome: 49-85.
Tymoczko, Maria (2000) 'Translation and Political Engagement: Activism, Social Change and the Role of Translation in Geopolitical Shifts', The Translator 6(1): 23-47. [Available online]
Venuti, Lawrence (1993) 'Translation as Cultural Politics: Regimes of Domestication in English', Textual Practice 7: 208-223. [Available online] Reprinted in M. Baker (ed) (2010) Critical Readings in Translation Studies, London, New York: Routledge. 65-79.
Viera, Else Ribeiro Pires (1999) 'Liberating Calibans: Readings of Antropofagia and Haroldo de Campos' Poetics of Transcreation', in S. Bassnett and H. Trivedi (eds) Post-colonial Translation: Theory and Practice, London & New York: Routledge: 95-113.
Wright, Chantal (2006) ¿Faust goes pop: a translator's rereading(s)', in E. Loffredo and Manuela Perteghalla (eds.) Translation and Creativity. Perspectives on Creative Writing and Translation Studies, London: Continuum: 145-157.
Additional Information
Graduate Attributes and Skills |
Not entered |
Keywords | TaC |
Course organiser | Dr Hephzibah Israel
Tel: (0131 6)50 4467
Email: |
Course secretary | Mr Alan Binnie
Tel: (0131 6)51 1822
Email: |