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Undergraduate Course: Veterinary Public Health (BVMS10039)

Course Outline
SchoolRoyal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies CollegeCollege of Medicine and Veterinary Medicine
Credit level (Normal year taken)SCQF Level 10 (Year 4 Undergraduate) AvailabilityNot available to visiting students
SCQF Credits20 ECTS Credits10
SummaryThis course follows up on the Veterinary Public Health subjects being introduced to the students during the 1st year and comprises lectures and practicals to build in concepts around importance of safe food and public health and the role of animal welfare. The course covers principles of safe food production including food microbiology, encompassing all aspects of food safety from farm to table, food borne infections and role of food hygiene authorities/legislation at the national and international level.
Course description This course will provide a foundation that will enable the students to develop, during the following practical classes and lectures, an interest for and knowledge of VPH especially concerning food hygiene and safety. At the end of the Course they will be able to:

-Underline the role of the veterinary surgeon in protecting public health and hygienic production of food of animal origin in Europe and the UK.
-Describe the key principles involved in the food chain and the "Farm to Fork" approach.
-Describe the main European and UK legislation and enforcement principles of identification and traceability of animals and food of animal origin, hygienic production of food and animal welfare.
-Describe the key principles involved in food producing establishment hygienic design and operational process.
-Explain the importance of animal welfare during transport and at slaughter and how this is related to food safety and quality of product in the food chain (including poultry and fish).
-Describe the link between animal identification, food chain information and traceability of food of animal origin.
-To describe the hygienic production and risk associated with food of animal origin (including milk, poultry, eggs and fish).
-Demonstrate the advantage of using a food safety management system (FSMS) to control hazards in food of animal origin and how auditing of FSMSs are performed.
-Discuss the importance of food microbiology, the main food preservation techniques and interpret microbiological testing results.
-Explain the relationships between Ante Mortem Inspection, food chain information, Post Mortem Inspection and communication of inspection results to farmers and veterinarians.
-Describe the principals involved in emergency slaughter of food producing animals at the farm of origin.
-Make a judgement on fitness of food of animal origin for human consumption.
-Explain the various aspects of veterinary public health including non-foodborne zoonoses.
-Understand the relationships between the environment and the correct disposal of waste from the farm and food producing establishments.
-Explain the importance of the National Surveillance Scheme on residues in the UK.
-Explain the main control measures in place in the UK for TSEs (BSE and Scrapie).

Practical Course Objectives

At the end of the Post Mortem Room practical sessions students will be able to:

Session 1 (Teaching staff: Alex Seguino and Cristina Soare)
1) Recall basic, comparative and topographic veterinary anatomy and in particular:
-Identification of species and organ.
-Comparative anatomy with other species.
-Normal features and pH of meat.

2) Practice methodology and techniques of post-mortem inspection (PMI) in red meat animals and in particular:
-Legal requirements for PMI.
-Principles of inspection of carcass, red and green offal.
-Visual inspection.
-Incision (including safe use of knives).

Session 2 (Teaching staff: Alex Seguino and Cristina Soare)
3) Examine gross anatomical pathology specimen and in particular:
-Identification of lesions.
-Suspect diagnosis.
-Differential diagnosis.
-Possible test available in abattoirs.
-Identification of possible aetiological agents and their relevance for public health.
-Basic epidemiology of disease.

4) Recall and recognize parasitology lesions of interest in meat inspection and in particular:
-Generality on parasites life cycle.
-Relevance for public health.
-Trichinella testing in abattoirs.
-Cold treatment of infested meat (cysticercosis and trichinosis).

Session 3 (Teaching staff: Alex Seguino and Cristina Soare)
5) Underline other specific hazards of interest in meat inspection and in particular:
-Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathies.
-Compulsory slaughter during Bluetongue and Foot and Mouth diseases.
-Principles of Health and Safety at work.

6) Assess risks and apply decision making concerning meat and in particular:
-Legal grounds for declaring meat unfit for human consumption.
-Localized and generalized pathological conditions.
-Acute and chronic pathological conditions.
-Abnormal colours of meat.
-Disposal of Animal-by-Products.

Session 4 (Teaching staff: Alex Seguino and Cristina Soare)
7) Assess animal welfare (AW) compliance at slaughter and in particular:
-Lesions and conditions of AW importance.
-Use of penetrative captive-bolt instruments (including Health and Safety aspects).
-Principles of animal identification (ear-tags).

8) Practice methodology and techniques of PMI in poultry and in particular:
-Legal requirements for PMI.
-Principles of batch inspection.
-Visual inspection.
-Incision (including safe use of knives).
-Principles of poultry pathology relevant to public health.

At the end of the microbiology laboratory practical sessions students will be able to:

Session 1 Food microbiology (Teaching staff: Cosmin Chintoan-Uta)
-Understand the processes involved in diagnostic food microbiology.
-Perform microbiological diagnostic procedures.
-Analyse and interpret test results.
-To formulate recommendation to be provided with the microbiology test report.

Session 2 Food Labelling and Traceability (Teaching staff: Cristina Soare)
-Describe the legal requirements for food labelling in the UK.
-Identify the information on the food label that is relevant to veterinary public health (e.g. Identification mark, date labelling, preparation technology, British lion Code, etc).
-Identify and explain traceability systems of food products.

Session 3 Contact Zoonoses (Teaching staff: Cristina Soare and Alessandro Seguino)
-Understand the risks posed to human health by contact zoonoses; in particular, the risks to veterinary surgeons, clinic staff, clients and families
-Identify specific risk situations for the spread of selected zoonotic pathogens
-Identify sources of reliable information on zoonotic disease
-Provide recommendations on the prevention and control of zoonotic diseases
Entry Requirements (not applicable to Visiting Students)
Pre-requisites Co-requisites
Prohibited Combinations Other requirements None
Course Delivery Information
Academic year 2019/20, Not available to visiting students (SS1) Quota:  None
Course Start Semester 1
Timetable Timetable
Learning and Teaching activities (Further Info) Total Hours: 200 ( Lecture Hours 38, Supervised Practical/Workshop/Studio Hours 9, Feedback/Feedforward Hours 2, Summative Assessment Hours 3, Programme Level Learning and Teaching Hours 4, Directed Learning and Independent Learning Hours 144 )
Assessment (Further Info) Written Exam 80 %, Coursework 20 %, Practical Exam 0 %
Additional Information (Assessment) Written Exam which consists for 8 SPOTs and 40 MCQs 80%

The In-Course Assessment, worth 20% of overall mark, will be given ½ way through the course and will be as follows:
8% MCQs
8% spots
2% peerwise MCQ's
2% for completion of 3 scenarios on the virtual slaughterhouse computer learning tool.
Feedback Students will be provided with verbal advice and direct feedback during practical classes.

Students will receive a feedback session based on the results of the in-course assessment. If students wish to have greater feedback they may request to review their paper with the Personal Tutor and if questions remain, the Course Organiser.

Students with queries at any stage in the course are encouraged to bring these to the attention of staff.
Exam Information
Exam Diet Paper Name Hours & Minutes
Main Exam Diet S1 (December)Veterinary Public Health Written Examination2:00
Resit Exam Diet (April/May Sem 1 resits only)Veterinary Public Health Written Examination (Resit)2:00
Outwith Standard Exam Diets OctoberVeterinary Public Health In-Course Assessment1:00
Learning Outcomes
On completion of this course, the student will be able to:
  1. Critical understanding of and ability to describe the basic principles of Veterinary public health issues including zoonoses (C. 25), the aetiology, pathogenesis, clinical signs, diagnosis and post mortem inspection lesions of the common diseases of importance in VPH that occur in the common farm animal species (cattle, poultry, sheep, fish and pigs) in the UK (C. 35 and 36).
  2. Students will have knowledge of Legislation relating to the welfare (including transport) of animals and notifiable diseases (C. 25), including the correct procedures to follow after diagnosing notifiable, reportable and zoonotic diseases (C. 25) and of hygiene regulations.
  3. Students will be able to Perform ante mortem inspection of animals destined for the food chain and correctly identify conditions affecting the quality and safety of products of animal origin (C. 36). Perform a basic gross post mortem examination, record details and make a judgement on fitness of food for human consumption (C. 35 and 36).
  4. An ability to minimise the risks of contamination, cross infection and accumulation of pathogens in the veterinary premises, in the field and in food producing establishments (C. 30).
  5. Assess and advise on principles of good hygiene practices and food safety management systems, including food microbiology (C. 36 and 37).
Reading List
Other texts on more specialised areas will be indicated during the appropriate lectures.

-Meat Hygiene - Gracey et al. (11th Edition) - Available from the NVS Library.
-Practical Meat Inspection - Wilson - Available from the NVS Library.
-Encyclopaedia of Meat Science - Jensen - Available from the NVS Library.
-Food Science - Potter - Available from the NVS Library.
-Meat Science (An Introduction) - Wariss - Available from the NVS Library.
-Meat Science and Application - Hui - Available from the NVS Library.
-Integrated Food Safety and Veterinary Public Health - Buncic (2006).

Computer Assisted Learning available via LEARN.

Useful websites: - RCVS - BVA - FSA - DEFRA
http://defraweb/foodfarm/farmanimal/welfare/index.htm - DEFRA - Animal Welfare - Farm Animal Welfare Council
http://defraweb/foodfarm/farmanimal/diseases/index.htm - DEFRA - Animal Disease - Animal Health - Scottish Government Agriculture - VPH Association - European College of VPH - Scotland's Rural College - EFSA - The Vet Record and In Practice - European CDC - Merck Veterinary Manual - NOAH Compendium - IAFP - Codex Alimentarius
Additional Information
Graduate Attributes and Skills Compliance with accrediting bodies' requirements.
Additional Class Delivery Information 38 hours of lectures
9 hours of practicals
KeywordsVeterinary Public Health,Food Safety,Zoonoses,Food Microbiology,Food Safety Legislation
Course organiserMr Alessandro Seguino
Tel: (0131 6)508827
Course secretaryMiss Christine Liddle
Tel: (0131 6)50 6410
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