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DRPS : Course Catalogue : Edinburgh College of Art : Art

Undergraduate Course: Reality Check: (Realities explored through Materiality in Creative Art Practice) (ARTX08060)

Course Outline
SchoolEdinburgh College of Art CollegeCollege of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences
Credit level (Normal year taken)SCQF Level 8 (Year 1 Undergraduate) AvailabilityAvailable to all students
SCQF Credits20 ECTS Credits10
SummaryThis course explores issues of perception, interpretation and dissemination of notions of 'Reality', by introducing a range of ideas and dynamic approaches to image, body, space and time, informed by a variety of disciplinary perspectives (photography, sculpture, media and movement). This course is delivered jointly by a team from the Schools of Art and Design at Edinburgh College of Art. Individual and group projects are equally encouraged.

Expected outputs will depend on each student's particular interest, but will most likely include 2-D analogue and digital imagery, moving image, sculpture and performance elements
Course description This course will be delivered through a mixture of presentations, seminars, workshops, field trips, and student-led critique sessions, where individuals or groups of students present their work in progress for peer discussion. Elements of sculpture, still and moving image, movement and psychology will be introduced to generate discussion and ideas exchange that will help interweave participants' interests and develop increasingly focused areas of common interest on how we experience reality and the world around us.

With an emphasis on 'exploration', participants will be encouraged to participate in workshop situations, as well as engaged in independent-learning projects to investigate real and imagined spaces and human interactions taking place therein. Before submitting their project proposals, students will be made aware of the ethical implications of working with people and other sensitive subject matter and are expected to take this into account.

There will be a number of selected sites or contexts with which to work and experiment and a focus on the use of digital technologies. This may include multi-screen projection and live streaming, as well as synthesizing analogue with digital methods, and examining the possibilities of this kind of hybridity: examples of this could be traditional pinhole images seen through smart phone apps.

This fluid approach invites an exploration of looping processes as well as aquatic metaphors such as streaming in order to communicate processes, ideas or phenomena (such as floating, freezing, flooding, overflowing).
Entry Requirements (not applicable to Visiting Students)
Pre-requisites Co-requisites
Prohibited Combinations Other requirements This course is open to any student with enrolments managed on a first come first served basis until the course is full (quota is 36). To allow students to attend the academic fair and consider their options note that this course will remain closed until Wednesday 12th September. If you wish to enrol please sign up for the course after this time. Do this via your your own School (they will advise if this is done your Personal Tutor, SSO or Teaching Office). Please note that we do not keep a waiting list.

Information for Visiting Students
High Demand Course? Yes
Course Delivery Information
Not being delivered
Learning Outcomes
On completion of this course, the student will be able to:
  1. present evidence of research and investigation into perceived realities, carried out through students' creative practice as evidenced during the elective
  2. present evidence of having engaged in relevant aspects of multidisciplinary working methods both through students' practice and exploration of theory
  3. present a body of work that articulates a focused response to the subject
Reading List
Ede, Sian (2005) Art & Science, I.B.Tauris

Kemp, Martin (2006) Seen | Unseen: Art, science, and intuition from Leonardo to the Hubble telescope, OUP Oxford

Stokes, Dustin, Matthen, Mohan and Biggs, Stephen (eds) (2014) Perception and Its Modalities, OUP USA

Abram, David (1997) The Spell of the Sensuous: Perception and Language in a More-Than-Human World, Vintage Books; 1st Vintage Books Ed edition

Searle, John (2015) Seeing Things as They Are: A Theory of Perception, OUP USA

1995 Bill Viola, Reasons for Knocking at an Empty House: Writings 1973-1994. Edited by Robert Violette with Bill Viola. Cambridge: MIT Press; London: Thames and Hudson; Anthony d'Offay Gallery

The Photograph: A Visual and Cultural History
Graham Clark. Publisher: Oxford Paperbacks
Additional Information
Graduate Attributes and Skills Development of observational and analytical skills

Development of abilities of planning and resolving a personally motivated project, as well as collaborative practice of working

Development of research skills, library and location based and through the use of a variety of personal and institutional resources
Course organiserDr Susanne Ramsenthaler
Tel: (0131 6)51 5882
Course secretaryMiss Clara Fraser
Tel: (0131 6)51 4164
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