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Postgraduate Course: Architecture and Urban Design Studio (ARCH11242)

Course Outline
SchoolCentre for Open Learning CollegeCollege of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences
Credit level (Normal year taken)SCQF Level 11 (Postgraduate) AvailabilityAvailable to all students
SCQF Credits20 ECTS Credits10
SummaryThe ESALA Architecture and Urban Design Summer School, provides an introduction to post graduate studies in Architecture and Urban Design through the vehicle of a three-­week studio based architectural and urban design course. It will take the philosophical and methodological sensibilities of Patrick Geddes as a starting point for contemporary architectural and urban design propositions within Edinburgh.

Course description Edinburgh's historical urban development is well documented. The course will be framed through a small design project to be situated within Edinburgh. Although small it will be proposed and developed as Urban Design. It will require developing an understanding of the range of scales between people, buildings, city and metropolitan landscape. The course will combine creative fieldwork, interpretive historical paradigmatic research and design work.

The course will develop methodological prompts from Patrick Geddes. Creative fieldwork techniques will be developed and used to document the ongoing relationship between Edinburgh and its surrounding regions. Specific artefacts and sites of study will be provided to develop the study of context and hence appropriate programmatic and spatial interventions that operate as paradigmatic exemplars of new urban design principles.

Students will work as individuals but also in groups. The course will run as an atelier. Academics, professionals and PhD students will act as studio tutors and at times as co-­designers. Students on the course will be expected to demonstrate an immediate and ongoing productive output that will conclude with exhibition/presentation material.

Guest lectures, seminar sessions and tutorials will be arranged regularly throughout the course.
Entry Requirements (not applicable to Visiting Students)
Pre-requisites Co-requisites
Prohibited Combinations Other requirements None
Additional Costs There will be printing and workshop provision, but students should expect material costs and travel costs related to fieldwork.
Information for Visiting Students
Pre-requisitesAvailable to students with a demonstrable background in Architecture and/or Urban Design who are considering progressing their learning at a post-­graduate level and wish to be involved in creative studio output. A high level of drawing skills will provide an excellent platform for obtaining the most from this course. The course will be open to different design sensibilities, but requires all students to fully participate and with a high level of production.
High Demand Course? Yes
Course Delivery Information
Not being delivered
Learning Outcomes
On completion of this course, the student will be able to:
  1. Critical understanding of both contemporary debates and scholarly traditions within the history, theory and design of buildings and cities.
  2. Advanced methodology in architectural design-­led research and research-­led design.
  3. Acquisition of rigorous design and research skills and practices.
  4. In-­depth knowledge of the theories of Patrick Geddes and other Urban Paradigms.
  5. Ability to relate architectural research to interdisciplinary fields of inquiry.
Reading List

Allen, Stan, Piranesi's "Campo Marzio": An Experimental Design, in Assemblage 10, (Cambridge MA: MIT Press,
1989), pp.70-­109

Aureli, Pier Vittorio, The Possibility of an Absolute Architecture (Cambridge MA: MIT Press, 2011)

Baird, George, The Space of Appearance, (Cambridge MA: MIT Press, 2003), pp.303-­347.

Blau, Eve, The Architecture of Red Vienna, 1919-­1934, (Cambridge MA: MIT Press, 1999)

Boesiger, Willy, Le Corbusier Oeuvre Complète, vols 6-­8, 1952-­69 (Zurich: Artemis, 1970).

Branzi, Andrea, 'Weak Metropolis' and the Projective Potential of an 'Ecological Urbanism', in EcologicalUrbanism, ed. Mohsen Mostafavi, Gareth Doherty (Lars Müllers Publishers: Baden, Switzerland, 2010) p.115.

Branzi, Andrea, For a Post-­Environmentalism: Seven Suggestions for a New Athen's Charter, in Ecological Urbanism, ed. Mohsen Mostafavi, Gareth Doherty (Lars Müllers Publishers: Baden, Switzerland, 2010) pp.110-­113.

Hertweck, Florian and Sébastien Marot, The City in the City, Berlin: A Green Archipelago, A Manifesto (1977) by Oswald Mathias Ungers and Rem Koolhas with Peter Reimann, Hans Kollhoff, and Arthur Ovaska, (Zurich: Lars Müller Publishers, 2013)

Rossi, Aldo, The Architecture of The City (Cambridge MA: MIT Press, 1984)

Rowe, Colin and Fred Koetter, Collage City (Cambridge MA: MIT Press, 1978).

Sadler, Simon, The Situationist City (Cambrdige MA: MIT Press, 1998).

Shane, David, Recombinant Urbanism, Conceptual Modeling in Architecture, Urban Design and City Theory
(Chichester: Wiley and Sons, 2005)

Welter, Wolker, Biopolis, Patrick Geddes and the City of Life, (Cambridge MA: MIT Press, 2002).
Additional Information
Graduate Attributes and Skills The ESALA Architecture and Urban Design Summer School considers the complete history and geography of architecture and urban design as its territory of teaching and research. Each Summer School will have a particular focus. However, given that each specific course will contribute to this expansive territory the main graduate attributes will be as follows:

An ability to -­
Participate in the development of design led and research led design methods and methodologies;

Participate in the development of progressive methodologies for fieldwork;

Think creatively about architectural design and its implications for contemporary urban/metropolitan contexts;

Articulate theoretical considerations relating to key aspects of architectural, landscape and urban design;

Develop fluency with digital media and other modes of representation to allow the development of cross-­disciplinary engagements and collaborative networks in creative work;

Describe and present complex design ideas with a high level of oral articulation and well-­balanced terminology suitable for a range of audiences;

Participate in the development of curatorial procedures for sophisticated multi-­media exhibition;

Develop leadership skills within an architectural, landscape or urban design team context.
Additional Class Delivery Information There will be an introductory lecture, one lecture at the beginning of each week and there will be at least one lecture by an important international guest.

Tutorials, seminars and Fieldwork will run regularly as required but formal sessions will be arranged at the end of each week, culminating in the design review and exhibition.
Students will be directed to undertake fieldwork: supervised (2 hours supervised, 18 hours directed learning)
KeywordsArchitecture,Urban Design,Metropolitan Landscape,Design,Design-­¿led research,Research-­¿led de
Course organiserDr Dorian Wiszniewski
Tel: (0131 6)50 2311
Course secretaryMiss Emma Binks
Tel: (0131 6)51 5735
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