Year 1
Academic year: 2017/18,
Starting in: September
Compulsory courses
You must take these courses
Year 2
Academic year: 2017/18,
Starting in: August
Compulsory courses
You must take these courses
Course options
Context 2 courses
Select exactly 20 credits
of the following courses
Year 3
Academic year: 2017/18,
Starting in: August
The proposed year 3 curriculum change for 17-18 and 18-19 has now gone to ECA Board of Studies for final approval.
The proposed change means that instead of teaching the combined 20-credit studio/Context Design Research and Context 3 (semester 1) and (semester 2) courses, Context would teach a 20-credit Context-only course in semester 1 and all studio departments would each teach a 20-credit studio course to their respective students in semester 2.
There are no compulsory courses in this year of this programme.
Course options
Group A
Select exactly 60 credits in this group.
Design Externality 3 Major (Semester 1) - Interior Design
Select exactly 40 credits
of the following courses
Design Research and Context 3 (Semester 1)
Select exactly 20 credits
of the following courses