Year 1
Academic year: 2017/18,
Starting in: September
Before selecting your outside courses, please ensure you have met your Personal Tutor.
Students may wish to make use of the interactive programme builder PATH to help inform their decision regarding course choices (
Compulsory courses
You must take these courses
Course options
Group A
Select exactly 60 credits in this group.
Biological Chemistry
Select exactly 40 credits
of the following courses
Exceptionally, in discussion with your Personal Tutor, Biological Chemistry 1A OR Biological Chemistry 1B may be replaced by any other courses chosen from Schedules A-Q/T and W.
Level 7 and 8 courses in Schedules A to Q, T and W
Year 2
Academic year: 2017/18,
Starting in: August
1. Before selecting your course options, please ensure you have met your Personal Tutor. Students may wish to make use of the interactive programme builder PATH to help inform their decision regarding course choices (
2. A booklet giving details, as well as restrictions and recommendation on choices of courses, will be available for students entering the degree programme to facilitate advance planning.
3. Progression to Honours requires students to obtain 240 credit points (or 220 credit points with the permission of the Progression Board) by the end of the August examination diet. In addition, students must obtain at least 50% at the first sitting in Biomedical Sciences 2 and one other compulsory course. By the end of the August examination diet students must have passed all three compulsory courses with an overall mean of 50%.
Compulsory courses
You must take these courses
Course options
Group A
Select exactly 40 credits in this group.
Level 7 and 8 courses in Schedules A to Q, T and W
Genes and Gene Action 2 (BILG08003) is recommended for this programme.
Selected courses must be
taken during Semester 2
Year 3
Academic year: 2017/18,
Starting in: August
1. Before selecting your course options, please ensure you have met with your Personal Tutor. Students may wish to make use of the interactive programme builder PATH to help inform their decision regarding course choices (
2. A booklet giving details, as well as restrictions and recommendations on choices of courses, will be available for students entering the degree programme to facilitate advance planning.
3. In order to proceed to Senior Honours students must have obtained at least 360 credit points and met the requirements set out in the DPT for their selected programme of study. Student must have:
- passes in all core 1st, 2nd and 3rd year courses.
- at least 80 credit points by passing level 9 or level 10 courses in the Junior Honours year at first attempt (this must include Pharmacology 3); and
- an overall aggregate mark of at least 40% in Level 9/10 courses taken in Junior Honours
4. Students are required to take 60 credits in Semester 1 and 60 credits in Semester 2.
Compulsory courses
You must take these courses
Course options
Group A
Select exactly 60 credits in this group.
Pharmacology Junior Honours (Biomedical Courses)
Select between 20 and 60 credits
of the following courses
Applied Pharmacology 3, Physiology 3, Clinical Biochemistry & Endocrinology 3, Reproductive Biology and Neuroscience 3 are STRONGLY recommended.
Level 9 and 10 courses in Schedules A to Q, T and W
Molecular Cell Biology 3 (BILG09001), Structures and Functions of Proteins 3 (BILG09015) and Genomes and Genomics 3 (BILG09005) are STRONGLY recommended.
Year 4
Academic year: 2017/18,
Starting in: August
A booklet giving details of, as well as restrictions on, course options will be available for students entering the degree programme to facilitate advance planning.
Students may also wish to make use of the interactive programme builder PATH to help inform their decision regarding course choices (
Compulsory courses
You must take these courses
Course options
Group A
Select exactly 40 credits in this group.
Pharmacology Honours Elective Course List 1
Select between 20 and 40 credits
of the following courses
These courses are strongly recommended for this programme.
Pharmacology Honours Elective Course List 2
Select between 0 and 20 credits
of the following courses