Degree Regulations & Programmes Of Study 2017/2018

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Jump to: Year 1, Year 2, Year 2, Year 4, Year 5, Year 6, Year 7

Year 1 Academic year: 2017/18, Starting in: September

Students who do not meet the professional suitability requirements, or who do not pass all the courses in year 1, may exit with the Pg Certificate in Counselling Studies.

Compulsory courses

You must take these courses

Year 2 Academic year: 2017/18, Starting in: September

Compulsory courses

Year 2 Academic year: 2017/18, Starting in: September

Students who complete all the course work and professional requirements of the first three years of the programme may choose to undertake the Masters dissertation of the Master of Counselling and, on successful completion of the dissertation, exit with the the award of Master of Counselling. This is both an academic and a professional qualification at Masters level.

Compulsory courses

Year 4 Academic year: 2017/18, Starting in: September

Compulsory courses

Year 5 Academic year: 2017/18, Starting in: September

Compulsory courses

You must take these courses

Year 6 Academic year: 2017/18, Starting in: September

Compulsory courses

You must take these courses

Year 7 Academic year: 2017/18, Starting in: September

Compulsory courses

You must take these courses