Degree Regulations & Programmes Of Study 2017/2018

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Jump to: Year 1

Year 1 Academic year: 2017/18, Starting in: September

Before selecting your outside courses, please ensure you have met your Personal Tutor.

Compulsory courses

You must take these courses

Course options

Group A

Select exactly 160 credits in this group.

MSc by Research Thesis (Data Science)

Select exactly 90 credits of the following courses

Courses from School(s) O-P - DSCDT - MACHINE LEARNING - Level(s) 9-11

Select between 10 and 40 credits of the following courses
These are courses in Machine Learning, Statistics, and Optimization open to taught postgraduate students.

Courses from School(s) O - DSCDT - DATABASES - Level 11

Select between 10 and 40 credits of the following courses
These are courses in Databases and Data Management Systems open to taught postgraduate students.

Courses from School(s) O/I/P - DSCDT - APPS - Level(s) 11

Select between 10 and 40 credits of the following courses
These are courses in Unstructured Data and Applications open to taught postgraduate students.

Level 11 courses in Schedules A to Q, T and W

Select between 0 and 30 credits from Level 11 courses in Schedules A to Q, T and W
This refers to all level 11 courses in all schools other than Medicine or Veterinary Studies.

Level 9 and 10 courses in Schedules A to Q, T and W

Select between 0 and 10 credits from Level 9 and 10 courses in Schedules A to Q, T and W
This refers to all level 9 and 10 courses in all schools other than Medicine or Veterinary Studies.

Group B

Select exactly 160 credits in this group.

MSc by Research Thesis (Data Science; 120pt)

Select exactly 120 credits of the following courses

Courses from School(s) O-P - Data Science (MSc)(R)120 - Level(s) 9-11

Select exactly 30 credits of the following courses