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Undergraduate Course: Engineering Thermodynamics 2 (SCEE08006)

Course Outline
SchoolSchool of Engineering CollegeCollege of Science and Engineering
Credit level (Normal year taken)SCQF Level 8 (Year 2 Undergraduate) AvailabilityAvailable to all students
SCQF Credits10 ECTS Credits5
SummaryThis course provides a basic grounding in the principles and methods of Classical Thermodynamics. It concentrates on: understanding the thermodynamic laws in relation to familiar experience; phase change, ideal gas and flow processes; using sources of data like thermodynamic tables and charts; application of the basic principles to the operation of various engine cycles.
Course description Lecture 1 - Introduction (11th Jan)
Basic Concepts and Definitions of Thermodynamics (topic 1.1)
(Cengel & Boles Ch 1 (eds 1-5), Ch 1 (eds 6-8))

Lecture 2 - Pure substances 1 (15th Jan)
Phase Change Properties, Property Diagrams (topic 1.2)
(Cengel & Boles Ch 2 (eds 1-5), Ch 3 (eds 6-8))

Lecture 3 - Pure substances 2 (18th Jan)
Property Diagrams (continued) and Tables, Saturated Liquid -Vapour Mixture, The Ideal Gas Law (continued topic 1.2)
(Cengel & Boles Ch 2 (eds 1-5), Ch 3 (eds 6-8))

Lecture 4 - Energy, Energy Transfer, and General Energy Analysis (22nd Jan)
Introduction to heat and work (topic 2.1)
(Cengel & Boles Ch 3 (eds 1-5), Ch 4 (eds 6-8))

Lecture 5 - 1st Law of Thermodynamics: Closed Systems (25th Jan)
Energy analysis (1st Law) of closed systems / Forms of boundary work (topic 2.2)
(Cengel & Boles Ch 3 (eds 1-5), Ch 4 (eds 6-8))

Lecture 6 - Specific Heats (29th Jan)
Definitions, Specific Heats of Ideal Gases, Liquids and Solids (topic 2.3)
(Cengel & Boles Ch 3 (eds 1-5), Ch 4 (eds 6-8))

Lecture 7 - Mass and Energy Analysis of Control Volumes (1st Feb)
Control volume, Steady-state steady Flow Processes, Mass flow rate (topic 2.4)
(Cengel & Boles Ch 4 (eds 1-5), Ch 5 (eds 6-8))

Lecture 8 - 1st Law of Thermodynamics: Steady-flow Devices & Open Systems 2 (5th Feb)
Steady Flow Engineering Devices, Introduction to Unsteady Flow Processes (topic 2.5)
(Cengel & Boles Ch 4 (eds 1-5), Ch 5 (eds 6-8))

Lecture 9 - 2nd Law of Thermodynamics and Intro to Carnot Cycle (8th Feb)
Introduction, Definition, and Statements of the 2nd Law, Heat Engines, Thermal Efficiency, Heat Pumps and Refrigerators (topic 3.1)
(Cengel & Boles Ch 5 (eds 1-5), Ch 6 (eds 6-8))

Lecture 10 - Carnot Cycle, Definition of Entropy (12th Feb)
The Carnot Cycle, Reversible and Irreversible Processes, and Entropy (topic 3.2, 3.3)
(Cengel & Boles Ch 5+6 (eds 1-5), Ch 6+7 (eds 6-8))

Lecture 11 - Heat Pump Laboratory Lecture (22nd Feb)

Lecture 12 - Definition of entropy as a property (26th Feb) (topic 3.3)
(Cengel & Boles Ch 6 (eds 1-5), Ch 7 (eds 6-8))

Lecture 13 - Entropy change and Processes (29th Feb)
Entropy generation, increase of entropy in processes, Isentropic processes (topic 3.4)
(Cengel & Boles Ch 6 (eds 1-5), Ch 7 (eds 6-8))

Lecture 14 - Entropy and work (4th March)
Additional concepts on entropy in processes with work (topic 3.5)
(Cengel & Boles Ch 6 (eds 1-5), Ch 7 (eds 6-8))

Lecture 15 - Power Cycles I (7th March)
Gas Power Cycles, Otto Cycle (topic 4.1)
(Cengel & Boles Ch 8 (eds 1-5), Ch 9 (eds 6-8))

Lecture 16 - Power Cycles II (11th March)
Gas Power Cycles, Diesel Cycles (topic 4.1)
(Cengel & Boles Ch 8 (eds 1-5), Ch 9 (eds 6-8))

Lecture 17 - Power Cycles III (14th March)
Brayton Cycle ideal and actual cycles (topic 4.1)
(Cengel & Boles Ch 8 (eds 1-5), Ch 9 (eds 6-8))

Lecture 18 - Vapor and Combined Power Cycles (18th March)
Cycles Including Phase Change, Rankine Cycle (topic 4.2)
(Cengel & Boles Ch 9 (eds 1-5), Ch 10 (eds 6-8))

Lecture 19 - Vapor and Combined Power Cycles (21st March)
Refrigeration cycles (topic 4.2)
(Cengel & Boles Ch 10 (eds 1-5), Ch 11 (eds 6-8))

Lecture 20 - Finishing of Cycles and Systematic Approach to Problem Solving (25th March)

Lecture 21 - Review Session (28th March or 1st April)
Entry Requirements (not applicable to Visiting Students)
Pre-requisites Students MUST have passed: Engineering 1 (SCEE08001) OR Mechanical Engineering 1 (MECE08007) OR Civil Engineering 1 (CIVE08001) OR Chemical Engineering 1 (CHEE08001) OR ( Physics 1A: Foundations (PHYS08016) AND Physics 1B: The Stuff of the Universe (PHYS08017)) OR ( Chemistry 1A (CHEM08016) AND Chemistry 1B (CHEM08017))
Prohibited Combinations Students MUST NOT also be taking Thermodynamics (Chemical) 2 (CHEE08009)
Other requirements None
Information for Visiting Students
High Demand Course? Yes
Course Delivery Information
Academic year 2017/18, Available to all students (SV1) Quota:  None
Course Start Semester 2
Timetable Timetable
Learning and Teaching activities (Further Info) Total Hours: 100 ( Lecture Hours 22, Seminar/Tutorial Hours 10, Supervised Practical/Workshop/Studio Hours 1, Formative Assessment Hours 1, Summative Assessment Hours 3.5, Programme Level Learning and Teaching Hours 2, Directed Learning and Independent Learning Hours 60 )
Assessment (Further Info) Written Exam 80 %, Coursework 20 %, Practical Exam 0 %
Additional Information (Assessment) Examination 80%
Laboratory 20%
Feedback Not entered
Exam Information
Exam Diet Paper Name Hours & Minutes
Main Exam Diet S2 (April/May)1:30
Resit Exam Diet (August)1:30
Learning Outcomes
On completion of this course, the student will be able to:
  1. Understand abstract concepts in relation to familiar experience.
  2. Transform familiar experience and simple engineering systems into conceptual models.
  3. Apply the basic principles of thermodynamics into analysing conceptual models.
  4. To use basic mathematical tools in analysing conceptual models.
Reading List
Main text-book: Çengel and Boles: "Thermodynamics: An Engineering Approach", 5th Edition , McGraw Hill (2006).

Additional text-book: Moran & Shapiro, ¿Fundamentals of Engineering Thermodynamics¿, 5th Edition, Wiley (2006).

Several texts are available in the Library.

For practicals: The worksheets and several handouts on Plotting Graphs, Treatment of Experimental Error, Conclusion Writing and Technical Report Writing.
Additional Information
Course URL
Graduate Attributes and Skills Not entered
Course organiserDr Brian Peterson
Tel: (0131 6)50 5572
Course secretaryMiss Lucy Davie
Tel: (0131 6)51 7073
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