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DRPS : Course Catalogue : School of Social and Political Science : Postgrad (School of Social and Political Studies)

Postgraduate Course: Introduction to Risk, Regulation and Governance (PGSP11395)

Course Outline
SchoolSchool of Social and Political Science CollegeCollege of Humanities and Social Science
Credit level (Normal year taken)SCQF Level 11 (Postgraduate) AvailabilityAvailable to all students
SCQF Credits10 ECTS Credits5
SummaryRisk governance and regulation is a fundamental component of virtually all scientific and technological fields, whilst also being intrinsic to a variety of social and economic processes.
The International Risk Governance Council (IRGC) defines risk governance as "the identification, assessment, management, and communication of risks in a broad context. It includes the totality of actors, rules, conventions, processes, and mechanisms concerned with how relevant risk information is collected, analysed, and communicated; and how and by whom management decisions are taken and implemented." There are many approaches to risk governance and regulation, which largely reflects the different levels of risk, uncertainty and potential benefits of specific types of science, technology or socio-economic activity within or across a diverse range of sectors or 'risk fields'.
The application of any new technology, process or industry must have a carefully considered process of risk governance to mitigate risk of harm, and ideally in a way that does not hinder innovation. This introductory course on key concepts of risk governance and regulation is both a key component of the MSc BIG Programme, but will also appeal to students with more general interests in science, technology, management, policymaking and governance seeking a general introduction to the basic concepts, theory and practice of risk, governance and regulation.
Course description Risk governance and regulation is a fundamental component of virtually all scientific and technological fields, whilst also being intrinsic to a variety of social and economic processes. There are many different approaches to risk governance and regulation, which largely reflects the different levels of risk, uncertainty and potential benefits of specific types of science, technology or socio-economic activity within or across a diverse range of sectors or ¿risk fields¿. The application of any new science, technology or process must have a carefully considered process of risk governance to mitigate risk of harm, and ideally in a way that does not hinder innovation.
The main aim of this course is to introduce students to the key concepts and practices surrounding risk-governance and regulation processes as they might be applied to a range of industries, technological sectors, and socio-economic issues, as well as enable students to begin characterising and critiquing different models of good risk governance in different contexts. The course will provide a generic introduction to the key concepts, theories and approaches to risk assessment, governance and regulation (including anticipatory risk governance, integrative risk governance, responsible research and innovation and risk-benefit analysis) and also explore the issue of how to manage emerging and complex risks; for example in the context of insurance practices. Students will be introduced to the challenges and bottlenecks in different types of risk-governance processes, as well as key theoretical, conceptual and empirical evidence through which to examine systemic issues around risk and uncertainty.

Outline Content

1. Introduction to the Concepts of Risk, Risk-Assessment and Uncertainty
Introductory session to explore some of the basic concepts of risk, risk-analysis and uncertainty through an historical look at the development of probability theory and insurance practices from the middle ages to the present day 'risk society' coined by Ulrich Beck.
2. Understanding Different Models of Risk-Governance and Regulation
This session will elaborate and critique some of the different formal models of risk-governance and regulation that have emerged in recent decades to manage uncertainty and control risks associated with scientific and technological developments in a variety of technological fields. Starting with a critical exploration of the framework developed by the International Risk Governance Council (IRGC), it will consider the benefits and limitations of 'anticipatory', 'integrative', 'tentative' and 'adaptive' forms of risk governance and their implications for risk management, innovation and upstream engagement.
3. The Roles of Evidence and Expertise in Managing Risk and the Science-Policy Interface
This session will take an in-depth look at the role that evidence and expertise plays in risk-governance and regulatory processes, illustrated by examples such as the UK regulation of life assurance practices, amongst others.
4. Multi-Level and Networked Regulation and Governance for Emerging Risks
This session focuses on broader issues around the role and limits to governance and regulatory processes, with particular emphasis on changing institutional dynamics and the interplay between, and implications of, an ever growing number of different actors becoming embedded in risk-assessment, governance and regulatory structures. In this context, we will explore the concept of 'networked governance' through the case study of the financial crisis.
5. Climate Change: A Case Study of a Risk Governance Process
This session will think through all of the key elements of the course to critically explore the case study of Climate Change as an example of a complex risk-field that has engendered a multi-level risk governance and regulatory process.

This course is delivered through a 5-week lecture and seminar discussion format. The two-hour sessions will typically consist of a short lecture (introducing the key themes of the week's topic and the core readings provided), followed by an hour and a quarter of classroom discussion and/or student-led presentations. Each week's class will typically cover conceptual, theoretical and empirical material related to the topic. Discussion with staff and with others on the course is a key element in learning. Most of the students on the course are new to the field, and are expected to bring with them a wide variety of perspectives and experiences.
Entry Requirements (not applicable to Visiting Students)
Pre-requisites Co-requisites
Prohibited Combinations Other requirements None
Information for Visiting Students
High Demand Course? Yes
Course Delivery Information
Academic year 2017/18, Available to all students (SV1) Quota:  40
Course Start Block 1 (Sem 1)
Timetable Timetable
Learning and Teaching activities (Further Info) Total Hours: 100 ( Lecture Hours 10, Programme Level Learning and Teaching Hours 2, Directed Learning and Independent Learning Hours 88 )
Assessment (Further Info) Written Exam 0 %, Coursework 100 %, Practical Exam 0 %
Additional Information (Assessment) 3000 word essay (100%)

Assessment will be a final essay of 3000 words and a list of essay titles will be provided. Depending on the topic, the format of the assessment may be a short research paper, literature review, or the application of a risk governance process to a specific risk area. Some essay questions may focus on a particular week's topic, while others may cover a broad range of issues covered throughout the course. Alternatively, students may choose their own question/topic for the assessment, but this must be agreed with the course organiser and students should discuss this at the earliest opportunity.
Feedback Formative, non-assessed feedback will be provided on a 1-2 page essay plan submitted half way through the course.
No Exam Information
Learning Outcomes
On completion of this course, the student will be able to:
  1. The main aim of this course is to introduce students to the key concepts and practices surrounding risk-governance and regulation processes as they can be applied to a range of industries, technological sectors, and socio-economic issues, as well as enable students to begin characterising and applying different models of good risk governance in different contexts.
  2. Understand the key, generic theoretical concepts in risk, governance and regulation and implications for innovation processes
  3. Be able to characterise different models of risk-governance and begin to apply them to a range of different sectors.
  4. Be able to critically analyse and evaluate the divers and complex roles different stakeholder groups and publics can play in risk governance and regulation processes.
  5. Have a theoretically based understanding of the role of evidence and expertise in decision-making around risk governance and regulation.
Reading List
The required readings are directly tied to each week's key objectives and learning outcomes. It is essential that they are read closely and all students will be expected to contribute to discussions around these readings. Additional readings are listed, where appropriate, to provide a broader overview of the topic and will be useful for further reflection and for the assessed coursework.

Week 1

Required Readings

Ulrich Beck Risk Society Summary (pdf to be provided)

Goldacre et al (2013) 'Bicycle Helmets and the Law', BMJ, 12 June 2013

Kasperson, R., O. Renn , P. Slovic , H. Brown , J. Emel , Robert Goble, J. Kasperson, S. Ratick (1988), 'The Social Amplification of Risk: A Conceptual Framework', Risk Analysis, 8(2): 177-87.

Mittra, J. (2007) 'Predictive Genetic Information and Access to Life Assurance: The Poverty of Genetic Exceptionalism', Biosocieties, 2 (3), pp. 349-373

Further Readings

Beck, U. (1992) Risk Society: Towards a New Modernity, Ritter, M. (trs), London, Sage

Dingwall, R. (1999) '"Risk Society": The Cult of Theory and the Millennium?', Social Policy and Administration, vol. 33 no. 4, pp. 474-491

Bernstein, P. (1996), Against the Gods: The remarkable story of risk, New York: John Wiley & Sons.

Douglas, M. (1994), Risk and Blame: Essays in cultural theory, paperback edition, London: Routledge.

Engel, U. and H. Strasser (1998), 'Global Risks and Social Inequality: Critical remarks on the risk-society hypothesis', Canadian Journal of Sociology, 23: 91-103.

Garland, D. (2003), 'The Rise of Risk', pp. 48-86 in R.V. Ericson and A. Doyle (eds), Risk and Morality, Toronto: University of Toronto Press.

Giddens, A. (1999), 'Risk and Responsibility', 62 Modern Law Review 1.

Giddens, A. (2002) Runaway World: How Globalization is Reshaping Our Lives, London, Profile

Hacking, I. (1990), The Taming of Chance, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Week 2

Required Readings

IRGC (2008) An introduction to the risk governance framework, IRGC, Geneva.

Karinen, R. & D.H.Guston, 'Towards Anticipatory Governance: The Experience with Nanotechnology', in Assessment Regimes of Technology

Klinke, A. & O. Renn (2011) 'Adaptive and Integrative Governance on Risk and Uncertainty', Journal of Risk Research, 15 (3), pp. 273-292

Further Readings

Hilgartner, S., N. Nelson and A. Geltzer (2008), 'The Anticipatory State: Making Policy-Relevant Knowledge about the Future', Science and Public Policy, 8(8): 546-606.

IRGC (2009) Risk Governance Deficits: An Analysis and Illustration of the most Common Deficits in Risk Governance, International Risk Governance Council (IRGC) Report 2009

Jasanoff, S. (2004). 'Ordering knowledge, ordering society'. In States of knowledge: The coproduction of science and social order, ed. S. Jasanoff, 13-45. London: Routledge.

Philbrick, M. (2010), 'An Anticipatory Governance Approach to Carbon Nanotubes', Risk Analysis, 30 (11), pp. 1708-1722

Renn, O. (2008) Risk Governance: Coping with Uncertainty in a Complex World, Earthscan, Risk in Society Series

Williams, R. (2006) 'Compressed Foresight and Narrative Bias: Pitfalls in Assessing High Technology Futures', Science as Culture, 15 (4), pp. 327-348

McQuaid, J. (2005) 'Developing an Integrated Approach to Risk: The ILGRA Network', in C. Lyall & J. Tait (eds) New Modes of Governance, Ashgate, London, pp. 89-107

Week 3

Required Readings

Collins, H M and Evans, R J (2002) 'The Third Wave of Science Studies: Studies of Expertise and Experience', Social Studies of Sciences, 32 (2): 235-96 (You should at the very least read pages 249-265 on expertise.)

Mittra, J. (2006) 'Genetic Exceptionalism and Precautionary Politics: Regulating for Uncertainty in Britain's Genetics and Insurance Policy Process', Science and Public Policy, 33 (8) pp. 585-600

Shaxson, L (2005), "Is Your Evidence Robust Enough? Questions for Policy Makers and Practitioners", Evidence & Policy, 1(1), pages 101-111.

Further Readings

De Marchi, B. & Ravetz, R. (1999) Risk management and governance: a post-normal science approach, Futures, 31, 743-757.

Faulkner, W. (1998), 'Knowledge Flows in Innovation', pp.173-95 in R. Williams, W. Faulkner and J. Fleck (eds), Exploring Expertise, London: Macmillan Press.

Freudenburg, W.R. (1988), 'Perceived Risk, Real Risk: Social science and the art of probabilistic risk assessment', Science, 242: 44 - 49.

OECD (2003) Emerging Risks in the 21st Century: An Agenda for Action,

Rutgers, M R & M A Mentzel (1999), "Scientific Expertise and Public Policy: Regulating Paradoxes", Science and Public Policy, 26 (3), pages 146-161

Tenbensel, T (2004), "Does more Evidence Lead to Better Policy? The implications of Explicit Priority-Setting in New Zealand's Health Policy for Evidence-Based Policy", Policy Studies, 25(3), pages 189-207.

Weingart, P (1999), 'Scientific Expertise and Political Accountability: Paradoxes of Science in Politics', Science and Public Policy, 26 (3), pages 151-161

Karin Bäckstrand & Eva Lövbrand (2006) "Planting Trees to Mitigate Climate Change. Contested Discourses of Ecological Modernization, Green Governmentality and Civic Environmentalism", Global Environmental Politics Vol 6, No. 1, pp. 51-71.

Karin Bäckstrand & Eva Lövbrand, "Contested Climate: Competing Discourses of Planetary Management, Market Efficiency and Ecological Justice" in Mary Pettenger (ed.) The Social Construction of Climate Change, London: Ashgate

Week 4

Required Readings

Cliff, D. (2010) 'Networked Governance in the Global Financial Markets'

Lyall, C. (2007), "Changing boundaries: the role of policy networks in the multi-level governance of science and innovation", Science and Public Policy, 34/1, 3-14.

Mackenzie, D. (2009) 'Beneath all the toxic acronyms lies a basic cultural issue', Financial Times, Thursday November 26th, 2009

Further Readings

Lyall, C. (2007), "Changing boundaries: the role of policy networks in the multi-level governance of science and innovation", Science and Public Policy, 34/1, 3-14.

Mackenzie, D. (2011) 'The Credit Crisis as a Problem in the Sociology of Knowledge', American Journal of Sociology, 116 (6), pp. 1178-1841

Guy Peters, B. & Pierre, J. (2004) Multi-level governance and democracy: a Faustian bargain? IN Bache I. & Flinders, M. (Eds.) Multi-level governance. Oxford, Oxford University Press

Rhodes, R. A. W. (1997) 'Understanding Governance: policy networks, governance, reflexivity and accountability', Buckingham, Open University Press.

Week 5

Required Reading

RiskBridge Report, SAS6-CT-2006-036661, Chapter 3, 'Climate Change', pp. 32-70 (

Webb, J. (2011) 'Making Climate Change Governable: the Case of the UK Climate Change Risk Assessment and Adaptation Panning', Science and Public Policy, 38 (4), pp. 279-292

Further Readings

Bulkeley, H. (2001) 'Governing climate change: the politics of risk society?' Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 26, 430-447

Karin Bäckstrand (2002) 'Precaution, Scientisation or Deliberation: Greening Environmental Decision-Making', paper presented at ECPR Joint Sessions of Workshops, Turin, March 22-27

Karin Bäckstrand & Eva Lövbrand, "Contested Climate: Competing Discourses of Planetary Management, Market Efficiency and Ecological Justice" in Mary Pettenger (ed.) The Social Construction of Climate Change, London: Ashgate

Additional Information
Graduate Attributes and Skills Not entered
KeywordsNot entered
Course organiserDr Geoffrey Banda
Tel: (0131 6)50 6391
Course secretaryMiss Morag Wilson
Tel: (0131 6)51 5122
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