Postgraduate Course: Specific Learning Difficulties: Co-occurring Specific Difficulties (SpLD2) (EDUA11237)
Course Outline
School | Moray House School of Education |
College | College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences |
Credit level (Normal year taken) | SCQF Level 11 (Postgraduate) |
Availability | Available to all students |
SCQF Credits | 20 |
ECTS Credits | 10 |
Summary | This course is designed for all teachers and professionals who support children in their learning. It will provide opportunities for participants to critically explore theoretical aspects of specific learning difficulties which may co-occur with dyslexia or may be considered to exist independently. In particular the specific difficulties of dyspraxia, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and specific language impairment will be examined with recent research examined and analysed. The course seeks to broaden awareness of perspectives and consider the controversies surrounding these difficulties thus enabling professionals to identify and support young people through examination of the curriculum and consideration of more flexible curricular arrangements. |
Course description |
Not entered
Entry Requirements (not applicable to Visiting Students)
Pre-requisites |
Co-requisites | |
Prohibited Combinations | |
Other requirements | None |
Information for Visiting Students
Pre-requisites | None |
High Demand Course? |
Yes |
Course Delivery Information
Not being delivered |
Learning Outcomes
On completion of this course, the student will be able to:
- develop a critical understanding of the nature of specific learning difficulties and appreciate the complexities of identification in relation to co-occurring specific difficulties.
- develop an understanding of the principles underpinning the process of assessment of specific learning difficulties.
- analyse the role of the curriculum as a possible barrier to learning.
- critically evaluate current approaches to the support of learners with these difficulties.
Reading List
Bishop, D (1997) Uncommon Understanding Psychology Press Hove ISBN 0-86377-501-2. (Chapter 2)
Chambers, M.E. and Sugden, D.A.(2002) The identification and assessment of young children with movement difficulties, International Journal of Early Years Education, 10, 157 - 175
Chiat, S (2000) Understanding Children with Language Problems, Cambridge; Cambridge University Press, chapters 1 - 3.
Cohen, D., McCubbin, M., Collin, J., & Perodeau, G. (2001) Medications as Social Phenomena, Health vol 5(4) 441-469.
Cooper, P. Making Sense of ADHD, Pupils with ADHD. (Chapter 13)
Cooper, P. & Baldwin, S. (2000), How should ADHD be treated? The Psychologist, vol 13 (12) 598-602
Cooper, P., & O¿Regan, F., (2001) Educating Children with AD/HD, London: Routledge (Chapter 7)
Crawford, S.G., Kaplan, B.J., Dewey, D. (2006) Effects of coexisting disorders, cognition and behaviour in children with ADHD, Journal of Attention Disorders 10:2 192-100
Daley, D.and Birchwood (2009) ADHD and academic performance: why does ADHD impact on academic performance and what can be done to support ADHD children in the classroom?, Child: Care, Health and Development, 36 (4) 455- 464.
Deponio, P (2004) The co occurrence of specific learning difficulties: implications for identification and assessment, in G. Reid & A. Fawcett (eds) Dyslexia in Context: Research, Policy and Practice, London: Whurr
Dockrell,J and Messer (1999) Children's Language and Communication Difficulties, London: Cassell. (Ch 7)
Hulme, C. and Snowling, M. (2009) Developmental Cognitive Disorders Oxford: Blackwell/Wiley.
Kaplan, B., Crawford, S., Cantell, M., Kooistra, L. and and Dewey, D., Comorbidity, co-occurrence, continuum: what's in a name? Childcare health and development (2006) 32(6) pp723-731
Hughes, L. & Cooper, C. (2007) Understanding and Supporting Children with ADHD, London: Paul Chapman
Kaplan, B., Dewey, D., Crawford, S. & Wilson, B. (2001), The term comorbidity is of questionable value in reference to developmental disorders: Data and theory, Journal of Learning Disabilities 34(6) 555-565.
Kirby, A. (1999) Dyspraxia The Hidden Handicap, London: Souvenir Press (Chapter 2: The Pre-school child)
Kirby, A . (2006) Developmental coordination disorder as a Specific Learning Difficulty: Co-morbidity and key characteristics: Implications for research and clinical practice of DCD,
Kirby, A. & Drew, S. (2002) Guide to Dyspraxia and Coordination Development Disorders, London: David Fulton
Kirby, A and Sugden D, (2007) Children with developmental coordination disorders, Journal of Royal Society of Medicine, 100. 182-186
Kirby, A. (2005) "Overlapping Conditions - Overlapping Management: services for individuals with development coordination disorder" from D.Sugden and M. Chambers (eds), Children with developmental coordination disorder London: Whurr (Chapter 13)
Law, J. (2000). Children's Communication: Development and Difficulties. In Communication Difficulties in Childhood. J. Law, A. Parkinson with. R. Tamhne. Abindobn Oxon, Radcliffe Medical Press
Lloyd G & Norris, C (1999) Including ADHD? Disability & Society, vol 14 (4). 504 - 517.
Lloyd, G., Stead, J. and Cohen, D. (2006) Critical New Perspectives on ADHD, London: Routledge.
Lloyd, G. and Stead, J (2008) Continuing dilemmas for education in Scotland, Scottish Educational Review. 40 (1) 42 - 53.
MacIntryre, C. and Deponio. P (2003) Identifying and supporting children with specific learning difficulties, London: Routledge.
Macintyre, C. (2001) Dyspraxia 5-11, Abingdon: David Fulton Publishers (Chapter 4: Intellectual development in the dyspraxic child)
Macintyre, C. (2008) Dyspraxia in the Early Years (2nd edition), Abingdon: David Fulton
Martin, D (2000) Teaching Children with Speech & Language Difficulties, Abingdon: David Fulton. Chapter 2
Mc Arthur, J. M., Hogben, J. H., Edwards, V. T., Heath, S. M., & Mengler, E. D. (2000). On the "specifics" of specific reading disability and specific language impairment. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 41(7), 869-874.
Morton, J. (2005) "The Hyperkinetic Confusions" in Morton, J., Understanding development disorders : a causal modelling approach pp.208-226, Oxford: Blackwell Publishing
Pennington, B. F., & Bishop, D. V. M. (2009) Relations among speech, language, and reading disorders. Annual Review of Psychology, 60: 283-306.
Portwood, M. (2000) Developmental Dyspraxia, Identification and Intervention, London: David Fulton. (Chapter 7: Intervention in the Early Years).
Portwood, M. (1996) Developmental Dyspraxia, Durham: Durham County Council (Chapter 4 Assessing the Junior Child)
Ripley, K., Barrett, J. & Fleming,P. (2001) Inclusion for Children with Speech and Language Impairments, Abingdon: David Fulton, Chapter 1
Snowling, M., Bishop, D. V., & Stothard, S. (2000). Is preschool language impairment a risk factor for dyslexia in adolescence? Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 41(5), 587-600.
Stephenson, J., Carter, M. And Wheldall, K. (2007) Still jumping on the balance beam: continued use of perceptual motor programs in Australian schools.(Report) Australian Journal of Education April 1, 2007
Stroufe, L. (2012), Ritulin Gone Wrong, NYT 28.1.12
Sugden, D (2007) Current approaches to intervention in children with developmental co-ordination disorder, Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology (2007) 49(6) 467-471.
Sugden , D and Dunford, C (2007) Intervention and the role of theory, empiricism and experience in children with motor impairment, Journal of Disability and Rehabilitation 29 (1): 3-11
Additional Information
Graduate Attributes and Skills |
Working flexibly with a wide range of other professionals in an educational context. |
Additional Class Delivery Information |
Blended learning format over 8 sessions, half of them face to face and the rest through online learning and group discussion. |
Keywords | specific learning difficulties,dyspraxia,attention deficit hyperactivity disorder,specific langua |
Course organiser | Ms Carol Graham
Email: |
Course secretary | Mrs Susan Scott
Tel: (0131 6)51 6573
Email: |