Undergraduate Course: Integrated Working in Children's Services (EDUA10154)
Course Outline
School | Moray House School of Education |
College | College of Humanities and Social Science |
Credit level (Normal year taken) | SCQF Level 10 (Year 4 Undergraduate) |
Availability | Not available to visiting students |
SCQF Credits | 20 |
ECTS Credits | 10 |
Summary | Course Description:
This core course will explore the theory, policy and practice of inter-agency working within the field of childhood studies. Moss and Petrie (2005), Dyson (Dyson and others 1998), Riddell and Tett (Ridell and Tett,2001) have all discussed theories of inter-agency working and we will consider the various models put forward from these studies and how they relate to professionals, children and families. In particular, the course will develop a 'strengths-based' approach to working with children and families through a critique of deficit-models of child protection. We adopt a practical approach to learning within this course where we provide discussions surrounding the theory and practice of inter-agency working. There will also be reflective exercises and practical activities for you to consider throughout. |
Course description |
We hope that this course will offer some fresh insights into the socially constructed world surrounding childhood.
The aim of the course is to consider the theory and practice surrounding integrated working. In particular, you will consider how integrated working affects the provision of family, educational, childcare and social services (in terms of both its potential and its problems).
We will discuss theories surrounding:
- integrated working
- social exclusion
- equality
- professionalism.
These theories are very much interlinked and will be discussed in terms of practical examples. We will be asking you to evaluate your own service provision in terms of integrated working practices and what impact you feel these practices are having on childrenżs services.
Entry Requirements (not applicable to Visiting Students)
Pre-requisites |
Co-requisites | |
Prohibited Combinations | |
Other requirements | None |
Course Delivery Information
Academic year 2017/18, Not available to visiting students (SS1)
Quota: 30 |
Course Start |
Semester 1 |
Timetable |
Timetable |
Learning and Teaching activities (Further Info) |
Total Hours:
Lecture Hours 22,
Programme Level Learning and Teaching Hours 4,
Directed Learning and Independent Learning Hours
174 )
Assessment (Further Info) |
Written Exam
0 %,
100 %,
Practical Exam
0 %
Additional Information (Assessment) |
Each student is required to write and submit an individual report of 3000-4000 words.
This assessment constitutes 100% of the possible marks for the course. The report should be a critical evaluation of integrated working in childrenżs services using the multi-agency meeting you attended as a case study. Your report will:
- Critically identify connections between key policy documents, literature and research;
- Demonstrate how the knowledge gained from these sources relates to your workplace and how it has influenced and / or changed the strategies and policies adopted;
- Illustrate the practical ways that you have worked with children / parents and have supported the protection of childrenżs well-being;
- Critically identify connections between theories of childhood / family / inclusion, and processes of assessment and support in childrenżs services; and
- Demonstrate how you have achieved the learning outcomes and show links to other courses within the BA Childhood Practice. |
Feedback |
The University of Edinburgh is committed to providing at least one feedback or feed-forward opportunity as part of every course, with feedback provided within 15 working days or in time to be useful for the next piece of assessed work, whichever is the sooner. In Integrated working in Childrenżs Services we significantly exceed this stated commitment by offering the following opportunities to all students:
Workshop group discussions
Class sessions for Integrated Working in Childrenżs Services have been designed to include interactive group workshop activities. Information about these activities can be found on Learn in advance of each class. You should come fully prepared and able to share ideas and questions. Through discussion, your tutor and other students will help clarify any misunderstandings, and work on applying theoretical ideas to practical examples.
Such discussions are very important opportunities for feedback. To really make the most of them, you may find it helpful to write up notes from the discussions as soon as possible after the event. You will also be able to extend these discussions with your classmates using the online discussions function on Learn.
Group presentations
The class has been divided into five groups on Learn. In weeks three, four, five, eight and nine, student groups will give a presentation to the class on the weekżs topic, and lead the class discussion. Please feel free to be interactive and creative with this, and to incorporate large and small group elements and activities. Presentations and discussions should be 30-40 minutes. There are resources on Learn to support your presentation, and we hope you will also search beyond what we have provided.
Week 10 individual presentation
In week 10 you will give a short, informal presentation to the class about the multi-agency meeting you attended and how it relates to the issues raised in the course.
This will provide an opportunity for both peer and tutor feedback on your progress, as well as functioning as a feed-forward activity in which you develop the skills and knowledge needed for the assignmentżfor example, by drawing out key issues within this case study meeting for inclusion in your final assignment.
To make the most of this opportunity, you should ensure that you attend your meeting in good time to prepare effectively for your presentation, and come to the class well prepared to present. You may find it useful to include a preliminary assignment plan in your presentation in order to most effectively feed this activity forward to your assignment.
Assignment examples
Examples of essays from previous years will be made available on Learn. You can use these in a number of ways.
For instance, you could discuss them with another student or small group of students, you might want to try żmarkingż them yourself and comparing to the grade-related marking criteria, or you might have a go at re-writing extracts in response to your own comments. There will be an opportunity for discussion of the examples in the assignment workshop in Week 11. This will work best if you come well prepared, having already familiarised yourself with at least some of the examples, and have notes on what you want to share or ask.
This is a feed-forward activity which will help you develop the skills and knowledge needed for the assignment. |
No Exam Information |
Learning Outcomes
On completion of this course, the student will be able to:
- Compare different national and international approaches that promote parent and child learning in childcare settings.
- Contribute to integrated working and interprofessional collaboration between workers, agencies, networks and organisations that support children/families.
- Critically analyse and discuss the relevance for policy and practice of a number of recent and relevant research studies on integrated working, social inclusion, collaboration and transitions.
- Compare and contrast the nature of integrated working in diverse service and family contexts e.g. approaches to disability and additional support, bilingualism, multilingual communities, visual impairment, etc.
- Critically consider how their experience of studying on the BA Childhood Practice Programme has influenced studentsż interpersonal skills and ability to work with children and promote their physical, emotional and social wellbeing in the integrated context.
Reading List
Indicative Reading:
Davis, J.M. (2011) Integrated Working in Children's Services, London: Sage
Gilligan, R. (2000) Family Support Issues and Prospects, in: Canavan, J., Dolan, P. and Pinkerton, J (eds) Family Support, Diversion from Diversity, London: Jessica Kingsley.
Levitas, R. (2005) The Inclusive Society? Social Exclusion and New Labour (2nd edition), Hampshire: PalgraveMacmillan.
Moss, P. and Petrie, P. (2002) From Children's Services to Children's Spaces, London: RoutledgeFalmer.
Pinkerton, J. (2000) Emerging Agendas For Family Support. In: J. Canavan, P. Dolan, P and J. Pinkerton (eds) Family Support Direction From Diversity, London. Jessica Kingsley
Riddell, S. and Tett, L. (2001) Education Social Justice and Interagency Working: Joined Up Or Fractured Policy? Routledge: London.
Ridge, T. (2002) Childhood, Poverty and Social Exclusion: From a Child's Perspective, Bristol: Policy Press
Webb, R. and Vulliamy, G. (2001) Rhetoric and Practice of Inter-agency Co-operation, Children and Society 15 (5). |
Additional Information
Graduate Attributes and Skills |
Research and Enquiry
- be able to identify, define and analyse problems and identify or create processes to solve them
- be able to exercise critical judgment in creating new understanding
- be ready to ask key questions and exercise rational enquiry
- be able to critically assess existing understanding and the limitations of their
own knowledge and recognise the need to regularly challenge all knowledge
- have an informed respect for the principles, methods, standards, values and
boundaries of their discipline(s) and the capacity to question these
- recognise the importance of reflecting on their learning experiences and be
aware of their own learning style
Personal and Intellectual Autonomy
- be open to new ideas, methods and ways of thinking
- be creative and imaginative thinkers
- be independent learners who take responsibility for their own learning, and
are committed to continuous reflection, self-evaluation and self-improvement
- be able to make decisions on the basis of rigorous and independent thought,
taking into account ethical and professional issues
- be able to use collaboration and debate effectively to test, modify and
strengthen their own views
- be able to respond effectively to unfamiliar problems in unfamiliar contexts
- have a personal vision and goals and be able to work towards these in a
sustainable way
- make effective use of oral, written and visual means to critique, negotiate, create and communicate understanding
- use communication as a tool for collaborating and relating to others
- seek and value open feedback to inform genuine self-awareness
- recognise the benefits of communicating with those beyond their immediate
- use effective communication to articulate their skills as identified through self-
Personal Effectiveness
- appreciate and use talents constructively
- be able to create and harness opportunities
- be able to manage risk while initiating and managing change
- be responsive to their changing surroundings, being both flexible and
- have the confidence to make decisions based on their understandings and
their personal and intellectual autonomy
- understand social, cultural, global and environmental responsibilities and
- be able to work effectively with others, capitalising on their different thinking,
experience and skills
- work with, manage, and lead others in ways that value their diversity and
equality and that encourage their contribution to the organisation and the wider community |
Additional Class Delivery Information |
Teaching will involve a combination of direct and independent learning strategies and tools, including:
- case studies
- group discussions
- group and individual presentations
- online discussions
- presentations
- mini lectures
- directed reading
- reflective activities |
Keywords | integrated working,children's services,childhood policy,child protection,social inclusion |
Course organiser | Prof John Davis
Tel: (0131 6)51 6481
Email: |
Course secretary | Ms Ann Black
Tel: (0131 6)51 6382
Email: |