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Undergraduate Course: Manufacturing Principles and Practice 1 (EDUA08081)

Course Outline
SchoolMoray House School of Education CollegeCollege of Humanities and Social Science
Credit level (Normal year taken)SCQF Level 8 (Year 1 Undergraduate) AvailabilityNot available to visiting students
SCQF Credits20 ECTS Credits10
SummaryThis half course develops and enhances the students' skills, knowledge and understanding of the issues involved with materials, manufacturing processes, compulsory health and safety legislation (BS4163 and PUWER 98) as it applies to Design and Technology Environments, and the theory and practice managing practical elements of learning and teaching in Design and Technology.

Students are expected to audit their current skill-sets and knowledge of materials origin, use, consideration of sustainability, manual and machine processes, and health and safety in a teaching environment. Individual students will arrive on course with a variety of previous experience and qualifications. Their capabilities are developed through practical, theoretical and scenario focussed activities.

Manufacturing Principles and Practice 1 course relates to other courses such as Design, Principles & Practices 2, Product Design Innovation 1 and 2 (Contexts and Final Project and Design and Technology Curriculum and Pedagogy 2.

The legislation and practice based workshops will further support Manufacturing 2 -where skills and knowledge in professional standard modelling, computer aided manufacturing and higher risk processes are developed.

Themes of Education 1 A (Lifespan, Socialisation and Learning) and Education 1B (Teaching and learning and the Social Context of Education) are developed through the examination of the role of Useful Play, Creating and Making in child development; the socialisation of young learners in high risk learning environments; teaching and learning approaches, individual needs and differentiation and the value and purposes of craft and manufacture in 21st century schooling.
Course description Not entered
Entry Requirements (not applicable to Visiting Students)
Pre-requisites Co-requisites
Prohibited Combinations Other requirements None
Additional Costs Personal protection: dust coat, eye protection, sturdy shoes, mask, ear defenders.
Course Delivery Information
Not being delivered
Learning Outcomes
By the end of the course the student will be able to:

1. Identify, select and justify appropriate materials and processes for specified applications, exploring alternatives and discussing compromises.
2. Apply critical understanding and discuss issues of commonly used materials; their properties, use, and processing the ways in which these influence decisions in design and manufacturing activities.
3. Demonstrate knowledge, application and competences required to comply with Health and Safety in a Design and Technology Environment ( BS4163 and PUWER 98 minimum)
4. Recognise and communicate the ways in which practical knowledge and skills are reflected in and contribute towards developing Technological Capability through Design and Technology Curricula.
5. Demonstrate progressive professional confidence, self-management and responsibility in managing resources, space, materials and tools in a practical environment.
Reading List
British Standards Institute (2007) B.S. 4163 Health and safety for design and technology in schools and similar establishments. Code of practice (2007)

Crump, D, (1993) The complete guide to wood finishes. London: HarperCollins

Finney, M (ed) (1997) Working with Materials Collins

Hoadley, R. B. (1980) Understanding wood : a craftsman's guide to wood technology. Newtown : Taunton

Hudson, J.( 2008) Process : 50 product designs from concept to manufacture London : Lawrence King

Jackson, A and Day, D. (2005) Collins complete woodworker's manual London: Collins

Kula, D., (2009) Materiology: the creative's guide to materials and technologies Amsterdam: Frame Publishers

Lefteri, C.(2007) Making it: manufacturing techniques for product design London: Lawrence King

Norman, E & Cubitt, M (1995) Advanced design and technology Harlow : Longman

Prange, B., and Kelly, M. (1994) Wood and technology Cambridge: Cambridge University Press

Thompson, R.,(2007) Manufacturing processes for design professionals, London: Thames & Hudson

Timings, R. L. (2008) Fabrication and welding engineering [electronic resource] / Oxford: Newnes

Wolchover, J. D. and D.N Jackson (1977) Design and technology in metal and plastics Sunbury-on-Thames: Nelson

Davis,J. (2003) Plastics in manufacturing Classroom Video DVD

Davis,J. (2002) Forming and shaping metal Classroom Video DVD
Additional Information
Graduate Attributes and Skills Not entered
KeywordsManufacture Design Technology Education
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